Einstein said our imagination was a sneak preview of life's coming attractions. Behold! Saturn has entered Libra for the first time in 27 years. It stays until April, when it slips back into Virgo for three months before returning in July to remain in Libra for several years. This shift is similar to whatever happened around 1980-83. (It's not the same because other planets are now in different signs.) This little preview in the next few months is an indication of what's to come! Astrological cycles are like going "back into the future". Einstein also had a sign hanging in his office that said, "Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts."
In the next few years, Saturn will oppose your sign. This is good news and bad news. The bad news is you feel physically tired, discouraged and world-weary. Shee! Relationships that are more trouble than they're worth, will end. Shee again! However, the good news is that for the first time since the mid-90s, you're back in the game of life as a serious contender. Yeehaw! You're taking your powah! After busting your buns for last few years to prove what you could do, now you're serious about getting your show on the road. You're entering a time of endings which will be followed by a time of new beginnings. (You love a fresh start.)
For some time now, you've been wondering what you really want be when you grow up. Plus you've had increased responsibilities with children. Starting now, you're going to move beyond all this. You're entering a window of two to three years, where you're ready to work hard to build or construct something that will later bear fruit. You're going to get your life in order! You could say that your effectiveness as a human being is being tested. ("Sit up! Be a person.") Focus on your health. Since you want to pull your act together, you're going to need to use every bit of your energy for your own benefit.
The shift over the next several years hearkens back to a time around 1980-83. Whereas in the past few years, life was all about banging your head against the wall, now you're entering a time where your life will run much more smoothly! And this will happen without any special extra effort. You'll make progress at whatever you're doing. You'll function with more efficiency. You'll accomplish more, and employers will be impressed with your diligence and your efforts. You're entering a lovely window of achievement! On a personal note, children could become an increased responsibility. Just remember: children have more need of models than of critics.
You're a feeler; and you can feel the direction your life is flowing. Now more than ever, you want to establish a firm base for yourself in the world. You need a solid home foundation. Many of you have made a move recently. Now you have to ask yourself is this move the right move? Or do you need to move again? Or perhaps you simply need to renovate or fix up or repair where you are? Just as you are trying to establish a strong home base, in a similar way, you might make major changes within your family dynamic. You want to work to build a stronger domestic touchstone for years to come. "Honk if you love peace and quiet."
Although you continue to focus on how you earn your money, and if you're in the right job -- you'll soon move in a new direction. Essentially, this new direction involves change. In the next few years, many of you will change your job, or your residence, or both. The flavour of your daily surroundings will change because ever since 2005, you've been reinventing yourself. The final touches of this process will involve honing and refining your style of communicating with your world. This includes how you think, perceive, talk, and listen. Nothing more quickly does this job than a change in your daily environment! "Look! A bright shiny object! Is that my reflection?"
You entered a new world around 2007. You might've been stunned, but now your reality is sinking in. That's why it's time to get practical. By practical, we're talking money. In the next few years, you're going to be thinking about how you want to earn your money. What kind of job do you want? How much money do you really need? What is your relationship to money, and the things you own? Until you know what your values are, you won't be truly motivated to move forward in going after what you want. Some people don't work for money. Some people work exclusively for money. Your material possessions reflect your inner values. A lot of people don't even know what they really want. Do you?
You're entering an eventful time in your life because for the first time in 28 years Saturn is returning to your sign.("Hey -- how's it going? I love what you did with the place.") Recently, it's been a time of letting go, and saying goodbye. ("Write if you get work.") Because the ending of something is always the beginning of something new, you're entering a new sandbox in the next year. A whole new world! In fact, this change could be so major, your daily wardrobe will be different, perhaps due to a different climate, or your job scene. You'll also start observing yourself more than usual because you want to acquire a deeper understanding of who you are.
In the next few years, you're going to get rid of a lot! You'll dismantle much of what you created since 1999. You'll turf what is no longer relevant in terms of possessions, values, prejudices, things, places, and even people and relationships. Heavy stuff! Whereas a sign like Cancer or Libra hates to let go of people and things -- you don't have much trouble doing this. Once you determine that something is longer necessary in your life -- you literally purge it from your world. Be gone! (This is why Scorpio rules garbage, as well as old garbage like anthropology and archaeology.) In the next two years, you're going to love the process of lightening up. "I feel free!"
This is a time of harvest in your life where you easily see what is working, and what is not. Where you planted well, you will enjoy your rewards. Where you planted poorly or not at all - you'll see a need for change. This means you're in a position of power right now. You're driving the bus! In the next few years, your success will continue; however, your challenge will be to learn how to work with others -- especially groups -- and at the same time, maintain your independence and your own personal integrity. You don't want to sell out or become lost in your success. You still want to be driving the bus!
You have a sense of destiny. You intend to be somebody or become something. Since 1996, and then again in 2003, you made some pivotal changes that brought you to where you are today. In the next two years, it's finally your turn up to bat. Get ready to see the ripening of the fruits of your labour! It's a time of harvest which means some of you are graduating, some are getting promotions, and some are finally achieving something that was very dear to your heart (perhaps a marriage or a new child). Yes you have many responsibilities, but you can handle these. This can be one of the most rewarding time in your life. Enjoy it.
Some of you still feel the loss of the support of partners or other sources. However, in the next few years, this disadvantage will fade. In some cases, your partners will be employed again, giving you further support. In other cases, whatever ended is no longer a problem. Essentially, you are moving forward into a time of serious preparation. Do whatever you can to get further schooling, training, or education in the next two years. Perhaps travel will be the source of your new knowledge? You're getting ready to be at the top of your game in about three years. Therefore, do whatever you can to give yourself the best advantage. You need to be performance ready!
For some time now, relationships have been difficult. Some have ended; others have required major readjustments. Now you want to deal with shared possessions, jointly held property, debt, inheritances, and insurance matters. In fact, at a subtle level, you're going to have to come to terms with other people's values. You will see how their values conflict with your values. What are you going to do about this? You'll find yourself reviewing the changes you made since 2006-07, and whether they were worth it. The next few years are a time of self scrutiny. They are also a time where partners may quit jobs or become self-employed, which increases your responsibility to fill the fridge.