All Signs

Approximately every 45 years, a window occurs where stern, conservative Saturn (the status quo) opposes rebellious, unpredictable, and innovative Uranus. This occurred in 1918-1920, when society changed so much after World War I. It happened again in 1965-67, when rebellious, (and hippie) forces clashed with the government. It is here again: first on Nov. 4, the day President Obama was elected; again on Feb 5; and finally, this week -- its last standoff for another 45 years. (The opposition continues until the end of this year.) That's why we all feel so uncertain about what is going on! We feel this in society; and we feel it in our own lives. The old has to give to accommodate the new. But the old does not have to lose its power; it simply has to adapt and adjust. (Personally, I'm adjusting to my new waistline by letting out another pleat in the shower curtain.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

For some time, you've been wrestling with huge changes with your health and your job. You've been busting your buns working hard to prove to yourself and others what you can do. Ever since 1996, you've been heading for this moment. By next year, your head will be "above water" and everyone will see you! But you ain't there yet. First, you have to genuinely accept some responsibilities and truths about your work, and about your health that you've been avoiding. The irony is that once you accept whatever is frankly inevitable, instead of being burdened (which is what you fear) you will be freer! It's one of life's little cosmic jokes. ("Little?!")

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The last year or so, a lot of been taking place with children in your care. (Especially if you're a parent.) Similarly, big changes with financial speculation, the arts, the entertainment world, the hospitality industry and sports have also been taking place. You are a careful Earth sign. You like a predictable outcome. You're never rash about what you're going to do. But lately, you have moved out of your comfort zone by being forced to move more quickly and be lighter on your feet. This is scary! Who's minding the store? Actually, once you accept the new status quo (quit being the Queen of Denial), you'll find it easier to contemplate your future not only with acceptance, but with hope and enthusiasm! (Would I kid you?)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The last year or so has been quite revolutionary in terms of family, your relationship with family members, your relationship with where you live, your home, and what you feel you can really count on to feel secure. You're beginning to realize what you really need in terms of a home base and also in terms of family relationships -- so that you have a warm feeling in your tummy. You're so fast and clever, you can kid yourself. But now the handwriting is on the wall. (If you're going to crayon on the wall, do it behind the sofa.) Responsibilities for the past cannot be ignored. Once you face what you have to do, your world will open up to all kinds of exciting possibilities! (You can blow the sky open!)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You're a nester, and because of this, you are reluctant to change residences. (For one thing, who has more stuff than you?) Nevertheless, for the last year or so, you can hear the movers pounding on your door. Sweeping forces are trying to make you either change your job, change your home or both. (And they're not going to go away because you're hiding in the bathtub.) This week, many of you are getting your final kick in the pants to take action. The joke is that in one way it feels so new -- doesn't it? In fact, new and scary! But the truth is, you are simply completing something that has been in the works since 2002-2004. Fortunately, energetic Mars is in your sign right now giving you the results you need. "I can do it!"

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

People really don't know you. Many of you appear flamboyant, sophisticated, fun-loving and rather casual. Hey nonny nonny and all that. The truth is you're more serious than Capricorn! The word casual isn't even in your vocabulary. And even though you're the last of the big-time spenders (and you are because you're generous to others plus you love a good time) you're also very serious about money. For example, contrary to your reputation, you can get along on very little, and you can save when you want to (which admittedly, is rare). Now you have to come to terms about some financial values. How do you want to earn your money? How much money do you really need? What you're really have to let go of this fear. (But it's so familiar! I've always had it.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is an extremely revolutionary time in your life! That's because the Saturn/Uranus opposition I talk about in All Signs above takes place between Virgo and Pisces. You're in the formula! You have been and continue to be totally perplexed by partnerships and close friendships. So much is changing, your head is spinning. Things that were familiar, and things that used to work, just don't cut it anymore. (Whaaat?) Instead of hanging on, move on! In the last few years, you've been in a completely new sandbox. You know this. Why then, should all that was old and familiar still be with you? This is a new movie! Things are happening around now are going to convince you of this fact. Let's face it -- you're a size 14.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

We are such creatures of habit that we will even remain in a painful situation rather than risk leaping into the unknown. (I don't say this as an outsider - I'm the same way!) Think about this every time you encounter something you have to give up or let go of. If you think that's tough I have even scarier news for you. (Sorry, I have to do it.) You're in a phase of your life where you have to let go of people, places and possessions - and you can either do this by choice, with grace, with planning and a sense of order -- or you can refuse to knowledge this, which means these things will be taken from you. Aggghh! So what's it going to be? Do you want to pack some things, rent a boat, and stock it with nice music, good wine, and delicious food? Or do you want to be pushed off the end of the dock?

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Group activities and friendships in particular, are important to you. In part, this is because you know how to get things done through others. You're very good in group situations. Many great generals were Scorpio. "Build that bridge!" "Move that mountain!" One of the things you have been facing in the last few years is how much you should go along with others versus how much you should cut off your contacts and move in a different direction. Actually, it all comes down to marginal efficiency. You can't do two things at once. You can't be two places at once. So if you choose one thing or one person, you have to say no to the other thing and the other person. This isn't easy. But it's a choice you have to face. "That way lies madness!"

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This is an extremely eventful time in your life. Ever since the mid 80s, in a direct or an indirect way you have been working for this moment. If you look around you, and assess your situation, you have to have acknowledge how successful you are in many areas. Not all -- but many. Sure you want more. Show me a Sagittarian that doesn't want it all! Nevertheless, in real, everyday terms, you have to acknowledge that you are reaping the rewards of the seeds you planted in the past. Now what you have to do is calmly, realistically acknowledge what is not working. Identify it. Define it. Put it in a garbage bag and get rid of it. Your first loss is your cheapest loss. The longer you delay or deny -- the bigger your cost will be. I've never liked the phrase "Suck it up, Princess" but it does have its applications.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Since around 1996, you've been steadily working for your goals. (That's because you are a sign who always wants to be someone. You intend to get somewhere. Capice?) Right now is very much a time of preparation with travel, schooling, and perfecting techniques and experiences that you need to really flash your dazzle in the next few years. You know that you're very close to your dreams. But are you too fixated on something? Are you obsessed with a particular method or direction that is actually an obstacle instead of an avenue? ("I have often walked down the street before; but the pavement always stayed beneath my feet before.") You might be faced with a tough choice. Perhaps something you've been counting is just not turning out the way you hoped? If this is the case, the sooner you let it go, the lighter you'll be to skip ahead. Next?

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

I think more than any other sign of the zodiac, you have the most contradictions. You're not an easy read. On one hand, you're enormously independent -- you want freedom! On the other hand, you like the familiar, especially when it comes to groups and friends. They comfort you. In the same way, you want financial independence; and yet many of you are in partnerships that involve shared property, shared responsibilities and shared values. The truth is you can't have it all, and you can't be all things to all people. "Why not?" "Because I said so." (That wasn't me. That was Mr. Tinkles in Cats and Dogs.) You have to redefine your relationship to other people's values, other people's stuff, and how you're going to share things with other people. Something has to give!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Well, it's no news to you that you've been wrestling with partnerships and close friendships for some time now. Fortunately, there's an end to everything in life. Good times are temporary; and so are bad times. You can't sit on the fence forever with significant relationships that aren't working. Either you will make or accommodate the necessary changes and adjustments for the relationship to be successful -- or you will move on. (" Slip out the back, Jack.") You can't tread water forever (even though you can tread water longer than most.) Next year, lucky Jupiter will be in your sign, and this will build your confidence, as well as your hope in your own future. It's a little nudge that you need. Keep what works. Do what you have to do.