After being retrograde during May, pesky Mercury started moving forward at the beginning of June. This week it finally catches up to where it was when it first went retrograde, which means that as of June 17th, it's all systems go! This is because Mercury is the ruler of our everyday routine, our daily tasks and errands, including short trips. This is basically a good week; however, there's a noticeable shift of energy because of Mercury and the Sun. "Family" will assume a greater importance in the month ahead and garage sales will flourish! (Today a bargain is anything that is only moderately overpriced.)
For the next six weeks, you'll pull in somewhat because your focus will be on home, family and your private life. Many of you are involved with family events more than usual, with relatives or family reunions or entertaining visitors at home. However, despite this external involvement with others, a lot will be going on internally as well. You'll need moments to withdraw to mull over childhood memories. In other words, your focus is on your most intimate personal life. Comments from others might enlighten you to a different slant on your youth or your role in the family. It's scary how we shape our memories to suit ourselves. (Mark Twain was astonished at the number of things he could remember that never happened.)
The daily tempo of your days is accelerating! Just go with the flow (I call it flowmotion). Events around you will definitely push your pace. New faces, new events and new facts (perhaps from learning or taking a course) are exciting! You've got places to go, things to do, people to see. No matter what you're doing, communications are especially important during the next five-to-six weeks. Knowing this, do observe your style of communicating to others. Are you really listening to people? Do people understand you? Make clear communications a goal. Enjoy increased time with siblings. Short trips will be fun. During this whirlwind month, tell others how you feel about them. If you care, say so!
Money is increasingly important now. For starters, your cash flow is increasing in both directions. Money is changing hands and, hopefully, lots of it is falling into your pockets! You're also concerned with what you own. Are you a victim of your possessions? Do you own them or do they own you? We all hunger for a simpler, calmer existence that is streamlined and requires less effort. Nevertheless, we keep buying or accumulating stuff! Isn't it weird how we identify with our possessions? (What we wear, where we live, what we drive.) You want to establish greater control over your life, especially through the things you own. (And you know you're not what you own. Well, maybe your car.)
This week the Sun enters your sign for four weeks, which means it's your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. This energy boost comes only once a year so make the most of it! It gives you a greater need to express yourself to others. (Oh yeah. You'll want to enlighten people about everything.) The Sun also has the power to inexplicably draw people to you. As you have the ability to attract and magnetize people (and opportunities), milk this for all it's worth! It won't always be this easy. Group activities are prominent. Friendships are cozy. In fact, lovers can become friends, and friends can become lovers. (Love is blind but marriage is an eye-opener.)
In the next month, your best bet is to hide in the wings. Work alone or behind the scenes. Naturally, you'll emerge occasionally to join in the swing of things because a Leo can't stay undercover for long (not to be confused with under the covers). Nevertheless, you need privacy in the next six weeks. (You're not being antisocial. It's just a survival thing.) You're unusually ambitious, and so you can expect to schmooze with bosses and VIPs. Some of you will start a flirtation or an affair with a boss or someone older or more established. (The best labour-saving device is a rich spouse.) People will ask for your creative input about something. Set aside time to think about what you want your new year (birthday to birthday) to be all about. Hmm?
You're looking at a popular month! Invitations will pour in. People want to see your face. Clubs, groups and organizations will make demands on your time. Meanwhile, since you're up for all this, get out and schmooze. Enjoy the attention. This is an excellent time to discuss your hopes and dreams for the future with others. Why? Two reasons: articulating your ideas out loud (dredging them up from the murky recesses of your brain) helps to clarify them in your own mind. And secondly, feedback from others will be helpful! Do not confuse feedback with advice. Nobody likes advice. Nevertheless, never forget: Don't squat with your spurs on.
This is the only time all year when the Sun is at the top of your chart acting like a spotlight on you. Not only does this make others notice you (especially parents, bosses, teachers and VIPs), it casts a special glow on you that makes others think you're great! Expect increased responsibilities to be thrust on you. Don't be afraid to say yes. You'll pull off whatever is expected quite effortlessly. (Good lighting is everything.) Goodies, advantages and favours from others will come to you. In addition, you're hot, sexy and especially seductive. My goodness! You seem to be the big winner this week.
Because partnerships and close friendships are cozy now, you want to get out of town and have fun! Travel anywhere will appeal. If you can't grab a jet, take a road trip. The point of the month ahead is to learn something new. You want to experience more of the world. You want a richer life! Although travel will delight you, educational opportunities are just as satisfying. Some of you will explore new avenues in publishing, the media, medicine and the law. You might meet someone from a different country or another background. Relationships are cozy and romantic yet testy. Life is full of contradictions, especially with partners.
The month ahead is intense and passionate! This intense passion will manifest in many ways. The most obvious is sexual. And yes, you'll be deliciously passionate! (Don't leave home without a rose clenched between your teeth.) However, you'll also be equally fervent about dealing with shared property, taxes, debt and the wealth of others, especially the earnings and possessions of your partner. "I want it all!" You're gung ho and productive at work. You have the energy to move mountains, plus co-workers are co-operative. Romance at work is tempting. You're tweaking your work space to look more attractive. "How about hot pink and see what everyone thinks?"
Right now the Sun is as far away from your sign is it gets. Because the Sun is a source of energy, you need to get more sleep. Take care of yourself. However, this also means you have the chance to learn more about yourself through your intimate one-to-one relationships and partnerships. Do these relationships fill your needs and wants? How well do you fill the needs and wants of others? (For a relationship to be successful you have to be as good for your partner as he or she is for you.) Meanwhile, you're partying because Venus and Mars continue to promote romance, love affairs, flirtations, sports and playful times with children. You're not into self-denial right now; you demand the freedom to do your own thing!
As the planets cycle through different signs, similarly, your energy plus opportunities around you will fluctuate. In the next six weeks, you're suddenly gung ho to get organized in every aspect of your life, even the medicine cabinet. You want everything in its place. Therefore, start out by getting the right tools so that you can do a good job: shelving, file folders, cupboards, paint, cleaning equipment, whatever. Strike while the iron is hot. Since you have this energy and motivation to re-organize your life, get as much done as possible. Renovations and home decorating projects are top of the list. Nevertheless, family relations are congenial. Entertain at home. (You might even put some to work!) "Sing for your supper?"
You're entering one of the most playful times of the year for you. Pleasure and gratification come first. And why not? Everyone gets a turn each year. The next six weeks are the best time for a vacation. They're also a great time for love affairs, romance, playful activities with children, the arts and anything to do with show business and the hospitality industry. You're full of ideas about what to do. The bottom line is simply this: You want to enjoy yourself and have fun. Your schmooze skills are hot. You're also unusually convincing and persuasive. You feel free-spirited and happy to be alive.