This week is full of pleasant surprises and bright shiny objects. (Lord knows, we need a diversion!) Both the Sun and Mercury are bouncing off unpredictable Uranus creating feelings of excitement, discovery and restless energy. (Plus a soupcon of rebellion.) Uranus is the drive behind Greenpeace, Amnesty International and labour unions. It's the collective energy that comes from the union of like minds. Lots of people will be on a rant about how to improve society. No doubt, meetings, clubs and committees will form to make the world a better place. Ah yes, power corrupts; but absolute power is kinda neat.
You're amazingly vibrant this week! You feel assertive, bold and confident talking to others. The energy this week is particularly empowering if you are involved in sales, teaching, acting, marketing or you're doing anything where you need persuasive skills. (I can think of a few interesting areas where the art of persuasion could come in handy.) Meanwhile, back at the ranch, new purchases of high-tech equipment or modern art or something unusual could be an exciting addition at home. Possibly, interesting people will visit? If so, they'll be eccentric or real characters in some way. (Whee!) Your home routine will be pleasantly interrupted. No question. (Ding dong! "I'll get it!")
You're super focused on your cash flow. For starters, you're spending a lot on beautiful things for yourself and loved ones. Ka-ching! Plus many of you are working extra hard to make more dough as well. Because you're in such a generous mood, no doubt, lots of goodies are flowing back your way. (After all, what goes around, comes around.) Every day is fresh and exciting now because your daily surroundings have changed! New people, unusual contacts (especially from foreign countries) and exciting ideas give you lots to think about. Learning, and any kind of study appeals to you because you're more curious than usual to know something about everything. Life is fresh!
With both fiery Mars and fair Venus in your sign, you can get away with anything this week! (And that's a lot.) Venus of course, makes you delightfully charming and diplomatic. (Kiss, kiss, hug, hug.) While Mars makes you much more of a fighter for your rights and physically energetic. (Mars rules the muscles.) That's why you can easily take advantage (and it must be quick) of surprise opportunities to earn money, as well as equally surprising opportunities to spend it. This is also the perfect time to go into business for yourself or initiate independent, moneymaking projects, because you're full of so many original moneymaking ideas! "It slices! It dices! It cuts a tomato so thin it has only one side!"
Your world is changing -- fast! Some of you are in an entirely new setting. Most likely, your daily routine is interrupted now because of unusual situations or new people suddenly coming into your life. However, life has certainly taken on exciting quality! Nothing is the same. What is particularly interesting at a deeper level, is that along with these external discoveries, many of you are also experiencing internal discoveries. You might see where you have become stuck in your ways and are a victim of habit. Just the realization of this is a breakthrough! The influences that occur now can make you freer and younger. ("Is this your rubber ducky?")
Life is taking on an electric quality this week, in large measure because you're talking to so many different kinds of people about so many different things. The irony is you've been seeking solitude and privacy to work alone or just hide. ("I have. That's true.") Nevertheless, your public won't let you! You're in demand. Since you cannot deny your subjects, by all means, get out and schmooze with artistic types, old friends and groups that are physically active. People want to hear what you have to say because you're original and very entertaining this week. Meanwhile, you're turned on because you're thrilled to be learning something new and meeting new faces. It's all good.
You feel unusually alive, vibrant and interested in everything and everyone around you. This is a popular time for you! But this week in particular, your ruler Mercury is sizzling with its contact with Uranus -- the planet that literally rules electricity and everything that goes bump in the night. This energy is bound to bring new friends and new faces into your world. These new contacts will be people who are different from you -- perhaps from a different background or a different country or a different culture. ((There's a fungus among us.") This could mean the beginning of an exciting romance, or a chance to learn some way out recipes. Ya think?
This is not a typical week. Surprise opportunities to travel or get further education or training or possibly even boost the reputation of your good name in some way might fall in your lap. If these opportunities appeal to you, you'll have to act very quickly because their window will be short. Do not hesitate! Unusual friends might enter your life now. This contact could be illuminating and educational for you, even if it's brief. Do pay attention because this week is full of possible opportunities that can really open up things for you in some way. But the catch is you have act fast! Romance with someone from another culture or background is likely. What a fun way to learn a new language!
Surprise news from bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs (including the police) might catch you off guard this week. However, the likelihood is that whatever you hear is exciting but pleasant. It will allow you to learn something unusual or put a new spin on things. Astronomy, astrology, aviation, rocket technology, mathematics, scientific subjects and information about other countries are some things that might suddenly fascinate you this week. Metaphysics and esoteric religious matters might also be in the mix. (Faeries at the bottom of the garden?) Sex is hot right now. You're passionate, experimental and imaginative! Something refreshing is taking place that empowers you. Oh my.
You're passionately intense about everything this week. (Don't leave home without a rose clenched between your teeth.) Intimacy will be memorable if you can snag someone. (This is definitely an event where two heads are better than one, even though Woody Allen maintained he was the best he ever had.) You are the philosopher, the old crone and the guru of the zodiac. You adore acquiring knowledge. What you learn this week however, might be extremely practical. Sudden news of assistance, gifts, inheritances, favours and shared property will surprise and delight you. Sexy flirtations might also surprise! Be patient with partners and close friends. (They could be annoying right now.)
Relationships with partners and close friends are exciting this week. They might do or say something that surprises you. You might learn some new information or see a new side of someone. Or casual acquaintance could become much cozier (also to your surprise). Possibly, either you or someone else will demand more freedom or want to have an entirely new arrangement. ("You stay home and I go out.") Many things are possible but not many of them might be predictable. "Whaaat?" Fortunately, variety is the spice of life. Whatever happens, your arrangements with those who are closest to you will end up making you feel younger and more free!
All kinds of surprises are occurring at work or connected with your job. You might be transferred or get a new set of duties or suddenly work with someone different. ("Didn't we meet in Vegas?") The introduction of new technology and new ways of doing things might stir things up. Some of you might suddenly have the opportunity to become self-employed or do consulting and free yourself from your previous slave wage existence. Some will learn something new or be surprised about something related to your health. Even surprises related to small pets are possible this week. ("My Daschund wants a sex change operation!") You won't like routine tasks right now. You want to break rules and push boundaries. Just a little.
Parents might find this week a bit unusual with respect to their children. Something surprising related to kids might occur. Do be vigilant because this is a mildly accident-prone influence as well. Some people will be shocked to find they're pregnant. Others might just be shocked at the antics of their kids. In a more interesting vein, (other arm above the elbow) surprising romances and flirtations could put a little zing in your step. Similarly, unusual opportunities related to sports are also likely. A last-minute vacation or an unexpected blind date might make your day. Lots of fun stuff -- most of it unexpected -- will make this an exciting week for you! The main thing is you want to learn new things and experience new adventures. Because of this, you'll be unusually frank and disclosing with others. "I'm going commando." (Or was that more information than you really needed?)