All Signs

Every few years, Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and wisdom lines up with Neptune, the planet of idealism, confusion and the ocean. This happens this week. However, in 2009, this particular "line up" occurs three times: May 27, July 10 and Dec. 2. This event definitely promotes feelings of altruism and humanitarianism throughout the world. Ideally, this is a spontaneous warmhearted impulse, and not a response to a disaster. (However, the last time they lined up was the response of millions to the Tsunami on Dec 26, 2004.) Let's hope this will be a ground swell that is positively inspired! Since the meeting of these planets is possibly a portent of something quite different, I will not make light of anything. I hold my tongue. (A rarity!)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You look mahvelous dahling, mahvelous! Fair Venus is still in your sign making you unusually attractive to others, plus smoothing all your relationships with everyone. (Kiss, kiss, hug, hug.) In addition, your ruler Mars is also in your sign giving you a fabulous boost of energy and assertiveness. There's more! This week your ruler Mars bounces off both Jupiter and Neptune, giving you enormous power and influence with groups and friends. Others will follow your lead. You're like the Pied Piper! If you want to exhort people to do good things -- they will. Think of the power you have! (Oh my.) Stay busy. Take short trips and run errands. So much to do!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Some behind-the-scenes motivation or behind-the-scenes activity really promotes your good name among your peers this week. You have a great chance to enhance your reputation in some way. In particular, you'll easily impress bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. Some of you might be doing some secret charity work (shades of Lloyd C. Douglas' Doctor Hudson's Secret Journal) that inadvertently comes to light or promotes you in a positive way to others. You might be able to influence those in power to act with charity, generosity, kindness or tolerance. You might also be in a position to influence where funds are sent or to help someone in need. If you do this, others will know of your good deeds.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Offers to travel with others might come to you this week. Similarly, a chance to take classes or get training or further education; or something with publishing, the media, medicine and the law are all ways that can benefit you now. For different reasons (according to the details of your life) your idealism is hugely aroused this week! This could be due to learning something new (via the media) or encountering a teacher or some kind of philosophy or religion. Perhaps someone from another country or a different culture will introduce you to new ways of thinking? This week, you'll expand your experience of the world. You might feel more connected with faraway places. It's all very exciting!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You can really clean up this week. (And I'm not talking dusting or sweeping.) The wealth of others can hugely benefit you now. This could be due to an inheritance, or money back from the government, or an insurance settlement, or the simple generosity of someone. Possibly,your benefits are not monetary, but instead someone will offer you the use of something that they own, or they'll do a favour for you. Some of you will benefit through your partner. You're actively ambitious; plus you look good to others now, especially VIPs and bosses. (In fact, romance with a boss or someone richer or older is likely.) Keep your pockets open, and remember to say thank you!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Something magnificent will take place this week (and again and again in the rest of the year.) To be specific, this magnificent "something" is about partnerships and close friendships. Some of you will develop a warm and loving partnership with someone new. Possibly, this person is from a different background or another country; or you might meet them through the media. Existing partnerships will also be beautifully enriched. As you value someone in your life, your heightened appreciation not only enhances the partnership, it makes you a better person. Ultimately, this goodness spills over to others as well. Wow! (But that's how life works.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is a fortunate week! You're a sign who is happier when you're happier in your work. (Remember Colonel Saito in The Bridge of the River Kwai?) This week is the first of three major events this year that magnify your job in a positive way. You might get a job if you're unemployed. Or you might get a better job. Or your horrible boss might leave. Or you might get a raise or a promotion. Or you might have the opportunity to benefit coworkers or clients in a way that is personally rewarding and satisfying. The resources of others will help you make this a reality. Furthermore, the Sun is high in your chart now making people to notice you, especially bosses and VIPs. (When they hand you the baton -run!)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

What a glorious week! You're in touch with your muse and your creative powers are off the map. If you're in the entertainment world, the hospitality industry, the arts, or any creative expression (including sports and dealing with children) -- you have lots of winning and imaginative ideas! You're hot! This same winning influence applies to romance and love affairs. (Be still my beating heart.) Not only that, this marvelous influence returns again and again this year. Whee! You are so in the groove. One tiny caveat: this influence can sometimes lead you astray with financial speculation by promising more than is possible. Caution.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Wonderful, positive changes are taking place at home and within your family this week. (About time!) These changes promote a feeling of mutual sympathy, respect and caring love for family members and people you live with. ("Is there any more apple pie left?") Better yet, when you read All Signs above, you'll see this very benevolent influence is repeated twice more throughout the year! This means things just get better for you in your private world, and within your family dynamic and how you relate to your home. The tooth fairy has arrived! This can also apply to real estate. Of course, this is not magic. You've been working very hard to make this happen. You deserve this!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

More than any other sign, you need to maintain an optimistic attitude. When you lose this, you fall apart. You need to believe there's something better in your future because optimism is a survival issue for you. This year, numerous planetary events will promote your ability to think positive! This is not just fairy dust falling from the heavens. Specific events will occur. You might meet positive, upbeat people who affect your attitude. You might take courses, read books, or change your daily habits. This week one of the biggest breakthroughs will occur. You might fall in love, or go on a vacation, or hold a new baby, or be thrilled with a sports event. Could be anything. Lucky you!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Show me the money! Most of you will experience something unusual with your cash flow this week. Hopefully, it's positive. You might receive money or gifts or possessions because someone wants to show generosity to you. You might receive money or possessions because you've earned it. Or in turn, you might have the opportunity to give money and possessions to someone who really needs it, and this enriches you in a personal, inner way. (Except for great sex, which has a fleeting enjoyment, it's hard to beat the lasting enjoyment that kindness and generosity can give you.) If you have an opportunity to help someone - by all means do so. (You'll love yourself for it later.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You feel really lucky this week! This is a great week for practically anything. It's wonderful for business and commerce; it's great for relationships and friendships. Your ability to communicate effectively and impressively to others is practically staggering. You speak, and your dazzle others with your words! You'll have chances to benefit others and show people kindness, consideration and generosity. (Think of your popularity rating!) You also have a chance to be a role model that others admire because of the choices you make or the actions you demonstrate. Nothing succeeds like the appearance of success. Baby - you've got it!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This week is the first of several instances this year where you feel enormously altruistic and full of loving kindness and generosity to others. This feeling isn't going to just float gently in on Cloud Nine. Something will actually provoke it or cause it to take place within you. You might encounter a teacher or have an experience or personal epiphany which gives you some kind of revelation of how to be happier, and how to have more self-love and self-respect. (Sounds a bit touchy-feely -- but this is going to happen.) Perhaps you have a chance to help others in need; or you're on the receiving end of somebody else's generosity? Either way - your idealism and your appreciation of life is enriched. Cool!