All Signs

Here's a heads up for those who want to buy cars, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles and computers: September is not a good time for these purchases. Mercury will be retrograde. (It goes retrograde on Sept. 6th; but starts to slow down at the beginning of the month.) So if you want to buy wheels or computers -- act now! Of course, September is not a write off. Au contraire! It will be a great month to finish things and meet old deadlines. Mercury retrograde times assist research and the study of history or delving into the past. Hmmm, a Latin proverb says "Nothing is certain except the past." But have you compared memories with your family? Or your partner? Ha! Memory, like history is malleable. The past is interpretation; the future is speculation; even "now" won't pass a breathalyzer for some. Voltaire was right: "Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd."

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Communications with others are rousing. After difficulties with coworkers (or something related to your job where you felt like you're pounding your head against the wall) things hugely improve this week. Thank heavens, because you want to have good times right now! In fact, this is the perfect time to be on a vacation. Love affairs and romance can flourish. Sports and playful activities with children are fun. Essentially, you feel childlike, and very alive, and super tuned in to your creative impulses. And your exuberance shows! Specifically, it will pay off in teaching, writing, acting, sales, marketing and driving. (Yes, as in the wheels go round.) Go, go, go.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Recently, you've have your hand is moving cash. You're buying things; you're selling things; you're earning money; you're investing money; and some of you are even giving it away! Essentially, your focus at this time is on home, family and domestic issues. Your day-to-day world is pretty smooth and harmonious. You find it easy to tell others how much you care. (Gosh.) Nevertheless, with all this cash flying, you might get into disputes about money and possessions. However, if you use your wealth to get things done or to promote something that you want to see happen -- all is good. In fact, some of you can really boost your earning power now. Ka-ching!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The planet Mars (the Roman God of war) is associated with aggressive action, competitiveness, strong energy and physical activity. It's also highly sexual. Va, va, va, voom! When it's in your sign, it increases your confidence and makes you much more of a fighter for your rights than usual. It gives you lots of physical energy, and turns you on! ("Why don't you come over some time when I've got nothing on but the radio.") You can work long hard hours and accomplish a lot. Basically it's very positive. Nevertheless, too much of a good thing (can be wonderful according to Mae West) can make you aggressive or threatening in the eyes of others, especially authority figures. Just be aware of this. "Down Chita! Down!"

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Lots of behind the scenes activities going on this week. In fact, it's a mix. Initially, you might feel disgruntled or worried about something. Typically, you will probably keep this to yourself. When things disturb you, you're inclined to retreat into your crab shell. "I vant to be alone." Fortunately, soon you're totally enthusiastic about something because the resources of others will benefit you. Perhaps an inheritance, or money back from the government, or some kind of perk will arrive and pick up your spirits. Your partner might get money which benefits you indirectly. You're very charming this week because fair Venus is in your sign. Great time to buy wardrobe goodies. (You like what you see in the mirror.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Well, it's all about you, dear Leo! Some of you are dabbling in secret love affairs. (You need romance to keep life juicy.) Despite temporary difficulties with a friend, perhaps over money or shared possessions, you'll have lots of upbeat, fun opportunities to enjoy the company of others probably with partner in tow. (Or a friend.) Group gatherings are bigger than life. But one thing is certain -- they will be fun! Sports and physical activity might be the reason for some of these group situations. Set aside some time to define your goals for the next 12 months. What do you really want to get done this year?

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

My, my. You're ambitious! Initially, your ambition could provoke opposition from someone; or life is just hard. However, this soon completely changes to something extremely positive that's related to your job or your work, your employment scene or whatever tasks that currently involve you. Encouraging news will really give you a lift! In the same way, this encouraging news can apply to your health. You definitely feel much more positive about your future and your life direction in general. It's as if others are going to help you achieve what you want. Naturally, you've earned this. Nothing in life is really accidental.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

After some initial difficulties, it looks like travel plans are going to seriously get off the ground. You're going places! There' s more. Publishing, the media, higher education, (getting training or taking courses) plus medicine and the law also get a marvelous boost. People in power are amenable to you. This is a good time to push for what you want. In fact, authority types are so friendly -- some of you are striking up a little romance with your boss or someone older or richer or all of the above. (This could be one way to beat the summer heat -- if you can't beat 'em join 'em.) Say "yes" if someone asks you to give your artistic input on something. You're good at this.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

The Sun continues to be in high noon in your chart making others notice you. Why not milk this for all it's worth? Opportunities to travel for pleasure or get further training also exist. Romance with someone from another country or different culture is likely. One thing is certain: your gonads are in overdrive! You feel passionate about everything in your life including sex. In more mundane matters, (is money ever mundane?) you can benefit from the wealth of others. People might give you things or let you use what they own. (A romantic little cabin out of town would be cool.) Take champagne.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Because Mars is opposite your sign now it's easy to get into trouble with others, especially partners and close friends. This is because they're so annoying! Consider this an opportunity to practice patience. After all, if everything was hunky-dory all the time, you would never get a chance to learn how to be patient. (I'm sure that last sentence was annoying too!) Fortunately, the tide turns with partners and close friends because they're ready to help you do something. Partnership will favour you enormously this week. You easily work in tandem with others. Their enthusiasm excites you and vice versa. You'll get a lot done!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Once you settle disputes with coworkers (and you will) then you'll magnificently swing into work mode. And others will co-operate with you. No matter how hot the heat might be, you intend to get a lot done. You're delegating to others; plus you're doing lots yourself. What makes you so productive right now is you're enthusiastic about what you're doing, plus you know that what you're doing will advance your best interests. This is a great week for business. You have a clear sense of what you want and what you need. You're even prepared to take a chance. (He who hesitates is miles from the next exit.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Essentially, this week is fun city for you. In one way, you might be more tired than usual. (You need more sleep with the Sun so far from your sign.) And you're very focused on partnerships right now and close friendships. Nevertheless, this week, you're hot to trot when it comes to entertaining diversions, sports, the entertainment world, show business, theme parks, vacations, spas, and anything to do with children. You want to party and you want to have fun! Romance, love affairs and saucy flirtations could be exciting, and give you a real lift. ("I'm adored! I'm desirable!") This is also a good time for financial speculation. It might be okay to play that long shot.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You're working so hard! However, this could mean that you're earning more as well as getting better organized. Since you're motivated to pull your act together, capitalize on this! Get as much done as possible. In particular, you might want to make changes at home and in your domestic scene. Previously, some stress at home created some anxiety. However, this week you can turn this around. You can make changes through renovations, redecorating, moving furniture around, or even changing residences -- and as a result, you're happier and so is everyone else. Your home might be a meeting place or a gathering place for others right now. People want to see you and they're gung ho! ("Is this where the party is?")