This week is full of wonderful, positive potential! You can accomplish a lot because you have the motivation, energy and follow-through to complete whatever you're doing. In addition to this energetic drive, a lovely, softer influence will inspire you to do good things and enjoy group situations and appreciate the creative efforts of others. It's a feel-good, happy week! You'll be satisfied and proud of accomplishments, as well as delighted with the energy of others. "Life is not tried, it is merely survived, if you're standing outside of the fire." (Don'tcha love Garth?)
You can come up with great money-making ideas this week. You can increase your earnings (or make a little on the side) because you see a new potential source of income. It might involve taking something that already exists and finding a new use for it. You might spend money to make repairs or renovations. Actually, lots of financial transactions and situations are beneficial to you this week! New friendships and contacts will delight you. A friend might also return your generosity with a gesture that pleases you. It's a great week to schmooze and enjoy clubs, groups and organizations. Think about your dreams for the future. Einstein said your imagination is just a preview of coming attractions.
You're pumped! You couldn't pick a better time to begin an exercise regime or do something to improve your health, especially your muscle system. You're on a big kick right now to turn over a new leaf in many aspects of your life. You're getting rid of what is no longer relevant because you're just not going to pack that stuff around any more. You have a sense of moving toward a fresh start, and this enthuses you. You're thinking about your long-term goals, and you see that your desire to implement them necessitates introducing some reforms. (Ay, there's the rub.) This includes anything from losing weight to dropping some bad habits. (I recently dropped a few vices; fortunately, I found them again right away.)
With both the Sun and your ruler Mercury in your sign, you're empowered. (And chatty!) You've got energy to burn. However, something else is going on. It's subliminal, behind the scenes, and possibly at a subconscious level. Something you're doing privately (or on your own) might lead to major changes in the future -- changes for the better. Unknowingly, you might be cultivating a new habit pattern or a new belief system about what you're capable of. Friends from other cultures are supportive. (In fact, new romance could blossom!) Opportunities to travel or explore training, education and new ideas also exist. Expect offers and perks with publishing, the media, medicine and the law. Hey, this is exciting!
Even though you're working behind the scenes, others are impressed with you this week. In fact, bosses, and VIPs are so impressed, some of you will begin a love affair or a saucy flirtation with someone who is older, richer, more established than you or an authority figure in some way. Because you make such a great impression on others, expect to be asked to do something special, especially regarding your input about aesthetics, design, colour or how to make something look better. (Just go for it because you'll easily pull it off.) Group endeavours can really accomplish something now. Join forces with others to redo or improve or renovate or refinish something. (Most of you are pretty mechanical.)
You're ambitious this week! Many of you will discover you have more power than you thought and for your sign, that's saying a lot. (Power corrupts but absolute power is kinda neat.) Trust your ability to tweak your life direction. You might change something that's important because you see a better way of doing things. (This also includes your relationship to authority figures.) Travel with others and opportunities with publishing, the media, medicine and the law (as well as training, courses and education) are exciting and certainly pleasing! In fact, these opportunities might also generate money. Ka-ching! Romance with someone from another country or different culture is also possible. "Te gusto?"
You can benefit in many ways this week. Travel plans might change, but for the better. School plans might similarly undergo some kind of major overhaul but, in the end, it's all to the good. You might also undergo a transformation with politics, religion or a life belief system. (Pretty heady stuff.) Meanwhile, back at the bank, gifts, goodies and outright cash can come to you. Resources benefit you at work (improved equipment, budget, support, staff, whatever) and at the same time, something might come along to improve your health. Sheesh! Things are looking good in the bedroom as well. Intimacy is transcendent and mind expanding. (It never rains but it pours.)
Your gonads are in overdrive! You feel passionate, hot, lusty and lascivious. If you had time to write in a diary (which you don't) the pages would be singed. Romantic partnerships are truly memorable this week. New ones might begin and existing ones will heat up in a memorable way. (Buy that teddy.) Actually, all creative partnerships can benefit now in a productive, artistic way. Show business, the entertainment world, the hospitality industry and anything to do with sports will be extremely profitable. This suits you just fine because you're hungry for adventure and new experiences right now. You need to hit the road. You want a change of scenery. (The teddy! Now there's an eyeful!)
Two major areas will undergo a change this week (or certainly in this general time frame). Partnerships and close friendships are undergoing passionate, feisty exchanges, and maybe even fights that ultimately place your relationship on a new footing, one that is definitely for the better. But it's been a struggle to get here! (Oh well; no pain, no gain.) The other area that will definitely give you benefits and pleasure is related to your work, and your health and your daily way of going about your business. You might get a better job. Or something might happen and improve your current job. Job-related travel is also likely. All of these changes give you a positive sense of well-being. (Time to celebrate with a bottle of bubbly!)
You're enormously industrious this week. Your hard work is evident in your job, where you're trying to introduce reforms or make improvements to your surrounding situation or the job itself or how you do your job -- or everything with your job! Similarly, you're on a kick to improve your health as well. The sunny rays of summer (you adore being outside) are a reminder that you need to get back in shape. You want to buff that bod and not be winded easily. You need some daily, sustained huffing and puffing. Parties, love affairs, romance, sports, vacations, creative functions, movies and the theatre are all fabulous sources of fun and excitement for you this week. You're the big winner and you love it! "High five!"
This is a busy week! For starters, you're gung ho to get better organized at work and at home, and you're doing everything you can to make this a reality, especially one that pleases you. You're also putting a lot of energy into entertaining, accepting invitations, and the theatre, sports or creative ventures, including activities with children. Fun stuff. And that's not all. Not only are you entertaining at home, you're on a serious home improvement kick to beautify things by creating a more gracious ambience or buying beautiful items for your home. This is a great week for real-estate deals. You can't go wrong! (Check under sofa cushions for loose change.)
You're in a prankish, sexy, flirtatious mood. You want to have fun! Sports, playful times with children, love affairs, romance, vacations and any kind of pleasant diversion are available for you right now. That's where it's at this month. Cool! Meanwhile, major renovations, repairs and improvements at home create chaos and increased activity. (Groan.) Hold your breath; when it's all done things will be so much better! Meanwhile, exchanges with siblings and daily contacts are sweet and loving. Enjoy schmoozing. All communications, including writing, sales, teaching, and acting are blessed this week. Success in publishing and travel opportunities could be your payoff. You feel ripened on the vine and jet fresh!
Although home, family and real estate continue to be a major focus, you're unusually assertive in all your communications with others this week. When you open your mouth, people listen! In part, this is because you won't hesitate to say what you mean and mean what you say. This gives you an edge if you teach, act, sell, train, drive, market or need to persuade others for any reason. (You're unstoppable.) Your money scene is solid this week. Finally, you can take a breather. (Happiness is a positive cash flow and you know it!) Look for ways to make money as well as collect it. Working with groups behind the scenes just might be the ticket. (If at first you don't succeed, believe harder.)