As we grow and change through the years, our charts reflect this. Of course, we have a birth chart that holds true for our lifetime; however, we also have a progressed chart, which shows how we're changing. Personally, I noticed an increased interest in jewelry. And sure enough, I am now a progressed Scorpio with Scorpio Rising (a double Scorpio!) and the sign of Scorpio rules jewelry. Our progressed chart is sort of a colour gel over a photograph, like Andy Warhol's photographs of Marilyn Monroe. Each photograph is Marilyn Monroe, but each one is a different colour. This explains why some people mellow as they age, or in my case, why they start filing their talons every morning after they shower. Aarrgh!
This is a pleasant and exciting week. Travel plans are tempting. Because you feel adventurous and curious to learn more, many of you will take a course or go back to school. Others will explore opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine, and the law. Meanwhile. a prized gift or goodie might suddenly land in your lap. "For moi?" The main thing to remember is this is a wonderful time to learn something new. Different religions, philosophies, and the customs and cultures of other places will intrigue you! Do whatever you can to expand your world. Push yourself beyond your daily routine. Do something different! (Difficulties with partnerships around 2001 might now be on your mind.)
You continue to face having to deal with other people's values, as well as dealing with shared property, and anything that's jointly owned. It's such a muddle! Pleasant, surprising news regarding partners and close friends is likely. That's always a perk. You might also deal with some health ramifications that began about eight years ago. Now you have to do something! Fortunately, you have the energy to roll up your sleeves and make some plans about changes on the home front. This could be a residential move or just renovations. Naturally, this increased activity and energy at home can be wearing on family relationships. (Send out for dark chocolate.)
There's a heavy focus on partnerships and close friends right now. This might or might not be related to children or some event that took place around 2001. Perhaps the aftermath of a decision that occurred then is really hitting you now? This could also involve fiscal responsibilities to children or something to do with inheritances, or debt. Or disputes about vacations. Fortunately, a nice contrast will be a pleasant surprise that will occur at work this week. A coworker might be helpful, or someone might give you a gift, or better yet -- a new romance might spring up! Whatever happens is unexpected and right out of the blue. But you'll like it.
Work, work, work. You're determined to get better organized. Part of your effort to get organized at work and at home involve financial planning, and perhaps even some major expenditures. "You've got to spend money to make money" might be on your mind. Major decisions that you made around 2001 probably need some rethinking. You're questioning what you did back then. Perhaps something recently has occurred to make you scrutinize your previous stance, and encourage you to take a new point of view of things? ew romance, fun flirtations, surprise vacations and getaways, plus sporting events are all little perks that might occur this week. Go team go!
It's increasingly difficult to work because you'd rather play! Romance, love affairs, vacations, social invitations, parties, playful times with children, and a chance to explore artistic, creative opportunities combine to keep you from heading off to the salt mines. But hey -- you have to put food on the table, along with a decent wine. Therefore, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to discover a good balance between work and play (not always easy). Unexpected opportunities to entertain at home will please you. Spontaneous get-togethers are always fun. You might also buy something modern or high-tech for where you live. "Whaaat? This light bulb costs $350?"
Without question, your focus is strong on home, family, and domestic issues. You might be making repairs at home. (You probably are.) Lots of family discussions are going on. Exchanges with a parent could be significant. Certain events that affected your cash flow or your earnings about 7-8 years ago might now be back on the table. You might be questioning a decision you made then. "Did I do the right thing?" Secret activities, especially secret love affairs are part of the picture right now. However, on the surface, everything is upbeat, bright and sunny. Conversations with siblings and relatives are positive. You're playing your cards very close to your heaving bosom.
You're busy. (And you're going to stay busy for the next several weeks.) Discussions with groups, and information about partnerships and working units are part of what keeps you hopping right now. Some of you are also facing issues similar to what you dealt with back in the early 80s. And some are reassessing some choices you made around 2001. The benefits of hindsight can make you question things, but how could you possibly know this at that time? One lovely benefit that will occur this week relates to money or possessions. You might suddenly earn more money or buy yourself something that is special. Something definitely pleases you, and it will come along in the blink of an eye. Whee!
Cash flow, financial transactions, earnings, and anything to do with money continue to be a primary concern for you. Naturally, you're dealing with the old - "why is there always so much month left at the end of the money?" scenario. (Join the club, we number millions.) You've got big plans now because your ambition is aroused. You're dreaming up new moneymaking ideas, and you feel increasingly confident about them. Privately, you might be questioning some kind of decision or something or someone you left behind about seven years ago. This could take some soul-searching. In the meantime, flirtations, new wardrobe items, and unexpected invitations will make this week special.
People and opportunities are attracted to you now, so make the most of this! It's quite literally your time in the Sun, which always gives you a positive boost. This is a good week to make travel plans, or plans to go back to school, or to take a course. Similarly, don't be afraid to act on your ideas related to publishing, the media, medicine, and the law. About seven years ago, you might have broken with a group, or a friend, or radically changed your pursuit of a particular goal. Whatever it was might be back to haunt you again. Did I do the right thing? Am I on the right path now? It's totally appropriate to think about these things. Just remember the purpose of life is to be happy.
This is an eventful time for you because Pluto in your sign for the first time in your life; furthermore, it's making a square to your ruler Saturn. Holy matzoh balls! This is big stuff. In part, this could relate to a major split you underwent about seven years ago. You are probably rethinking that decision. You might see you acted hastily; or you might wish you had done it differently. Relations with friends and groups are very supportive now. In fact, you might make a new friend this week, someone who is different or unusual in some way. You feel positive about plans to deal with inheritances, shared property, taxes, and debt. Your money scene is looking up!
Enjoy this popular time! Friendship matters a lot to you, so when others are happy to see you, and you have a chance to network with style -- lap it up! Around 2001, you might have made a big decision regarding religion, politics, higher education, publishing or even travel. For some reason, some aspects of that decision or event seem to be back on your plate again. It's not that you're second-guessing things. It's more like seeing it all in a new light because of new events or recent changes. Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, romance with a boss, or someone older or richer might spring up this week. (This could be fun.) Continue to be patient with partners while Mars is opposite your sign. ("I promise to be nice.")
Because others (especially bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs) notice you more than usual -- you should really make the most of this. I'm talking about a spotlight effect that's happening for the next few weeks. In the eyes of others -- you shine! This could be why an unexpected invitation to travel somewhere, or to explore further training or education will suddenly drop in your lap. Plop! Romance with someone from another culture or a different background is also likely. Meanwhile, your efforts at work really impress bosses and authority figures. In particular, they like what you have to say. (You're so charming because you're the most poetic sign in the zodiac.)