This week, Mercury goes forward. (Of course, Mercury is always moving forward; this is simply in relation to planet Earth.) But lo! Although technically speaking, Mercury is going forward; in fact, not until Mercury catches up to where it was when it first went retrograde - are we truly on safe ground. That date is Oct. 15. The areas to respect for this "later date" are where you might start a new business or buy an expensive car. What is an expensive car? I think whatever car you can afford to buy is an expensive car. It's all relative. We're all on a budget - it's just that some budgets are different from others. ("Another Renoir missing! Must tell staff this petty pilfering has to stop!")
Fortunately, things are going to improve at work. September was pretty pathetic, wasn't it? Mucho errors! Late cheques, canceled appointments, tardy arrivals, slow starts, and silly mistakes were the bane of your existence. All that is in the past. Now you'll move forward with confidence and certainty. However, if you're buying a car or truck, or opening a business, best to wait until mid-October. On Saturday, October 3rd, the Full Moon is in your sign. (Only time all year.) As it approaches, you'll have to be more patient with others because it will definitely trigger tension and conflict in your relationships. (I suggest you stop running around saying things like, "No prisoners!")
In the last month, you had your fill of running into old flames, and dealing with ex-lovers. On top of this you had to face old business with sports, the entertainment world, the hospitality industry, and children. Sheesh! Naturally, some of this stuff had to get done! However, you'll be so happy to move forward, especially since you're gung ho to get better organized in every aspect of your life. Having said that, I wince a little because the Full Moon on the weekend (October 3rd ) could create tension with coworkers. Similarly, it might raise health issues with you. Fortunately, Full Moon problems are short-lived. Nothing you can't handle. Just remind yourself of this. Consider it an opportunity to demonstrate grace under pressure.
September was full of challenges with home, family and relatives. Things got lost at home, and some were broken. September was sort of a messy blur! Now, you have that feeling you can get back in the saddle again, and start to make things happen. It's true! You're keen to redecorate, and make where you live look more attractive. Entertaining at home will also appeal. As the weekend approaches, be aware that this particular Full Moon creates tension with children, lovers, and sports colleagues. You might have a spat with a friend, or a member of a group, or someone in a meeting. Don't make a big deal about anything. It's just Full Moon tension. (Gone by next week.)
Mercury going forward now is good news for you! Your life has been plagued with phone glitches, misunderstandings, lost messages, detours, cancelled appointments, late arrivals, and misplaced items -- to name a few! (September was a particularly difficult Mercury retrograde for you.) All this is changing now. And it is change for the better! Mars in your sign keeps your energy up and focused. Mercury and Venus beautifully enhance all your communications with others. Yada yada yada. But the Full Moon at the end of the week could create problems with parents, teachers, bosses, and authority figures. Run away! Run away!
Your financial scene is becoming more solid. At least, you have an idea of the damage! Knowledge is empowering, even when you contemplate your debt. (At least, you know! It's no longer a foggy, vague monster that you want to avoid confronting.) In fact, moneymaking ideas are beginning to jell -- at last! Take extra precautions this weekend because the Full Moon on October 3rd is an accident-prone time for you. Avoid disputes with relatives, especially siblings. It's also easy to fall into silly arguments about religion, politics, and so-called profound questions. Hey -- when the annals of history are written, does any of this really matter? (Deep Russian voice) "I think not, baby puppy."
Your life is going to return to more of an even keel. Even though Mercury retrograde occurred in Libra - eek! -- it's slipped back into Virgo for quite a while. "I'm innocent. I was never there. Those naked pictures of me are fake!" Whatever. You can relax because things will return to their normal state of confusion, which is considerably less. Financial matters and cash flow issues could become crunchy as the week wears on because the Full Moon on the weekend hits you in the pocketbook. Disagreements about money or possessions could arise. Don't take the bait. Let everything subside because by the middle of next week, all of this is peanuts. (Munch, munch.)
Now that Mercury is going in a forward direction (in relationship to planet Earth) we can all breathe easier, especially you. After all, Mercury was retrograde in your sign! The silly delays and errors you suffered lately were so numerous they were almost laughable. (But you didn't laugh, did you?) Having survived that, now you have to face an impending Full Moon that is directly opposite your sign. (Is there no justice?) When you're part of the Full Moon equation, arguments with partners and close friends are almost inevitable. Therefore, when you feel this insanity creeping up on you, don't let it take hold! Practice patience. Patience is the antidote to anger. (Patience is your friend.)
This is a time where you should slide by, working behind the scenes or working alone. You need time to figure out and strategize what you want your new year (birthday to birthday) to be all about. You're gearing up to do something, and you know it. You feel that tidal wave coming. When the Sun enters your sign in a few weeks, it's going to be all systems go! In many ways, you're going to be the most ambitious that you've been for about 15 years. You're hot to trot to prove yourself to others (and maybe to yourself as well). Be patient with coworkers this weekend, when the Full Moon might rattle your cage. Hey -- this is no big deal. You can handle a Full Moon? Phffft! What's the big deal?
This is a popular time for you. Everyone wants to see your face. Clubs, groups, classes, organizations, meetings, conventions, and conferences make demands on your time. You have to show! Fortunately, with fair Venus at high noon your chart, you can schmooze with the best of them. In fact, romance with a boss or an authority figure is likely. (In fact, very likely, because Mars is starting to boost your sex drive.) Turn, kick, step, turn, kick, turn!! Relations with friends and groups will require patience as the week wears on because this weekend, the Full Moon puts things on edge with others, probably a female acquaintance. Chill out.
You're very much in the limelight right now This is why bosses, parents, teachers, and VIPs notice you. Incidentally, this includes the police as well. (Good to know. Watch your driving.) In fact, this could lead to increasing tension as the week wears on because the Full Moon on the weekend sets up a struggle between you and authority figures. It also makes you feel pulled between the demands of home, family, and your private life versus the demands of your career, and your public life. Oy vey. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, your relations with partners and close friends are testy as well! (That's because fiery Mars is opposite your sign.) Fortunately, Mars moves on in two weeks. Keep a lid on things until then.
You're still busting your buns, working hard -- and fortunately, accomplishing a lot. (Gasp.) Passionate romance is sweet and memorable! Others are very good to you now. Gifts, goodies, and favours can come your way. You might have the use of other people's possessions or property. Some will benefit through partners. It's all good. However, the Full Moon that occurs on the weekend of October 3rd, could trigger arguments with relatives and siblings. Furthermore, it will tend to create an accident-prone situation for you. Guard against rash statements to others, and knee-jerk reactions. Who wants to be a cautionary tale?
Old issues with partners and ex-partners have been exhausting to deal with. (You need this like a fish needs a bicycle.) Fortunately, you'll be able to move on from some of these. Nevertheless, you are still dealing with issues about shared property and jointly held possessions. It was ever thus. Mercury and Venus opposite your sign will pave the way for better communications with partners. However, some kind of tension might build up this week, as you move toward the Full Moon on October 3rd. Basically, you're dealing with a clash of values. This is always difficult because each party is entrenched in their point of view because of core beliefs and habitual thinking. Oy vey.