Every two years, fiery Mars is in Leo for six weeks; however, we have begun a stretch where it will be in Leo for eight months! (In 1994-95, Mars was in Leo for six months; but the last time it was in Leo this long was 1962-63. Do these dates ring a bell, Pavlov?) This week, the Sun and Mercury are in Scorpio, shortly followed by Venus. This is like a reunion of the Hatfields and the McCoys. Not good! The energy of Leo and Scorpio is like mustard and ice cream. In the month ahead, we will be tested! We can be snarky and impatient, or we can flash a Scorpio Julia Roberts' smile or the pearly whites of Leo George Hamilton. (Their teeth must have put their dentists' kids through university.)
Your ruler is Mars, and you're a Fire Sign. Leo is a Fire Sign. Therefore, while Mars is in Leo for the next 8 months, you'll be magnificently energized! This will also heighten romance, love affairs, vacations, sports, children, and anything to do with the arts. Mars will move forward and backward during this time, which means the energy will change in its style. Nevertheless, it will continue to stir the pot in those areas of your life. But lo! What fist in yonder window shakes? Expect disputes with others about shared property, insurance matters, and inheritances during the next month, while three planets hover in Scorpio. Oh well.
All this action in Scorpio, which is directly opposite your sign, focuses you on close friendships and partners. The Sun allows you to learn more about how you relate to these people. Mercury encourages communication with them; and Venus softens your attitude and warms your heart so that you really enjoy their company. However, while all this good stuff is going on, Mars is stirring things up at home with residential moves, renovations, redecorating, and tension in the family. If your partner or close friend lives at home, you can see where this gets tricky. Consider it an opportunity to demonstrate grace under pressure.
During this eight-month sojourn of Mars in Leo, you'll be more assertive, aggressive, and even argumentative because you so strongly identify with your ideas. If others disagree with you, you'll take it personally. The upside is it makes your speech vigorous and convincing. (You'll be irresistible if you're in sales.) It's great news for actors, teachers, writers, salespeople, and even those who drive for a living. You're PowerPoint on steroids! Nevertheless, in the next month, while all this action is going on in Scorpio, expect dissension and disputes in your job, and with lovers, sports activities, and children. You have to pull in your reins a bit. Gently, gently. (At least, for the next month.)
With Mars in Leo for the next eight months, your finances are super hyped. You'll work harder than usual to earn money. "Money!" (Riff of Vincent Price laughing here.) Similarly, because of this flurry of activity with money, you'll spend more as well. But here's the catch. In the next month, with the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Scorpio (which is great for you) you'll to have to be patient and tolerant with children, lovers, and social events to keep everyone happy. They might resent how you spend your money; or how you earn it. Instead of ignoring them, perhaps it might be wise to include them in your decision making process? (Or at least pretend to?)
Think back to around 1994-95; and if you're old enough, to 1962-63. Mars in your sign back then might have given birth to something -- a child, a business, or a creative project. It's likely that something "got off the ground" with your ambitious energy. Well, you can prime this same pump again! The next eight months are extremely promising. However, during the next four weeks, you have to be patient at home, with family, and with your domestic world. You might feel you have no time for others. But they will resent you if you snub them. Put your ambitions on hold. Embrace your family. (Yeah, yeah, every family tree produces nuts.)
All this Scorpio energy is here for about a month; and while it's here, it accelerates the pace of your daily activities. You'll be out there flying your colours! The Sun gives you the energy to run errands, take short trips, and in general, be very busy and active. Mercury will urge you to talk to everyone, especially siblings and relatives. And Venus will pave the way for you to schmooze with diplomacy and charm in all your relations with everyone. Venus can also promote your ability to write, edit, and communicate professionally. In fact, Venus can boost your ability to earn money through your communications. Ka-ching! The next month is not the time to stay at home or be laid back -- it's time to hustle thy buns!
Whether you seek this out or not, you'll be immensely popular in the next eight months because you'll be active with groups, friends, clubs and organizations. It's go, go, go as you schmooze your way with friends and acquaintances. However, it's also a marvelous time to get specific about objectives. Define your goals. Get real about pursuing them. This is a wonderful window of opportunity to make those fuzzy wishes and dreams a tangible reality. Your challenge might be money. These goals could be at odds with your current job or your cash flow. Start with the immediate. Churchill said, "It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link in the chain of destiny can be handled at a time."
So much energy is swirling around you! The Sun is in your sign. Very soon, Mercury enters your sign, then Venus. A Scorpio convention! Small wonder we're approaching Halloween! (The most Scorpio event of the year.) The Sun will give you energy and attract opportunities and people to you. Mercury makes you want to talk to everyone; and Venus makes you very attractive in the eyes of others -- and even your own eyes. (Great time to shop for wardrobe items because you like what you see in the mirror.) However, all this lovely energy is challenged by Mars high in your chart, arousing your ambition. You want to schmooze and play with friends, but Mars says "Work till midnight!" Really, Mars can be soooooo bossy.
The next few weeks are the perfect time to plan what you want your new year to be all about. (Your new year is from birthday to birthday.) That's why this is good time to lie in the weeds, stay in the background, work alone, and do lots of thinking. Of course, with fiery Mars revving up your desire to travel, seek adventure, and explore new educational and learning possibilities, you're not going to sit at home getting dusty. But do take time to plan your next year ahead. How do you want it to be different from last year? What would you like to accomplish that is new and exciting?
You are aroused! It will be thrilling to be so passionate during the next eight months. However, not only will your sexual desires be turned on, you'll be more passionate to everything in life. Hmmm. This might lead to conflicts about inheritances, shared property, insurance matters, and anything that is jointly owned. You might also dispute the values of others if they disagree with yours. In the next month, these issues could be the source of a clash with a particular group or a friend. Nevertheless, Venus will encourage a friendly, peaceful solution. (Have you noticed how annoying it is arguing with people who know what they're talking about?)
The next few weeks are tricky. A cluster of planets in Scorpio is at high noon in your chart throwing you in the limelight. Others notice you, especially bosses, parents and VIPs. However, Mars directly opposite your sign, might stir up trouble with partners as well as these authority types! (You need this like a fish needs a bicycle.) Fortunately, fair Venus at the top of your chart, will smooth over differences with everyone. (In fact, you might attract romance with a boss or someone older or richer.) Do not be inflexible. Stay in touch with your soft, gentle side. (if you win all your arguments, you'll end up with no friends.)
You'll be enormously industrious during the next eight months. Not only will you be working hard, you'll accomplish a great deal as well. This week (and in the next month) your thoughts are floating afar. Travel, dealings with foreign countries, and the thoughts of different, exotic places appeal to you. You want a change of scenery; you want adventure; you want fresh stimulating experiences! The next six weeks are marvelous for universities, colleges and secondary training, as well as publishing and the media. It will be easy to study because your desire to learn is strong. In fact, romance with someone from another background or different culture is likely! (Now there's a fun way to get stimulated.)