The Full Moon in Sagittarius on Sunday the 7th is powerful. Following this, there are four major "connections" between Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. (Practically the whole gang!) Lots happening! Fortunately, these influences are mostly positive. (The dicey ones will make us misread or overestimate things or feel confused.) However, the overall theme is super magnification! Whatever we do will be magnified in the future. (Positive actions will generate happiness, and the opposite for negative actions.) Common sense and a healthy self-interest advise us to be as positive as we can to reap as many goodies as possible in the future! After all, who wants to be waiting at the train station when their ship comes in?
Important discussions, especially with relatives and siblings could trigger a chain of events that generate a new source of income for you. Whee! (This might or might not happen -- but it sure is possible for many of you.) Quite a few unpredictable things will impact your earnings, your cash flow and your possessions. The upside is you see new ways to earn money plus exciting new ways to spend it. (Fun purchases. Probably high-tech stuff.) However, keep your eyes open because you could also lose money or be confused about purchases or investments. Keep your receipts. Guard your money and your possessions. "Trust the Force, Luke."
So much is happening! And it's not just the changing events swirling around you; whatever's happening affects you emotionally by grabbing you in the gut! (Ticklish?) Conditions are changing daily with surprises from friends, and contacts through clubs, groups and organizations. Your sense of adventure is alive, which is why you're open to new experiences, and exploring new places and meeting new faces. Yeehaw! Even your long-term goals are undergoing an overhaul. But it's all good. Clarify important discussions with bosses, parents and VIPs because there could be confusion here. Be up front and straightforward. Don't try to dodge something to avoid an unpleasant confrontation. (Who, me?)
Secret love affairs are taking place for some of you. (You're definitely in lust with someone.) Too bad you don't have time to write in a diary because those entries would be hot and steamy! Some other events with authority figures in your life make you feel rebellious and independent. You want to call your own shots. (But hey, what's new? Freedom has always been important to you.) Real assistance and help from others can come to you now (you know about it but it's not obvious to everyone else). Remain flexible about travel, publishing, the media and higher education because all is not as it seems here. Basically, this is a strong, wonderful time for you. Enjoy your week!
Friends can become lovers and lovers can become friends this week. In fact, your relations with others (be it casual acquaintances or encounters with groups) will be surprisingly intense and passionate! This passion doesn't have to be sexual. (But it might be.) It can be the passion of the thrilling discovery of intense agreement or an alignment of similar goals. Unusual people from different backgrounds and other countries will come into your life now. Surprises with publishing, the media, higher education, medicine and the law are definitely coming down the tube. Double-check everything about shared property and financial negotiations. (You might encounter double-speak here.)
Romance with a boss, teacher or someone older or more experienced might sweep you off your feet, as romance is wont to do. (People in love seldom remain standing for very long.) Actually, people in power are willing to help you know even financially. Be gracious and remain open to this. Just remember: good business is always mutually beneficial. You're also popular right now! Everyone wants to see your face. Meanwhile, you want to talk to others to get feedback about your goals and your dreams for the future. (Taking the Conn on the Starship Enterprise!)
With the Sun at high noon in your chart acting like a spotlight on you, you're high viz. Sudden, unexpected opportunities will trigger travel or last-minute training or courses that can broaden your horizons. You might also discover ways of earning money through art (especially from other cultures and countries), publishing, the media, and travel- related ventures like importing/exporting. You're full of lots of bright ideas, and people are willing to listen to you. Be ready to travel or study at a moment's notice because your window of opportunity will be brief. Whatever happens will excite you and expand your world! (Get ready to act fast.)
"May you live in interesting times" is a Chinese curse, but it does sound fascinating, doesn't it? And this week is definitely exhilarating! In large measure, what makes it interesting is you're eager for adventure and something new. Sex is hot and passionate. (It might even be experimental and surprising.) Money, goodies, gifts, inheritances and favours can come to you from others. (Keep your pockets open.) Some of the gifts and advantages that come your way will be surprising and unexpected. New technology might help your job or support what you do in a better way. Caution against extravagance with children, vacations and social events. You might also go overboard treating your sweetie.
Even though you're super focused on discussions about shared property, inheritances, insurance matters, taxes and debt, things are going swimmingly with partners and close friends. People will surprise you now but probably in a good way. Close relationships are passionate! You're ready to explore new nuances and ways of doing things. ("Did you want that with fries?") Although some confusion with family and domestic matters, including family businesses, is likely; on the whole, things are good. Discussions with others are so vibrant and dynamic, you might actually elevate a close relationship to another level. "Fourth Floor: Handbags, Women's Shoes, Lingerie and Glassware."
Even though you have a strong connection and focus with partners and close friends right now, this week is all about your job and your health. Many of you will make great improvements to your job. You might get a better job or find a better way of doing the job you now have. Or you might develop an improved attitude to your job. (Something is definitely a change for the better!) New contacts on your job as well as new technology and the introduction of high-tech equipment can put a new spin on things. Opportunities to work from home or work with family members might exist. Similarly, surprising news or breakthroughs about your health are possible. It's not a boring week!
Romance is all over the map this week, but things are looking good. New love is possible, while existing relationships might explore a few bold new moves. Some of you will definitely meet somebody new and fall passionately in love. Sudden vacation opportunities or chances to explore the arts, sports and scintillating social occasions will be exciting. Children will also be a source of surprise and delight. Caution: there is some confusion and even deceit possible as well. Let's hope you can party and explore these fun invitations because, in reality, you're in serious work mode! Go figure.
It's party city for your sign this month, and this week is no exception. Romance, love affairs, vacations, sports, the arts and playful times with kids are all totally upbeat and enjoyable. But what really throws you for a loop this week are the changes taking place at home! (Oy-yoy-yoy!) New faces or unexpected company might drop by. Redecorating and renovating projects are making huge improvements. Home repairs are likely as well. Expect unusual purchases, especially of modern art or high-tech stuff. (Are you changing everything around where you live?) And in spite of all this, you're on a vacation and enjoying good times with children. Do explore a fun schedule with show business or the hospitality industry. Go, go, go!
Home, family and real estate continue to be a major focus for you. However, this weekend could go sideways in a New York minute. For starters, you can expect to meet new people and make new friends. Unexpected short trips, plus encounters with unusual characters create exciting interest for you. Through wheeling and dealing or selling and marketing (or possibly writing) you might create a new income stream or make a little cash on the side. Some confusion, especially at the beginning of the week, is likely. Tread carefully. Double-check important information. Essentially, your positive outlook on everything and your enthusiasm for life empower you now! You can make things happen either directly by yourself or indirectly through others simply because you believe it can be done. Wow.