This week we have a Full Moon in Pisces on Friday, Sept. 4th; and Mercury is about to go retrograde. (Yikes!) With Mercury retrograde for the month of September, this is a poor time to buy automobiles, trucks, bicycles or any kind of ground transportation. It's also not a great time to buy computers or phones. Nevertheless, it's an excellent time to study history, do research into the past, and finish what is already on your plate. Use Mercury retrograde to your advantage. Finish things! Naturally, delays, misunderstandings, lost items, goofy errors and cancellations are par for the course. That's why I've been preparing for this month by doing lots of weight training. Now - I'm totally biceptual!
Difficulties will likely arise at work, or with your job, or with a particular task that you set for yourself this week. This is because of the Full Moon. Similarly, you might become anxious about health concerns this week. Although this could be something to be worried about, there's a good chance this is just anxiety that is Full Moon related. If that's the case, by next week, these health concerns will diminish or be gone! Be patient with family members. Chaos and tension at home is probably stressful. Fortunately, parties, romantic interludes, playful times with children, the arts, sports and fun escapes are blessed! (Thank goodness.)
The Full Moon this week definitely creates stress with romance. No question. Therefore, be encouraged by the fact that although problems will increase as you get closer to the Full Moon on Friday, these same problems will decrease or even disappear several days after the Full Moon. (Whew!) Therefore, if you're annoyed about something, just stay mum about it and see how you feel next week. Then you won't end up with egg on your face. (Ketchup helps.) This same stress and de-stress pattern applies to sports, vacations, the arts, relating to children, and many of the social functions you might attend. Wait until next week to decide how you really feel because -- a closed mouth gathers no feet.
The Full Moon on Friday might cause anxiety between home versus work or your external world. You can't be all things to all people (even though there are two of you). This Full Moon will also likely call public attention to you in some way. But it's also the kind of Full Moon where you cannot ignore your home scene. (Sometimes you can, but not this week!) Meanwhile, ex-lovers and old flames from the past are resurfacing. Oops. This might be one of the reasons there is tension at home! Jealousy is nourished by doubt. Don't do anything to make your partner jealous, it will only make your life miserable. And if you're jealous? Well, it's always darkest before it gets pitch black.
Be extra careful this week because the Full Moon on Friday creates tension several days ahead of time, which further creates an accident-prone situation for you. This is not an accident waiting to happen! It doesn't have to occur. However, your own inner anxiety might distract you and make you careless or hasty. This is good news: you're in charge! Therefore, watch what you say and watch what you do. Relatives you haven't seen for a while might be camped on your doorstep. Family reunions are also likely this week or this month. (Fred Allen always said everyone wants a loving, warm, close-knit family living in another city.) Ain't it the truth!
You're feeling some financial tension this week. There are two Full Moons every year that create this for you; and this week, one of them is occurring. Therefore, make friends with your bank account. Make sure you're not overdrawn or cheques are bouncing like rubber balls. Aaaghh! Be reassured by the fact that often the stress that we feel building up before the Full Moon, diminishes after the Full Moon peaks. Your financial scene might look quite different next week. Meanwhile, make sure your car or truck is running well. Charge your cell phone. Mercury retrograde this month will really play havoc with transportation delays, confused communications, missed appointments and silly errors. (Bummer!)
The Full Moon that occurs on Friday is directly opposite your sign. That's why you will very likely feel tension with partners and close friends this week. You can't avoid it. Nevertheless, how you handle this tension can make a big difference. Obviously, you want to get by with the least pain and aggravation. (Difficulties with partners and friends are no fun.) Your most skillful approach will be to say nothing. That's because several days after the Full Moon has peaked (we're talking next week) these problems might disappear! At least, they will diminish in intensity. "A soft answer turneth away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger." Wise old advice.
You might feel your efficiency, and hence your effectiveness are slipping. And there's a good chance they are! Mercury retrograde is taking place in your sign this month and that ain't easy! For starters, you'll notice you're running into people from the past. This might be fun; or it might be horrifying. In addition, you're forgetting things, dropping things, losing things, and you can't even remember the name of movie stars! (Except Tom Cruise.) Don't worry. You're not really losing it. Mercury affects your nervous system, your thinking process and how you communicate. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the Full Moon this week exacerbates everything. It's definitely time to send out for dark chocolate.
This is going to be a curious month for you. That's because Mercury retrograde is taking place in the part of your chart that relates to your subconscious. It might make you feel like you're inadequate. It could create feelings of self doubt. Don't get hung up on this! All this will be history by October which is a good thing because you'll be seriously getting ready for Halloween. This week, the Full Moon is tough on romance, friendships, sports, social events, the arts and your relationships with children. Just play it smooth. Be diplomatic with everyone. Full Moon angst will be over by next week. Why not make life easier on yourself and others? Instead, do something to pamper yourself. Get a massage. (From a gorgeous masseuse!)
You'll be running into old friends this week, or even casual acquaintances from your past. However, this could even be beneficial, who knows? Don't let others cause you to doubt or second-guess your goals. And certainly, don't act on this until next month. (Mercury retrograde during September could cloud your judgment on this matter.) Meanwhile, the Full Moon this week creates angst with your ability to juggle your external world versus your private life. Unfortunately, your job, career, or external world are demanding and this cannot be ignored. Family will just have to understand. The good news is travel for pleasure will be delightful. Pack your bags. You're going places!
Be very careful this week because the Full Moon is accident prone for your sign. Slow down and take everything easy. Don't be in a rush. Allow extra time for everything. Think before you speak to others or before you react. Authority figures, parents, and bosses you haven't seen for a while might be back on the scene. In fact, some kind of opportunity to promote yourself could present itself this month. Ironically, this Mercury retrograde could be kind to you! Meanwhile, gifts, goodies, and favours from others can pour in. Physical intimacy is romantic and sweet. You're in love! Or maybe, you're in love with being in love. (That's fun, too.)
You're definitely dealing with the wealth and possessions of others right now. In addition to this, you are also having to deal with the values of somebody else and those values don't agree with yours. Some aspect of this could come to a head this week under the shadow of the current Full Moon. Don't focus on the differences. Instead, look for what you share in common. This Full Moon makes you unusually passionate to the point of being obsessed or compulsive about something. (Sex will definitely be hot!) The good news is problems with shared property and jointly held possessions will diminish by next week. Glory hallelujah!
Oh my. We're not in Kansas any more, Toto! The only Full Moon in your sign all year is occurring this week on Friday, September 4th. This might exaggerate any problems you experience with partners and close friends. Just be aware of this. Remind yourself (intellectually) that things will probably feel and look different next week -- because they will. Meanwhile, it's this week you have to get through! (Without a time travel machine.) Give yourself little pleasures, or go places, or do things that emotionally and physically nourish you. You need more rewards now because you're being patient and tolerant with others. Aren't you? Postpone important discussions until next week. It's the wise choice. (Dreams are free but there's a small charge for alterations.)