All Signs

Readers have asked about last week's reference to Mars on D-Day, the sixth of June. Hopefully, this will help to clarify: On June 6th, Mars leaves its extremely unusual (and very long) time of being in one sign for eight months. (That sign is Leo.) Mars usually stays in one sign for only six to seven weeks, every two years. So what's the big deal about the sixth of June? It means this "stuck record" feeling (which began in mid October) is finally over! After that, Mars resumes its usual pace. Incidentally, this long sojourn of Mars doesn't just affect Leos - it affects everyone! We're all super-focused on one area of our life - or so it seems. This focus will finally shift in early June. I think it will feel like that wonderful key change in Ravel's Bolero. (You know --the part where he takes his clothes off?)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Right now, five planets (count them!) are stirring up your subconscious state of mind. This could be helpful for those of you who are in analysis (Is this a new sofa? It feels softer this week.) In truth, you might gain new insights into self-defeating behavior patterns, or areas where you tend to second-guess yourself or doubt yourself. Quite likely, some kind of revelation, perhaps an epiphany, will take place, which will help you in the future. Perhaps the next time you start to convince yourself why you can't do something, you'll have a better understanding of why you do this. You can learn a lot about yourself in the next few weeks. Don't disregard wild, crazy thoughts. Hey, "know thyself" has been the rage for 2500 years.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

It's a popular time for you! Just accept this and make the most of it. Shower, put on your finest dazzle, get out and schmooze! You will shine in all group situations. Younger people are delighted to talk to you, as well as artistic types. However, know this: you can gain much from these social exchanges. Magically, others will benefit you. Talk to people about your future plans. Bounce your ideas off them. See what they think. Their response might surprise you, and be a great help to you by either sending you in a different direction, or helping you modify your goals, or putting you in contact with someone who could make a big difference. Get out and mingle!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

There are about half a dozen planets at the top of your chart right now. It's a virtual traffic jam! This means your life direction in general, and your career, and your reputation among your peers, are all totally up for grabs. But it's looking good! You can't have all this activity taking place so high in your chart without calling favourable attention to you. Something is going to happen to boost your good name in the next month. In particular, bosses, parents, teachers, VIPs, and even the police are going to think well of you. Make the most of this! Meanwhile, fiery Mars is still stuck in Leo, making all your communications unusually assertive, persuasive, and convincing. (I'll take two. Where do I sign?)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You want be anywhere except here. Lucky Cancers are far away on vacation, or traveling somewhere, checking this column on their smart phone or local computer. However, some of you are expanding your world by other means than travel. You might be learning something fascinating at school, or exploring new opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine, and the law. Whatever is going down -- it's thrilling! Your appreciation of beauty is heightened. You're turned on by gorgeous surroundings and stimulating philosophies. You want to discuss profound ideas with intelligent minds to stretch your experience of life. Knowledge is powah!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Each of us feels this huge hit of planets in a different area of our life right now. In addition to being revved up by Mars, (the planet that rules your muscles, your sex drive, and your competitiveness) this gaggle of planets also focuses your Leo energy on sex in a passionate way. Whoa! This is a double whammy for Leos - sexually speaking! On top of this alluring distraction, you also have to deal with the values and possessions of others. In fact, you might become quite involved with stuff that is jointly owned. But I think the main message right now for your sign is extremely sexual. Make the most of this. Life is short - and fat. Times flies when you're unconscious. (Oh yeah.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

There are five planets directly opposite your sign, and a sixth planet very close by. This is unusual! The bottom line is you have to be far more aware of partnerships and close friendships. Take nothing for granted. You're meeting new people, younger people, artistic people, and cute, little flirty people. (Actually, these flirty people don't have to be little, they could be over 6 feet.) It's a provocative scene. New relationships can definitely blossom. But that's just one aspect. You can learn a lot about yourself, especially if you're in an existing relationship. Events will force you to take stock now. If you have something solid going, don't risk it for a mere bonbon. (Fun, maybe. Smart, I doubt it.) Ya think?

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Life is an interesting mixture of hard work and play, and you're giving it everything you've got. After working hard, and busting your buns, naturally, you want to reward yourself! (This is the party animal part.) If you can juggle it all -- go for it! Just watch out for hangovers, which are the burden of proof. Younger, artistic people are delightful playmates now. A romance that is work related might begin. It's definitely a case of early Spring Fever. Group activities are active. Guard against competition with someone because this could become nasty and combative. It's important to keep your relationships mellow, for your own peace of mind.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

* Dahling, it's party city for you! (But you already feel this, and need no nudge from anyone.) New romance can blossom, and existing relationships will be resurrected with romantic gestures, words, and sweet sex. (Gifts never hurt.) You're content with life because there's no need to pretend to be what you are not. Time spent with children will be delightful. The creative arts appeal. Games, laughter, musical concerts, movies, the theatre, and sports are all sources of amusement and good times. Financial speculation can pay off. You couldn't pick a better time for a vacation. You're the big winner for the next few weeks! Enjoy!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This heavy concentration of planets in one sign turns your focus to your domestic world. Family, home, and personal events are now your top priority. Family discussions are significant. Family reunions might be taking place. Because of anticipated activity at home, many of you are redecorating or working to make your place look better. (If you put out fresh flowers, you don't have to dust.) Relations with family members, especially parents, are particularly loving. However, you'll also enjoy quiet hours by yourself at home. This same focus can benefit real estate deals for personal use or speculation. Purchases for your home or for family members will please you.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You're busy! You've got places to go, things to do, people to see. Short trips, buying and selling, wheeling and dealing, plus conversations with everyone keep you off your heels. Some are studying, reading, and writing more than usual. Because your daily schedule is packed, don't stay at home. Hustle thy buns! Conversations with relatives, especially siblings will be important. (They'll also be pleasant.) This is such a feel-good time for your sign, you are beginning to be aware of how much love there is around you. Not only that, you'll see more beauty in your daily life. "How come I never noticed this before?" Ah yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, (but never underestimate a great cut.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You're giving lots of thought to how you earn your money, and for some reason, you're definitely spending it .Ka-ching. (Some of you are borrowing as well.) Purchases of art and beautiful things for yourself and loved ones appeal to you right now. It's easy to be extravagant because beautiful clothes, jewelry, and goodies that are impossibly gorgeous are irresistible. ("Why not? I'm worth it!") And you are. Fortunately, this focus on money will also generate more earnings because of your clever, moneymaking ideas. Nevertheless, money is going out the door. Veni vidi, Visa. We came, we saw, we went shopping.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Yay! The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus are all in Pisces with your ruler Neptune close by. The Sun and all the planets (except for three) are cloistered around you! For starters, this totally draws people, opportunities, and attention to you. This magnetic quality makes you a happycondriac because you cannot help but attract positive situations to you. In fact, your luck is so good, all kinds of wonderful things will happen. Shop for wardrobe items. Enjoy good times with friends. Because pleasure ranks about work now, steal a little vacation if you can. You're articulate, diplomatic, and charismatic. Enjoy your good fortune!