Every month, when the New Moon occurs, we have an opportunity to make resolutions or set new intentions. (Sometimes, I don't do this. I get lazy.) Nevertheless, it never hurts (and it certainly can help) to make resolutions with the hopes of improving your life so you'll be happier. (That's a no-brainer.) Whereas January 1, is an arbitrary "man-made" date; by contrast, the New Moon is an actual phenomena in our universe. It's not just a time that was arrived at by a committee. It's the real deal! Each month, the New Moon occurs in a different sign, which means it hits a different part of your chart. In turn this means each month, you have a different chance to focus on how to become rich, enlightened, famous, and sexually satisfied in 30 days or your money back.
This week, the New Moon occurs on the weekend of Oct. 17-18, and it is taking place 180° opposite your sign. Sheesh! This opposition will naturally focus your attention on partnerships and close friendships -- the significant "others" in your life at the moment. It appears the question you have to address is: how can I improve my closest relationships? What can I do to be a better partner for my partner, or a better friend for my friend? Note the focus has to be more on what you can do, and not how to change somebody else! You can only make resolutions about your own life, or whatever is within your own power of action and choice. Perhaps you can resolve not to lose your temper so easily? (It never really serves any purpose anyhow, does it?)
The New Moon this weekend (Oct. 17-18) is your chance to think about how you can improve your job, or your approach to the work you're doing, and, incidentally, also how you can improve your health. It's interesting that in astrology, work and health are connected. If your work creates a lot of stress in your life, obviously, your health will suffer. Maybe that's what you have to take a look at? How happy are you in your work? Life is short. Time flies when you're unconscious. What a waste to spend most of your time in a job that makes you unhappy! You can either change your job, or improve the way you do your job, or change your attitude to your job. Basically, you want fulfillment and joy, acknowledgment and recognition, and enough money so you feel that what you do is worthwhile! Right?
The New Moon that occurs this weekend (Oct. 17-18) is the only New Moon this year that focuses on romance and love affairs. It's all about the fun, pleasure stuff! We're talking vacations, the arts, social occasions, and parties. Do you reward yourself with enough fun outings? Do you go to movies, see plays, watch sports, dance, or musical performances? Do you laugh it up with others? And what about the role of children in your life? This New Moon is a your opportunity to make resolutions about improving your relationship with children, especially your own kids. And obviously, this includes the child in you as well. Are you having enough fun?
This is an interesting New Moon (Oct. 17-18) because it's the best chance all year for you to make a resolution about how to improve your relationships with family members, and also how to improve your home environment. These things matter to you! You are the supreme nester of the zodiac -- the nurturer -- the big tit. You won't be happy if your family relationships are strained, or you don't like where you're living. Think what you can do to improve everything in your domestic and private world. You can't make it all perfect. But you can certainly make something better. Perhaps it time to hum a few bars from "Ohm on the Range".
This is a busy time! Short trips, increased conversations with others, especially relatives and siblings, plus an increased focus on reading, writing, and studying all combine to make you busier than usual. It's a very mental busyness as well. You're doing lots of thinking and talking! Yada yada yada. Very soon, fiery Mars will enter your sign giving you a vitamin B12 shot for eight months! The New Moon on Oct. 17-18 urges you to observe your style of communication. When you talk to others, you might not be aware that you're blowing them over. However, even if you are aware of this -- you will still act this way because you can't resist dancing with your newfound enthusiasm and energy. It just emanates!
A gaggle of planets (including the New Moon on Oct. 17-18 focuses your attention on your cash flow scene. Money, money, money. Naturally, if the money is flowing -- you're thinking about money and major expenditures. And if the money isn't flowing -- in fact, barely dripping -- you're thinking about money and major expenditures. (Why you can't afford them or why you can't pay for them.) So the issue is not whether or not you have money. You're just thinking about it! In the spirit of the New Moon this weekend, ask yourself if you're using the money you have in the wisest way? By extension, what about your possessions and the things you own? Are you taking care of them? Oy vey.
All this talk about the New Moon certainly applies to you because this weekend (Oct. 17-18) the only New Moon in your sign all year is taking place! "Jump in! The water's fine!" Since this New Moon is so close to you, take a realistic look in the mirror, and think about how you can improve your appearance. After all, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Plus, your appearance matters to you! Libra rules high fashion; and Librans are always colour-coordinated. (Even if you run from a burning building snatching clothes as you go, you look pulled together!) While you're at it, you can also think about how to improve your closest relationships. This is an auspicious time for you.
The New Moon on Oct. 17-18 is taking place in a hidden part of your chart, which is just fine with you because you love secrets! Other planets are also "pinging" this same area, which, incidentally, is not only about secrets, it is also about your inner world, and your spirituality. Hmmm, this might mean you have private info you're guarding right now, along with a feeling that your quest for life needs to be deeper, broader or more fulfilling. This New Moon is your best chance all year to make wishes about your inner world. Do you think your thoughts and wishes have any power? Do you take them seriously? Do you believe they can come true, or do you think they're the stuff of folly? (If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride.)
Lucky you! For each sign, I have highlighted the area where the New Moon this weekend (Oct. 17-18) offers the best opportunities this year to make resolutions. For Sagittarius, it's all about goal setting! This means you have to make resolutions about making resolutions -- sort of. It's perfect! More than any other sign, you are future oriented. You need goals. You need to believe something better is around the next corner. So what about it? What are your future goals? This New Moon also questions your relationship with groups and friends. Do you hang out with quality people? After all, your friends hugely influence you, your goals, and your future. Think about it.
You've got a little convention going on at the top of your chart! Five planets! This means you're giving a lot of thought to your public image, your reputation, your career success, and whether or not you should pay extra to get your teeth whitened. Because this New Moon is part of this little gathering, this weekend (Oct. 17-18) is the perfect time for you to think about how you deal with authority figures -- bosses, parents, teachers, and VIPs. In fact, how can you improve your relationship with the authority figures in your life? Aye, there's the rub. Let's look at the big picture: Where do you want to be five years from now? What do you have to do now to start to go in that direction?
You're very keen for adventure and excitement right now. You want to avoid routine. You want to run away and join the circus. The New Moon that occurs this weekend (Oct. 17-18) is a wonderful chance for you to give serious thought to what courses, training, or further education would improve your job or career, or your enjoyment of life in general? You're never too old to learn something new. If you stop learning, you're youthless! This weekend is the perfect time to set some intentions about future travel, or educational possibilities that can expand your horizons, or enriching new experiences. Have you tried some Icelandic food?
A heavy concentration of planets (including the New Moon on the Oct. 17-18) is forcing you to come to terms with the values of others. No question. You can no longer say, "It's my way or the highway!" Life is not a game of solitaire. It's a merry-go-round -- going up and down with people getting on and off all the time. You have to learn how to work with the values of others even if they aren't your values. You also have to learn how to share things with others, and how to divide jointly held possessions, and responsibilities. On top of this, there's a lot of sexual vibes in the air. Its time to acknowledge what you owe others, and what they owe you. (You can run but you can't hide.)