This week Mars is at odds with Uranus. Mars is aggressive, and Uranus is explosive and unpredictable. Yes, at one level, this indicate accidents, explosions and such. But in a broader level (and one more likely for most) it signifies the need to skillfully handle sudden change. Sometimes changes are a sign from our environment that we need to break away from something. (Ya think?) But! New situations cannot be dealt with in old ways - they require new solutions! This week is about thinking out of the box - or better yet -- thinking without boxes. Just do your best. (Originality is the art of concealing your sources.)
This could be an accident-prone week. This means literal accidents with moving vehicles or cuts, burns and such. And also verbal accidents, like going off half cocked and saying something you later regret. (Something you would never do!) Nevertheless, this same energy can give you brilliant, original ideas or allow you see things in a completely new way. This might help you get better organized. You're keen to redecorate at home or make things look more beautiful. You might be entertaining at home as well. Grab any excuse to work with your hands and show off your creative originality! ("Is that salad bowl a hubcap?")
This is a tricky week with money; and you're never casual about money. (Ha! Is whiskey wet?) Therefore, be mindful of your money and cash flow. Something unpredictable will take place. You might find money; you might lose money. Ditto for possessions. You might find something you lost, which is always nice. (I just found a pair of earrings in the pocket of a robe I rarely wear. Quelle joie!) Or you might break something or lose a little treasure. Wa, wa, wa. A source of earnings might be cut off; or - voila! -- you might suddenly get a job or discover a new source of income. Actually, bright ideas about self-employment can flourish. (Then you can quit your job making those tiny holes in tooth brushes.)
Holy Cannoli! Fiery Mars is in your sign fighting with explosive Uranus. "If you see me coming, better step aside. A lot of men didn't, and a lot of men died." Regretfully, the accident warning in All Signs above applies to you. Of course, you don't have to have an accident, not if you keep your eyes open, and you're vigilant and aware of what you say and do. You must slow down, and allow yourself extra time for everything, so you're not rushed or pushed or acting in haste. In other words, this Mars/Uranus thang is not an "accident waiting to happen". "You" are part of the process. You can instigate it, or be the cause of it, or you can prevent it. What's it going to be?
You're restless! You feel you're boxed into a corner and you want to break free. This is a tough situation to be in because you're not an impulsive sign. Oh yes, you can do things quickly and make your mind up quickly. You can even be outrageous. But you're not really impetuous or rash. (Unless you have Moon in Aries or something like that.) You rarely charge forward; instead, you scuttle sideways! Now however, something is building up within you, making you want strike a blow for freedom. You've had enough! Try to think of a completely new way to achieve this. Don't fall back on any of your old tricks. They won't work.
Something unusual or unexpected will occur with a friend this week. Or it might involve your relationship with a group. Perhaps an encounter with someone becomes abrasive or combative? Or you might break off with someone or break away from a group. There's an element of wanting your independence; and more specifically, wanting a relationship or friendship to change in some way. Old ways of doing things don't cut it anymore. You have to explore something new that allows more freedom, more joy and more excitement! Can this be done? Why not? The secret is knowing what you want and what your objective is.
The dicey dance between Mars and Uranus will impact your life direction. Specifically, it will affect your relationship with bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. You want more freedom to make your own choices and call your own shots. If authority figures are super controlling, they'll perceive you as being rebellious. And perhaps you are. So what? The point is you have to be happy doing what you're doing. If you feel imprisoned by something, how can you function? You have two choices: either you have to break free of what is oppressive; or make friends with it. Remember that the latter is also a choice. It's all about your attitude to your situation, isn't it?
Something in your life makes you want to break free now. It could relate to school and higher education; it might relate to politics or religion or some kind of racial issue. You might want to break away from a group. Or in a broader way, you might break away from an ideal or a philosophy or a religion. And you're willing to take a chance, even if it means giving up many things. (You sense this is the road you're going to travel.) And about one thing you're right -- you will be giving up people, places and possessions in the next few years to prepare yourself for a whole new world around 2012. (Like wow, man.)
Disagreements or surprises about shared property, inheritances, insurance matters, taxes and debt will catch you off guard. Perhaps something you expected to come your way is suddenly blocked or stopped. "...when she got there, the cupboard was bare, and so the poor doggie got none." Bummer! More likely, you have to come up with a new, ingenious way of addressing shared property. Whatever you've been doing in the past isn't working. This week you see you must try a new approach to achieve what you want. Why not flip the dynamic between you and someone else, and imagine what would make you more cooperative? In other words, put yourself in the other person's moccasins. A wise teacher said: "Trust everyone and always lock your door."
Relations with partners and close friends could be blown out of the water this week. Ka-pow! A partnership might be suddenly severed; and if not, it will certainly undergo some major readjustments. You're a freedom loving sign. You always have been; you always will be. (Commitment makes your teeth itch.) Either you want to strike a blow for your own freedom, or your partner does. You can't ignore this new dynamic; therefore, you have to find a way to live with it comfortably so that you can function to the best of your abilities and at the same time, not feel trapped. Don't forget that your so-called freedom is in large measure, an idea you have. Freedom doesn't mean lacking direction or shirking responsibilities.
Expect the unexpected at work this week. You might quit your job or be forced to quit. Interruptions due to computer crashes, power outages, staff shortages and delays might occur. If you're not employed, the same, crazy interruptions will happen to whatever set of tasks you do on a regular basis. In fact, these surprises could relate to your health in some way. ("Is that poison ivy?!") Whatever occurs, you might feel that your power of choice is threatened. What you thought was going along in one way that was reasonably predictable, has suddenly gone south or painfully sideways. Don't do anything rash! Perhaps something has outlived its usefulness? If you're not sure what to do -- do nothing.
Romance is rocky this week. Lover's quarrels might escalate to the point of breakups and severed relationships. (Never easy.) If this does occur, it was probably inevitable. Somebody needed more space. This same celestial influence can introduce accidents to children of Aquarian parents -- therefore, be extra vigilant! Changes to vacation plans and creative, entertaining events are also likely. Sports is another area that can hold both surprises, accidents and fights! The trick is to introduce creative change in your life without ruining what should remain. In other words, even if you have to change something -- don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Capice?
Sudden changes might take place at home or within your family. For starters, be vigilant and very careful because accidents might occur at home, especially accidents due to impatience, hasty actions or anything related to fire, electricity and aggression. Domestic conflicts and blowups are possible. If so, someone feels restricted or oppressed in some way. They demand freedom or a big change to ho how things are currently working. They feel like Peter Finch, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!" However, this might mean that resentments are finally expressed and there's a clearing of the air. (You're seeking a new way of living and being which is probably a good thing.)