All Signs

This week the Sun moves into Scorpio urging all of us to view our lives with more scrutiny. Scorpio invites investigation, introspection, and analysis. In the month ahead, we will come to the realization that we're better at what we do than we think we are! Serious self-evaluation will reveal this secret. We don't need to discover how we procrastinate or goof up. We know! We're well aware of our shortcomings because of that inner voice -- our constant critic. Seldom do we own our talent, and claim our greatness. However, honest self-examination will reveal what is good, as well as what is pathetic. (Aggggh!) Appreciation of who we are, and what we have is inevitable. Edmund Hillary said, "It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves." (And he didn't have to do it in 4" heels!)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

For the next six weeks, you're unusually passionate! When this occurs in the bedroom, grrreat! Amorous delights at your fingertips. However, if you're annoyed with someone, you're equally as emotional! Therefore, strive for moderation in all things (well, not all things). Both Mercury and Venus will improve your relationships with others. Your schmooze factor is positive and strong. You're having lots of inner thoughts about how to be a better person. Good. First comes the thought, then the word, then the deed, and soon, the deed becomes habit, which eventually hardens into character. Which is why after forty, you're responsible for your own face.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This is the only time all year when the Sun is sitting directly opposite your sign. Because of this, it causes you to focus on partnerships and close friendships more than usual. You'll be more anxious to keep things cozy with others. You might be very keen to share ideas, and feel a greater closeness with someone. Because this is a particularly introspective placement of the Sun, you'll have a chance to learn much more about your style of relating to others, especially partners, and those who are very close to you. Be observant of the way you communicate, and the way you respond to others. You can learn a lot about yourself. And why wouldn't you want to do this?

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You're gung ho to get organized! You want a home for everything, and everything in its place. Because you're so motivated, give yourself every advantage so that you can do a fabulous job. Buy shelving, file folders, closet organizers, paint, cleaning equipment, or whatever you need. But you're not working all the time. Oh no. Mercury and Venus urge you to party, flirt, enjoy sports, the arts, movies, the theatre, music, and playful activities with children. You're working hard, and playing hard! Many of you have ideas about how to improve your health and your well-being. You can figure out how to live to be 150 years old -- wrinkle free!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Yahoo! It's party city for your sign. When the Sun is in Scorpio, your energy is revved, and you want to have fun! This is the one time of year when it's important to give yourself permission to do your own thing, express your desires, and just be who you are -- without hesitation or apology. ("Is that Lorna, dancing on the table?") Romance and love affairs can blossom. You're energized for sports. All the arts and playful activities with children have a special place in your heart now. Family discussions are significant this week. Entertain at home if you can. Redecorating projects will please you. ("I'm hanging the chairs from the ceiling like Emily Carr did.")

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Even though you're keen to schmooze with siblings and relatives, and busy with short trips and errands -- in truth, you want to hunker down at home. Family, loved ones, and your domestic world are your priority. You'll love time alone; and you'll welcome cozy family gatherings. Mucho conversations plus increased reading and writing will be par for the course. Mars is entering your sign this week where it will stay for eight months. (Yikes!) This hasn't happened in over 10 years. At times, it will be retrograde, but while it's in your sign, it's going to stir the pot! Start to think about what you want for the next year. You're driving the bus!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

The next six weeks are busy. Your dance card is full. Short trips will be interesting but time-consuming. You're also more involved with communications -- reading, writing, studying, and talking to people. You're poised for flight, constantly ready to take off. Naturally, this is exciting, but it's a tad overwhelming! Just accept it. You can't hide at home. Sit up and be a person. Fortunately, you're full of moneymaking ideas, and at the same time, you're shopping for goodies for yourself and loved ones. Actually, you're cooking on six burners! All this activity promotes opportunities with your job, and inexplicably, it can improve your health as well. (Go figure.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You're increasingly absorbed with money, cash flow, and what you've doing with your money, and what you want to do with your money, and since we're speaking about it -- where is the money? Likewise, you're thinking about how to earn money, or how to change methods of earning money, or get new methods and sources. But this is not stressful. Fair Venus and chatty Mercury are both in your sign. You're talkative, social, and curious, as well as charming and diplomatic. You wanted more? You're going to be more active with groups, even physically active in the month ahead. Caution: friction with one individual is possible. (Oops.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This week the Sun enters your sign -- glory hallelujah! When this happens (and it will stay there for four weeks) you become energized, and more enthused about life. ("I was a cheerleader!") In fact, this is your opportunity to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. Not only that, when the Sun is in your sign, it magically magnetizes people (especially influential people) and opportunities to you. Therefore, make hay while the Sun shines! The timing of this is most auspicious because other events have galvanized your ambition. You have big hopes for the future. You intend to achieve a lot in the next eight months. Think: name up in lights. ("Can you use larger letters?")

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Because your birthday is a month away, the Sun is hiding in the wings, getting ready to make its entrance. Since it's in the shadows, this is your time to meditate, cogitate, ruminate, and ponder what you want your new year (birthday to birthday) to be all about. While you're doing your imitation of Rodin's "The Thinker", it doesn't mean life is going to be dull. Au contraire! Both Mercury and Venus are in the best place in your chart to promote friendship and group activities. You want to have a good time! Romance is warm and easy-going as well. It's a great time to think about your goals. Discuss these ideas with others. Get some feedback.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Your popularity is increasing! No doubt about it. This could be because you're hanging out with pals more than usual, or getting lots of invitations. More likely, it's because you're involved in groups and organizations, or doing committee work and volunteering. There's a strong element of schmoozing with groups at play. Relations with authority figures -- bosses, parents, teachers, and VIPs are also excellent. In fact, they're so good, some of you are striking up a romance with someone older, richer, or in power. Oh well. Someone has to pick up the tab. And gifts are such a sweet way of showing affection, aren't they?

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This is the only time all year when the Sun is at high noon in your chart. It stays there for roughly six weeks, acting like a spotlight on you. This is why people notice you more than usual, and also why you might be in the public eye. And people are impressed with you! (Especially authority types and people in power.) Meanwhile, back in the library, Mercury and Venus ignite your thirst for travel and knowledge. You want to explore new ideas, and discover the big answers to the big questions. Like -- can you really bring yourself to embrace instant coffee? This is no small thing. It's a daily challenge, and so early in the morning when you're defenses are down? No fair!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Once a year, you secretly want to run away and join the circus. Well, that time has arrived. You're restless because you want more out of life. Sure, you want adventure, fun, and stimulation; but in a deeper way, you want your life to have more meaning. You have this sense that you're getting ready for something. You even know you're entering a phase of your life where you're going to be working very hard. That's okay. You have to decide how you want to flash your dazzle. Some advice from Judy Garland is worth considering: "always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." In your heart, you know this is true. But hey -- it takes guts.