All Signs

This week the planetary influences are relatively minor. Therefore, I decided to do a general recap and update of each sign. When your sign is called (in alphabetical order) please come forward, remove your shoes and step on the scales. This is a reality check. Reality checks never bounce (although they have been known to explode). Sometimes, it's good to just get your bearings and hold your position. Quite often, this is all it takes to learn how to become a person who is strong, compassionate and really knows how to accessorize.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This continues to be a time of hard work. Give it your best shot. By next year, you'll make a breakthrough. Recognition of some kind will acknowledge you and your efforts. Yes! Meanwhile, this a wonderfully popular year for you. Accept all invitations. Join clubs, groups and organizations. People want to be in your presence. Plus, the more you schmooze with others, the more you'll be encouraged to stretch your own goals for the future. In a very rare occurrence, Venus is having a long run in your sign. It will stay there until June paving the way for romance and diplomatic connections with everyone. (Well, you can't be romantic with everyone -- you're too busy!)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You're empowered this month with the Sun and Mercury in your sign. Indeed, many of you are indulging in secret love affairs. (You ripe, sensuous peach!) You need time off for good behaviour because of challenging situations with your kids. Plus, you're still wondering what you want to be when you grow up. Try to get a hint of this in 2009 because this year lucky Jupiter is sitting at the top of your chart attracting opportunities from bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. You look great in their eyes! Expect a promotion at work or some kind of public recognition. This is one of those rare years when you are really in touch with what you can do. Flaunt it, baby!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Since 2001, you've been in a new sandbox. And since 2005, residential moves and job changes have kept you off your heels. Finally, you're in a position to solidify a secure home base for yourself in the world. Something you can rely on. You will do this by buying, selling, moving or repairing where you live. It just makes sense. This year is full of unusual travel opportunities as well as chances for education and training. This is exciting because it will expand your horizons and enrich your experiences. Both Venus and Mars are encouraging you to schmooze with groups and friends. (A friend might become a lover.) Get ready for some stellar opportunities in 2010. (That's 249 sleeps from now.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You're a nester. You hold on to what you have, which is why job changes and residential moves are upsetting. Nevertheless, this is what many of you are facing this year. Good news! The point of these changes is to lead you to truly secure a home for yourself from 2010-12. In a few cases, it may take a few moves. (Gulp.) But when you do find your digs, and/or repair where you live, you'll feel so snug and secure! This is about two years down the road. However, this is the year to go for a mortgage. You can benefit from the wealth of others through loans, wills, inheritances, gifts or bonuses for your partner. In fact, romance with a boss or someone older or wiser is possible this month! (Oh my.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You're in the limelight more than usual because the Sun is acting like a spotlight on you. ("Are you ready for your close-up, Miss Garbo?") On the whole, you're enjoying warm, cozy relationships with friends and partners because Jupiter is opposite your sign this year (this happens only once every 12 years). It's a time of culmination, but it's not the finish. It's more a rise to yet another plateau. You have an excellent chance for success in a number of endeavours! Therefore, the feeling that you should go after everything that you can is correct! The choices you make this year will have a big impact on your future.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Travel beckons. You're restless for adventure, new faces and new places. It's been a struggle since 2007. (Well, if we really want to get into it, it hasn't been a picnic since 2005!) Although last year did have some fun romance and vacations; plus rewarding joy from children. Nevertheless, you need a change! There's no question you can improve your job this year by getting a better job, or tweaking what you have already, or changing your attitude to your job. But right now -- you need to blow town! If this escape includes a lover, all the better. (Your gonads are in overdrive.) You feel passionate and sexy!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You're still on a self-improvement kick. This is good. Because this year offers you fun, romance, pleasure excursions, vacations and rewarding times with children, so you need to be in shape! (It takes energy to have a good time, especially if this includes recreational sex.) In the bigger picture, this is a time of letting go. You're giving up people, places and things to get ready for a new beginning in 2010. (Yet another reason to stay in great shape.) Partnerships are blowing hot and cold because both Venus and Mars oppose you now. I love you. I hate you. I love you. I hate you. What have you done for me lately? Be nice or I'm going on vacation without you.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Before I say anything, get more sleep. The Sun is as far away from your sign as it gets all year, and the Sun is your source of energy. Your tush is dragging! Pamper yourself and get more rest. Ironically, you're working hard now because you're so keen to get organized, plus the money is there. Fortunately, co-workers are supportive. This is a great year for real estate for you. Therefore, fix up your own digs, expand them or buy and sell or explore speculative real-estate ventures. You won't regret it. In fact, things are getting happier and cozier on the home front with family members. Everyone has a warm feeling in their tummy, including you. (What about that power nap?)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This is a time of culmination. Many things have come to fruition. Now you see what is working and what is not. This means that, in many ways, it's time to take a bow and pat yourself on the back. (While in other ways, you just have to cut your losses.) Your optimism is returning and this is important. (I've said many times optimism is a survival issue for you.) You must constantly cultivate positive thinking. Look forward to wonderful real-estate opportunities next year. (They exist.) But right now, parties, vacations, love affairs and romance promise so much fun! "Give me some castanets and I'm all a-fire!" (You're only as young as your jeans.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

If you play your cards right, you can boost your earnings this year. And if you spend your money well, you'll also wonderfully boost your assets. It's the year of wealth for you and yet, at the same time, it's a year of preparation because from 2010 onward, you really hit your stride! How cool is that? (Some are born to greatness. Some achieve it. Some get it as a graduation gift.) This month is a wonderful time (and next month) for decorating projects at home. This makes sense because many of you will be doing some home entertaining. Tension on the home front requires patience. It's important to get along because so much has to be done.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You continue to be super-focused on home, family and real-estate situations. Home repairs are likely as well. Family discussions are frequent and lively. Nevertheless, no matter what is going on, you are blessed this year! All kinds of marvellous opportunities are coming your way, and will continue to do so even into 2010. In addition to which, others are impressed with you as well. Suddenly, you're a people magnet! That's because lucky Jupiter is in Aquarius for the first time in 12 years. Enjoy your good fortune! Nevertheless, practical, financial and emotional support from others is less now. You have to stand on your own two feet. So what? All the more reason to get fabulous shoes.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This insane, busy pace continues! You're even too busy to play that "I'm busier than you game." (Don't you hate it when you're insanely busy, and someone comes along and tries to tell you that they're busier than you?) Ha! Get real. Without question, one of the biggest challenges you're facing this year is difficulties with partnerships. In fact, some partnerships are ending because they're more trouble than they're worth. (Does that sound cold? Lord knows you tried.) Of course, partnerships that are meant to endure, will endure. But they're going to need a serious dry-cleaning and shoe shine. Fortunately, lucky Jupiter enters your sign in January for the first time in 12 years. Glory hallelujah!