All Signs

The New Moon on Saturday the 13th ushers in the Year of the Tiger, and we can prepare for this! Each month, the New Moon gives us a chance to make new resolutions. Why bother? Well, I say, grab every chance to improve your life by focusing on the very area where you can make positive changes? (Like duh?) After all, the New Moon and Full Moon are REAL. (As opposed to manmade calendars.) This New Moon is opposite fiery Mars (which is in a rare eight month journey through Leo.) People will feel the aggression of others! Woody Allen was right. "The lion and the calf shall lie down together but the calf won't get much sleep."

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is the only New Moon all year that occurs in the part of your chart that's about goal setting. How auspicious! Fortunately, you have a few days to ponder this. The New Moon occurs on Saturday the 13th. What are your dreams for the future? What do you secretly hope for, in your heart of hearts? Why not map out what your perfect world would be, then scale back from there? (This puts you in the ball park.) Make sure your goals are your goals and not your parents' goals or somebody else's. Be honest with yourself about what you really want. On Saturday, write your goals down in one sentence. One sentence! (What have you got to lose?)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The New Moon on the 13th is at high noon in your chart. You might be involved with a boss, parent or a powerful female, especially someone older, richer, or more worldly. Your private life might be suddenly public! (Could be for good reasons or not.) But the main message for you at this time, is to give serious thought to your life direction. Where are you headed? What do you want to do? What do you want to be doing five years from now? Visualize that perfect picture. Visualize your surroundings in this picture. On the 13th and 14th, write down three things you can do to start to make this visualization a reality. (Hey - what's to lose?)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You're keen to expand your world, make plans for school, take courses, or enjoy the thrill of new places and new faces via travel. Publishing, the media, medicine, the law, and higher education are the areas where you have good potential opportunities. However, this New Moon (which brings in the Year of the Tiger) demands that you ask yourself: "What can I do to make my life spectacular? What do I need to learn? Where should I travel? Will people from other cultures and different lands help me?" Write down how you can make your life more adventurous. Write it down on Feb. 13th. It's time for a change!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This New Moon highlights shared property, shared responsibilities, and ways you might be involved in the wealth of others. (Naturally, this includes mortgages, insurance matters, as well as wills, inheritances and credit card debt. It appears you have to make some important decisions. Perhaps you need to trim your sales? (I hope somebody loves that one.) Or perhaps there are just too many loose ends that need your attention? Another question concerns you: what can you do to be a better person? What will help you to evolve and grow so that you make better choices? On Feb. 13, write down two approaches to consider. (Just do it.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

It's fortunate you have this week to ponder your New Moon opportunities on the 13th/14th. This is the only New Moon opposite your sign all year. This means you have to think about how you can improve your closest friendships and partnerships. Perhaps you've been too caught up in work, job changes, residential moves, or challenges that forced you to put your relationships on a back burner? But can you really take something so precious for granted? This New Moon is a wakeup call! Pay attention to whoever is important to you in your life. Nourish this relationship. Set aside time for meaningful one-to-one exchanges. "More champagne?"

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You're busy, especially since some of you are working behind the scenes, or working on something hush-hush. This might be why you're busting your buns to get better organized. Or you might be working hard to get organized because you can't stand the disorganization! Enough awreddy! On Saturday the 13th, (and Sunday the 14th as well) write down five things you might introduce into your life (habits, events or people) that will help you to be more efficient, more productive, more effective, and also healthier. What might those five things be? Of course, you will do this - you love to make lists!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You need people around you to bounce your ideas off so you can sort out your thinking. (You think out loud.) Go ahead. Sent out invitations. Call everybody up. Have a party! It's time for love affairs, romance, sports, playful times with kids, plus ways to express your creative talents! You need all this fun stuff to feel alive! If you've been skimping on the fun and romance menu - what can you do to change things? (Hey -- kissing is lip activity without calorie content.)When did you last dance, paint, draw, sing, whistle, write for pleasure, or take a beautiful photograph? What do you do to attract pleasure? Write down two resolutions on Saturday the 13th. Just for fun.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

The New Moon on Saturday the 13th, plus three other planets urge you to focus on domestic matters, home, family, and relations with relatives (especially female relatives) -- and yes, your mother. (Call your mother.) What can you do to be happier where you live? What can you do to better enjoy relationships with female family members, and especially your mother? Don't take these relationships for granted. Savour them. This urging also applies to your relationship with members of the general public. Be specific on the weekend of Saturday the 13th. Write down three things you can do to improve your home, and your relationships with the gang. How can you show your love?

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Your schedule is jam-packed with short trips, negotiations, buying and selling, demands with siblings, errands and just running around. You have more to do than usual. You're also talking to everyone and writing and reading more. Let's face it -- you're busy! But at the bottom of all this, is your strong desire to enlighten others. There's something you want to discuss with others. This same astrological influence also highlights trade and commerce. (You might be busy here as well.) Take a moment in the next few days before the New Moon on the 13th/14th. Ask yourself how you can improve your style of communicating or writing? In fact, write down three ways.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This New Moon on the 13th/14th is about money, earnings, and your possessions - either things you already own, or things you want to buy. Therefore, for whatever reason, you're giving an inordinate amount of thought to cash flow, earnings, money coming in, money going out, what you own, and what you'd like to own. Of course, these are important because security matters to you, and obviously, money and possessions are part of why you feel secure -- or not. Why not envision how much money you want to earn next year? And visualize what you want to own? The mind is powerful! Give yourself permission to acquire what you want. Write down your ideas at the time of the New Moon. (Do it privately. Test the universe.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

It's all happening for you right now. The Sun, Mercury, Neptune, and the New Moon on Feb. 12th/13th are all in the sign of Aquarius. This means it's time for you to take stock! (But don't leave the store without paying for it.) You have the potential to boost your income in the next 18 months. Factoid. However, this particular New Moon is not really about money and earnings. It's about who you want to be as a person. How do you want your closest friends and partners to see you? How considerate, straightforward, and willing to help or respond to others are you -- in their eyes? Does your picture agree with theirs? Sometimes your genius is dealing with the world makes you overlook the person right in front of you.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

It's no surprise this New Moon urges you to focus on your inner world, your spiritual values, and your ability to put the needs and wants of others before your own. After all, you're at the beginning of one of the most powerful years you've had in over a decade! Since everyone knows that it's a universal law that what goes around comes around, how else can you expect to 'collect' this year unless you are correspondingly giving? This is the perfect time to do a virus scan on your subconscious. Where are you self-defeating? Where do you sabotage yourself? Why not isolate these pesky matters by the 13th. Name them on paper! "Greetings and death to our enemies."