All Signs

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Capricorn! On Friday, the 25th, Venus moves into Capricorn to join the Sun, Mercury, and Pluto making four planets in Capricorn. Naturally, this heavy emphasis in one area creates a boost of activity and interest in our charts (in different places according to each sign). Capricorns are highly aware of status and respect. (They can spot a Louis Vuitton at 10 paces.) Capricorns also have a great respect for tradition and family. (White picket fence, 2.5 kids, the whole enchilada.) That's why this is the time when everyone think of home and family. George Burns was right. "Happiness is having a large, loving, close-knit family in another city."

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is a powerful time of year because four planets (count them -- the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto) are all at high noon in your chart. For starters, this immediately calls attention to you in the eyes of others. Quite literally, you're in the spotlight! In particular, bosses, parents, teachers, and VIPs will see you in "good lighting" which makes you appear unusually competent, capable, and dare we say dazzling? (We did.) This great press lasts for about six weeks, so make the most of this. Milk it for all it's worth. Ask for whatever you want. Romance with a boss, or someone older, richer, or more worldly might begin. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. This holiday season will be unusually social, and joyful, and romantic. Yay you!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

if You are an Earth sign. Capricorn is an Earth sign. Four planets in your fellow Earth sign bodes extremely well for you. (It's like putting on clothes that fit comfortably and feel great.) The next six weeks are adventurous! You're hungry to see and experience more of life. Because of this, you'll want to travel. (Make reservations now.) You'll also want to learn more. (Sign up for a course, visit museums, libraries; learn another language.) Plus, your appreciation of beauty will be heightened, along with your interest in other cultures. Be as tourist in your own city. Explore opportunities to meet people from other backgrounds. Do something different!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This heavy duty cluster of planets makes you intense during the next six weeks -- intense about everything, but especially sex! Oh yeah. No halfway measures here. Suddenly your world is black-and-white. In addition to the fact that your levels of passion had increased intensely -- you'll also be more focused on issues about shared property, debt, taxes, insurance matters, and inheritances. This can be boring, red tape stuff, but you gotta do it. (Think how great you'll feel when it's done.) Because Mars makes you forceful in your to communications, and your passion for life is heightened -- you're going to be quite a handful! (You already are.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This gaggle of planets in Capricorn is 180° opposite your sign. These planets will dance there for the next five weeks, with the exception of Pluto, which stays until 2024. (Whaaat?) This has the effect of making you super focused on partnerships and close friendships. (Pluto, incidentally, will do more than that - Pluto will completely transform your partnerships in that window of time.) Mercury makes you chatty, and Venus paves the way with diplomacy, affection, and warm relations. The Sun not only draws your attention to others, it illuminates your relationships, and gives you a better chance to observe your style of relating. You can learn a lot in the next month! Meanwhile, retrograde Mercury attracts ex-partners. (Dress snappy.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Are we working hard or what? During the next six weeks, you're busting your buns! For starters, you want to get better organized. You want a home for everything, and everything in its place. (You need to feel on top of your scene. It's a gut level thang.) In addition, you have greater demands to be organized. You're up to your armpits in alligators because you have so much on your plate, and so many demands on your time. Finally (but this will help you) Mars continues to give you tons of energy, making you ambitious, and keen to accomplish. You're running around with an outboard motor on your ass! I think you get the picture. Work now -- but play later. (And believe me, you will play.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Lucky Virgos are in Hawaii not even reading this column unless it's coming to you online. Why? Because beginning now, and for the next six weeks, life is all about parties, romance, the theatre, musical performances, vacations, sports, and playful activities with children. You're out there flying your colours -- schmoozing and having fun! This is an extremely favourable time for you. Four planets in your fellow Earth sign totally urge you to express your creativity, be yourself, and have a good time. New romance can begin for many. Existing relationships can heat up in a sweet, affection way. Make plans to enjoy good times with lovers, friends, family, and children. It's in the stars.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You're homebound and fixated on family, your domestic scene, and where you live for the next month to six weeks. Relations with parents will be significant. Many of you are tackling repairs where you live. Family conversations are also active and involved. Fair Venus makes you want to redecorate and fix up the place. Since you are very affected by your surroundings (more than any other sign), the fact that you're doing repairs as well as redecorating will excite you. You need harmonious surroundings. Matching towels, good lighting, well-placed furnishings, and someone cooking for you in the kitchen. Naturally, you'll set the table, with elegance. (You like stemware and linens.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You're going to be so busy in the next six weeks, you'll be as confused as a termite in a yoyo. Short trips and traveling are part of why you have such a busy agenda. Many of you are spending extra time with siblings, neighbours, and daily contacts. You're shopping more than usual as well. Plus, for some reason, you are reading, writing, and studying a lot. In large measure, all this activity is spurred on by your intense ambition to achieve something now. You're keen to prove yourself. And you're right. Strike while the iron is hot! Get as much done as possible. (Just remember: you're as young as your jeans.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Now your attention turns to money! (Money is so handy when you want to buy things.) This gathering of planets in Capricorn is hitting your Money House. For the next six weeks, it will spur you on with ideas about how to boost your income or get a job. It will also motivate you to work hard to earn money, as well as spend money on beautiful things for yourself and loved ones. (You'll identify with what you own more than usual.) Meanwhile, back at the airport, you're hot to trot! You want to travel and explore the world. Many of you are also exploring educational opportunities. One can see why the cash is flowing! Ka-ching!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Oh my! It's all about you, dear Capricorn. Opportunities and important people are attracted to you now -- no question. This buzz will continue for about six weeks. With Mercury in your sign, you're out there talking to everyone. You want to enlighten others. And because fair Venus softens your words with whipped cream and honey, evyone wants to talk to you. This is also a great time to shop for wardrobe items because you like what you see in the mirror. If you have to engage in disputes about inheritances, shared property, and insurance matters -- who can resist you? Meanwhile, opportunities to boost your income this year just keep growing. How sweet it is!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

For many reasons, you will work behind the scenes or keep a low profile in the month ahead. You might be doing research, or choosing to work alone. Or you might be hiding from a partner or close friend because things have been pretty testy lately! This is because fiery Mars is directly opposite your sign, and this makes you easily annoyed with others. It won't appear that way to you. From your point of view, others are easily annoying! Either way, you feel it. Use this time to finish important projects and do research because you can make great strides here. In the month ahead, you can finish a lot of old business - quietly.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You're so popular! This gaggle of Capricorn planets is hyping your social exchanges with others, especially in group situations. Many of you are involved in committees, clubs, organizations, and just schmoozing with friends. It's a great time to socialize. It's also a good time to form working units because you can get the most done through group efforts at this time. (In other words, this is not a time to go it alone.) Give some thought to your dreams and hopes for the future. This is the best time all year to think about what you hope to achieve. Be bold! Imagine a perfect world and scale back from there. Bounce your ideas off others to get their feedback. They might have 20/20 vision about your future.