All Signs

It's often said that life is unfair. However, my observation through astrology shows periods of suffering and stress invariably are followed by a waning of the negative and the beginning of a healing process. It's like a swinging pendulum. (You can count on it.) It's good to know that when times are tough, a cessation will inevitably come. It's mathematical and undeniable because nothing stays the same; everything changes. Life is about cycles! This week we feel joy, idealism, empathetic connections and warm, loving affection to others! It's reaffirming, encouraging and edifying. I think it also reduces cavities and hair loss. Of course, what I really need is something to speed up my metabolism. I have to be careful about so many things... otherwise they get in my mouth.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is a good time because relations with everyone -- I mean everyone -- are warm and friendly! What a coincidence. Hmmm, suddenly everyone is friendly. Doesn't this sound suspicious? How coincidental that everyone you encounter seems more charming than usual. And in turn, you find it easier to be tolerant and patient with them. (Have I laid it on thick enough?) Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and you have just taken a quantum leap in life. A quantum leap is defined as the minimum amount by which certain properties of a system can change. Yup. You're changing for the better. Hence, the world around you is likewise "changing."

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You're enjoying a wonderful shift (and you love it) with your finances and a general feeling of wealth and good fortune. You're not as worried about the wolf at the door because it looks like he's moved on down the street. You might not be rolling in dough, but you did hear that cavalry bugle call. How sweet it is! This is an excellent time for business and commerce, so keep your eyes and ears open. Opportunities definitely exist to promote your good name and your career. In turn, because your sense of philanthropy and altruism is heightened, you find rewards in being generous to others. Hey, you can do it and they need it. Simple as that.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Because things are going so well for you this week, you find it easy to spread grace, charm and exuberance wherever you go. And even though you're impossibly appealing, you're not in the least pretentious about it. (This appears to be genuine. Someone is bound to squeeze your cheek.) Some of this charm could trigger new relationships, surprise flirtations and romantic encounters with people from different backgrounds and other cultures. Either way, interesting friends will embrace you! Be alert for new opportunities in publishing, the media, higher education, medicine and the law because they exist. (The phone will ring.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

For different reasons (in the lives of various Cancers), many of you are feeling more selfless, more compassionate and more sympathetic and empathetic with the world. Different circumstances have triggered this response and, regardless of how it came about, it's right here in River City. Naturally, this is a blessing for you and others. You have a deeper appreciation for mutual generosity. You know that true generosity is giving what is needed. (All Cancers eventually discover this through their nurturing instinct.) You can't let something die on the vine. Whether it's an ailing person, plant or soup on the back of the stove, you'll do whatever you can to make it the best that it can be. No wonder others appreciate you!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Time spent with friends and casual acquaintances as well as members of groups will be enormously rewarding to you now. Sometimes we see others and it feels a bit blank, repetitive or not compelling. Other times we see others and we truly enjoy their company! Social exchanges are a lift; they boost your morale! This is one of those times. Partly, you're working behind the scenes or working alone or just cocooning. However, despite your efforts to hide, you can't help being out there flying your colours! Others want to see you. They need your help, your expertise and your scintillating company. Enjoy yourself and the company of others. (But continue to reduce your debt.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This week life throws you baubles and goodies, certainly favourable circumstances. (Lucky you.) For starters, your ambition is aroused. You want to get stuff done! Not only that, you identify strongly with whatever you're doing right now and this gives you juice! However, in all likelihood, it's your positive attitude that currently attracts important people and opportunities to you. Quite likely, someone will ask for your artistic or creative input on something. It could be design, layout work, office decorating, home decor or landscaping. Meanwhile, romance with someone older, richer or more experienced (experienced with what?) could start to sizzle!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Your sense of adventure is pumped this week. (You want to get outta Dodge.) Exciting ideas about travel to distant places are irresistible. You're investigating the cost of little trips here or there because you need a change of scenery. And anyhow, you have to reach out and grab these things, right? It's summer. People are doing things. (Yeah, yeah, summer lethargy can get you as well.) But hey, you can't let life pass you by. (Time flies when you're unconscious.) What can you do to expand your experience of the world? Take a course? Go someplace you've never been to before? Romance with someone from another country or different culture is likely for many of you. Do something spectacular!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This is a good time for you. The Sun is still at high noon in your chart acting like a spotlight on you. (This means important people notice you; furthermore, they think you're great. Don't argue with this or attempt to convince them otherwise.) Perhaps this is the reason gifts, goodies, favours and advantages are suddenly coming your way? There's more. Your sex life looks hot. Yay! You might fall head over heels in lust with someone. (Scorpios are into recreational sex.) Nevertheless, fair Venus may take this further. Physical intimacy could transcend hot and steamy to become a transcendent vehicle for inner change. "I can fly!" (I think this requires cheap whiskey.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

There's no doubt that relations with close friends and partners can improve this week. It's a given. It won't be all hunky-dory because fiery Mars opposes you now. Expect some conflicts or bickering. (This could, however, lead to make-up sex.) Essentially, if you're patient with a loved one who annoys you, you'll be surprised how fast the annoying quality disappears! Try it. I did. It worked (but I used a blindfold). Now for dessert: fair Venus is also opposing you, beautifully paving the way for smoochy boochies, and opportunities to express affection for each other. People might even give you money. (A friend could become a lover.) My, my.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

If you play your cards right (and who better than you knows how to do this?) you can make great strides at work right now. And if you don't have a formal job, you can make similar strides in achieving whatever tasks you set for yourself. That's because others are super prepared to help you now. You might get a budget increase (unheard of in these times), more supplies, more staff, more assistance, and last but not least, more pencils. The resources of others will be forthcoming to you, most likely in a way that promotes your health or any work you are doing. (It could also benefit you in a pet-related way.) "All my silverfish are gone!"

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

At the risk of repeating myself, get more sleep; get more rest. (I took the risk.) You can't be all things to all people all the time. Besides, if you get more rest, you can party more! This is a marvellous week for love affairs, romance, sporting events, playful times with children, the theatre, the performing arts, parties, social occasions and, most definitely, vacations. You want to have fun! You want to discover a fabulous cheap wine. You want exciting invitations to meet intriguing people. This same influence also primes the pump of your own creative output. Is it time for your own one-person show? You don't have to be an "artist" to be creative. Just express yourself; do your thing for the sheer pleasure of the doing. (We are verbs, not nouns.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This can be an especially rewarding week for you. You're extremely keen to get better organized at work and at home and, because of this, you're putting out a lot of effort. Whenever we put out effort, it's so satisfying to see wonderful results! (Love it.) Where you are most likely to see positive, beautiful and perhaps lucrative results is in the area of home, real estate, domestic issues and anything to do with your family dynamic. It's all your private life. Renovations and redecorating projects will delight you. Real-estate deals look pretty sweet. Home-entertainment evenings will be a success. Enjoy! (If you put out fresh flowers you don't have to dust.)