All Signs

[Not all papers that carry this column print my Annual Forecasts. Therefore, here is a tiny recap of 2010 for those who didn't see them.] Some years bring bigger changes than others because the outer planets are changing signs. (The outer planets move much more slowly.) Also, sometimes several outer planets change signs in the same year. Oy! The fact is we can view change as scary, or an opportunity for something new and different. I have a note on my fridge that I wrote years ago: "Whether an object brings satisfaction or not depends upon the decision made before hand by your consciousness." It's worth wrapping your head around that one because it's so true!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Oh my! You're entering a two-year window where great change takes place. Since 1996, you reshaped your values, changed or modified where you live, and changed your job as well. You're the new you! At this point, you're going to shift to a more public focus. For the next 15 years, you'll boost your career, your public reputation, and the way others perceive you. Right now, romance, love affairs, sports, playful activities with children, and vacations are your top priority, and will continue to be so well into the summer. "Time for fun!" (You might meet a "teacher" or play this role for someone else. Either way, your capacity to learn will definitely increase.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

What a popular, enjoyable year ahead! Accept all invitations. Join classes, groups, clubs, and organizations. This is the year to schmooze! Not only will all these interactions be an enjoyable for you, but -- and do take note -- friends and acquaintances will benefit you this year. This is an excellent year to form partnerships, both intimate or professional. If you marry or hook up with someone, they will be richer, older or more established in the world. Meanwhile, clean up the mess at home! Renovations, changes, as well as domestic tension will only hold you back. More than other signs, you need order, serenity, and beauty at home! (With Persian carpets and antiques.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Finally! This is your year to "get ahead in the world." For the first time since 1998, lucky Jupiter is sailing across the top of your chart. (Jupiter represents wealth, good fortune, expansion, wisdom, and joy.) Not bad, eh? Therefore, you'll easily attract opportunities to promote your good name. Expect a promotion. Expect to change jobs. Expect to travel. Expect to meet influential people. What really kick starts this off is the fact that fiery Mars is giving all your communications some oomph! This influence lasts into the summer. You have a golden tongue! You will persuade, sell, influence, teach, market, act, and convince anyone of anything!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This is a fascinating year because your worldviews will change. You'll drop prejudices and attitudes that are no longer appropriate. Meanwhile, you're spending money, as well as working hard to earn more. Quite likely, it's because you're determined to establish a home base that you can truly rely on. If you really like where you live, then you'll do major repairs to secure it. (You want something reliable! No leaky roofs or basements!) Others will move (perhaps for a second time) to find a home that gives you a warm feeling in your tummy. Changes within your family dynamic might also take place. Keep a well-stocked fridge to deal with whatever arises.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You're energetic and fiery for the first eight months of 2010. (Perhaps too aggressive for some?) Make the most of this. You won't hesitate to fight for your rights, promote your best interests, and use this extra energy to get things done. This is a wonderful money year as well. Money, gifts, goodies, inheritances and favours will come to you from others. You're on the gravy train, babes! You will also benefit from bonuses, goodies, and good fortune through others who are willing to let you use what they own or lend you what they own. Meanwhile, job changes and residential moves are likely within the next 2-3 years. Get ready.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Something will occur to provoke self scrutiny and some serious mind searching this year. On the surface, it appears you're looking for a different job, or different work, or different sources of income. But at a subtle level, what's really taking place is you're questioning your values. You want to know what really matters? You don't want to put your money on the wrong horse. You don't want to be 85 years old looking in the mirror saying, "Kid, you blew it." The good news is partnerships are a source of joy and wealth this year. You might marry money. You might make friends with someone who is influential and worldly. All partnerships will benefit you enormously and be a source of happiness.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

In the next 18 months, you'll enter a new sandbox. For some, it will be such a change, your daily wardrobe will be different. That's because you're beginning a new 30 year cycle. In the next 7-8 years, you're going to completely reinvent yourself! By 2018, your life will be very, very different. Meanwhile, in this year you can so improve your job! You can get a better job, or better duties, or better work surroundings. Your evil boss might get fired. Or you might develop a different attitude to your job and suddenly find it rewarding and fulfilling. This is also a wonderful year for your health. (This week is a great time to entertain at home.) Enjoy!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Your ambition continues to be revved! "I'm going places!" This is a year to work hard and play hard. You'll work hard because you seem to be so ambitious right now. And perhaps because of this, you will reward yourself with a vacation -- a very special vacation! All Scorpios have a strong emphasis on love affairs, romance, pleasure, parties, and all kinds of fun stuff. Children will be a source of pride and joy. And all this fun stuff will include this great vacation! Sports are favoured as well. Meanwhile, you're going through closets, cupboards, garages, and lockers getting rid of stuff. Be gone! Time to lighten up (literally).

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This is a fortunate time because you have the energy and motivation to do what you like best -- travel, explore other cultures, see foreign countries, take classes, and enjoy learning. Lucky you! The next 18 months are a wonderful time for real estate. Do what you can to improve your home or property because it will be profitable in the long run. If you buy yourself something, you'll feel you're living well, and you'll be pleased with your digs. Not only is this a great time for real estate speculation, in the next 18 months, your family will be a source of joy. Your family might even expand through birth, marriage, or unemployed relatives on your sofa!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This is the year you've been waiting for. Actually, this is the beginning. It's a debut and a culmination at the same time. You will clearly see what is working and what is not working. The next few years will be a time of promotion, success, graduation, praise, and more money. Everything you have worked for in the last few decades have been leading up to this time in your life. Some of you will see where you have to cut away dead wood or get rid of fat. But now you know! Meanwhile, back in the bedroom - you're frisky! Capricorns are turned on this year. This sexual energy will also translate into fiercely defending what is yours. (Energy is energy is energy.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

"Oh, how the money rolls in!" In the next 18 months, you will boost your earnings. You'll certainly boost your assets. You're going to feel richer, even if you have to buy the stuff. Your cash flow will increase in both directions. (Check with the Moon Alert on my daily columns before major expenditures. You won't regret it.) At a subtle level, what's happening is you have the ability to materialize or actualize what it is you most value. Ironically, it might not even be related to money and stuff. What you might increase in your life is independence, justice, or some other valued attribute. What's happening is you're going to enrich your life this year -- and next!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Guess who is the big winner this year? You are! Goodies are coming your way! Essentially, this is a year of blessings, favours, pleasure, enjoyment, and opportunities. If you are already relatively successful, then you will become more successful. If you are just beginning something, this is your chance to open the door to your future. That's because for the first time since 1998, lucky Jupiter is in your sign. Furthermore, it's going to stay in your sign all year until January 2011. How's them apples? You've got lots to take to the bank -- it's your choice. In addition, you'll be happier, more optimistic, blessed, and excited about new things that come your way. Since you're working hard now, some of these goodies will be the direct result of your efforts.