Mars Attacks! Fiery Mars stays in each sign for about seven weeks; however, sometimes it goes retrograde and stays a bit longer. Occasionally, Mars will stay in a sign for months! Mars is an energy planet, and is associated with our ego. The energy of Mars maintains our will to live, and our drive to attain what we want. It's associated with ambition, sexuality, and aggression. (Traditionally, of course, Mars is the ruler of war.) In a about a week, Mars is going to enter Leo where it will stay until June of next year. (Whaaat?) This is most unusual! The last time Mars had a lengthy stay in Leo was 15 years ago in 1994-95. This is definitely going to hype different areas of our lives (according to your sign). It will really make the Fire signs -- Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius -- very powerful. Oh well, yes, power corrupts, but absolute power is kinda neat.
The next eight months will be totally amazing because fiery Mars will boost your sexual energy in a flirtatious and playful way. Kapow! This will happen earlier or later (within a month) depending on when you were born, but it will happen! And get this - this influence will fill you with desire! You'll view sex as your personal form of self-expression. According to Freud, sexual energy can be sublimated into other areas, particularly the arts. No wonder your creative urges will be off the charts! Your motto will be "Fun Pleasure Me Now!" Great time for a vacation. The only downside is it could generate conflict with your children. Why not let them share your enthusiasm for your latest hobby?
Mars is going to juice your energy with respect to home, family, real estate deals, and your private life. Increased chaos and activity at home have been, and will continue to be frustrating. Aagghh! But now you have intense determination, energy, focus and drive to really clean up the place! You're ready to move mountains, well, at least, the sofa. The upside of this energy is that it can make you productive at home. The downside is it will make you aggressive at home. Oops. Living with parents could be touchy, especially if you're over forty. (I know someone who had an orphandectomy -he had his parents removed.)
Golly Gee Wilikers! In the next eight months, you're going to be running around with an outboard motor on your ass. Your daily pace will accelerate with errands, short trips, and high energy flying in all directions. Because you'll tend to identify strongly with your opinions and ideas, conflict with others is likely. (Ouch.) You will staunchly defend your point of view! But hey -- this is great for sales, acting, teaching, and seducing people's minds. Of course, it doesn't promote your diplomatic skills. Therefore, remember to wear kid gloves, and smile a lot. You know you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Right?
You're never casual about money. Oh no. You're frugal and sensible because you save for a rainy day. This doesn't mean you don't like quality, because you do. And it doesn't mean you aren't generous, because you are. But money makes your nose twitch. However, you're going to start to identify with what you own, and earn, until the autumn of next year. You'll be very attached to your stuff! Furthermore, you're going to get more stuff! In fact, you're going to drop a bundle spending more money than - maybe ever! (Like wow.) Mars makes you identify with your belongings. But hey - you're not your bank account; you're not your house -- you are your car!
"Seventy six trombones led the big parade!" You are the sign who really gets this huge boost of energy until the summer of 2010. Many of you are muttering, "Thank gawd -- I need this!" Mars rules your muscles, your confidence, your ego, your determination, your sexual energy, and your get-up-and-go. It's like a huge vitamin B 12 shot! It indicates a time of great activity in your life. It also means you're going to be busting your buns. Fortunately, if you need to get something done, you have the energy! This will be an extremely positive time in your life. You'll defend your turf if attacked; however, basically, you just want to do your thing with style! ("Can you make my name bigger?")
You sly devil. It looks like you're up to some secret activity between now and next August -- that's almost a year! Something is very hush-hush. It could be a quiet business deal that you're cooking on the side. It might also be a strong desire to work behind the scenes, and keep a low profile. It could also be a secret love affair! (Oh yeah!) However, it will be harder for you to get credit for what you do. That's because Mars is in a hidden part of your chart. One thing is certain: when you work on a project, you'll be unstoppable. A Sherman tank! This is a great time for research, as well as working on behalf of others - like a higher cause.
You're going to be unusually busy and involved with groups for months to come. This could be intense committee work, or you could be a key player in a club or organization. This can also apply to team sports. You might be competitive, or just be leading the charge. You'll also have abundant energy to pursue your dreams and wishes. This is exciting! One tiny caveat: this can indicate trouble with an acquaintance. Your best approach might be to make their success, your success, and turn it into a win/win endeavour. Of course, it's possible you can't stand to see this person succeed because they're the heavy competition!
In the next 10 months, Mars going to arouse your ambition like you won't believe! You're super turned on about all kinds of possibilities. You're eager to prove to others what you can do. You see that success is just within your grasp, and you intend to grab it! Since things are going well at home, you can focus on your external world. However, one thing you have to watch is becoming a threat to your boss or any authority figure. (This is possible!) You're so powerful - you're intimidating! Focus on your objectives and stay there. "Take what you need and leave the rest. They should never have taken the very best."
You like to travel. You love to explore new ideas, different cultures and lifestyles. Many of you are also involved in publishing, education and higher learning. Hey! These are the very areas that will be super amped when Mars gives you a big shot in the arm! (See All Signs above.) Plan to travel or get further education. You'll be a fierce fighter for your beliefs, be they religious, political, or otherwise. Issues will matter deeply to you during this time. And while all this is going on, your ruler Jupiter is still giving you a positive outlook on life, and restoring your belief in yourself. You're PowerPoint on steroids!
This Mars phenomenon that I refer to in All Signs above, will definitely amplify your passionate desires. (This is going to go on for almost a year!) In fact, you're going to feel very intensely about many things. In addition, because Mars is the warrior, and very competitive, you might also have to dispute or contend with others over shared property, inheritances, insurance matters, or jointly held possessions. This continues to be a good time for you to earn money; and this blessing will continue for the rest of the year and into 2010. YayI think it's time to buy some sexy duds. Don't you?
Mars sits opposite your sign for the next eight months with positive and negative effects. The positive is this: very often, you will overlook things, and let others ride roughshod over a situation, and not defend your own rights. Well, not anymore, babes! You're gonna put your cards on the table. You'll say what you mean and mean what you say. You won't be nasty. You're not a bully. You'll be strong, clear and decisive. (Well, that's refreshing.) The negative influence is you might be too easily irritated by partners and close friends. Grrr. All I can say is -- consider this an opportunity to practice patience. Patience is a virtue.
As Mars stays for eight months in one sign (instead of its usual seven weeks), you'll find it easy to work, work, work. And it won't be odious! (Although others might complain you're working too hard.) But here's the catch. You will want the credit for what you do. You want the glory! However, you might have to work for others. And your work might not get its due recognition. Be aware of this. You'll be happiest if you can work for yourself, or work independently on projects. In other words, your ego is very much tied up in whatever you're doing in the next 8-10 months. (Me me! Look what I can do!)