All Signs

"Spring is sprung, the grass is riz. I wonder where de boidies is? Dey say de boids are on de wing, but that's absoid! The windgs are on de boid!" Whether the birds are on the wing or vice versa, this week, let's take a reality check. World economics are freaking people out. Nevertheless, times of crisis offer far more opportunities to help each other. Since true generosity is giving what is needed, we have more chances to practice kindness and giving. Globally, so many in the world are suffering but, if you're reading this column (and you are) you're in that small percentage of the world that is literate, educated, and not suffering from the horrific conditions of war, prison, tyranny and torture. We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You're working hard! You're enjoying increased popularity, and nursing grander goals and dreams. This is an auspicious combination because the support of others is timely. If you're lounging on the sofa peeling grapes, the support of others is nice because the support of others is always nice; but when you're busting your buns -- that's when the support of others is vital! And it's a two-way street: you have chances to help others as well. (Social reform particularly interests you now.) Hot tip for 2009: If the improvements in your life don't affect others, your benefits will be fewer and less long-lasting. If you help others as well as yourself -- it's truly a win/win!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Many of you have increased responsibilities with children. (There's nothing wrong with teenagers that reasoning with them won't aggravate.) What you produce now is the result of hard work. Part of you wants to withdraw because some risks you have taken have flopped. (Scary!) But if you pursue an activity carefully and steadily, and slowly give form to something through your own efforts, you'll find it enormously rewarding. Because lucky Jupiter is at the top of your chart this year (first time in 12 years) your confidence is growing. Your hard work will pay off! Work-related travel or a job change to medicine, healing, the law and higher education are likely. (Plus romance with someone older.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This year your greatest lessons are about home, family (increased responsibilities with parents) and real estate. You want to get your house in order whether that is literally where you live, or your "inner" house, because you're getting ready to emerge again in the world after years of relative dormancy. The 21st century has been a whole new scene. You had to reinvent yourself and -- before you can venture further -- you need a solid base of operations. Once you feel secure about this, then you're ready to move on. Exciting chances to travel and get further education exist this year. Pack your bags; you're going places!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Because you're a nester (and you have lots of stuff) residential moves or job changes are not something you relish. Ghastly upheaval! Nevertheless, most of you are undergoing job changes and residential moves -- either one or both. Oy vey. But lo! Each move can help get a handle on your stuff. (There's an old army saying: "Three moves are worth a fire.") Don't be discouraged. When the immediate environment around you changes, your daily habits and attitudes change, which is a healthy thing. This keeps you young! Fortunately, the wealth and resources of others helps you this year through inheritances, financial assistance, loans and mortgages. How timely!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Perhaps now more than any other time, you're grappling with the question: What really matters in life? You don't want to put your money on the wrong horse. You don't want to be waiting at the train station when your ship comes in. You don't want to look in the mirror when you're 90 thinking, "Kid, you blew it." You have to have your priorities right! Rich or poor, young or old, each of us only has 24 hours every day. Time is ticking. You will never again be as young as you are as you read these words. What enriches your life? Money? Possessions? Fame? Prestige? Recognition? Family? Relationships? Friendships? Spiritual beliefs? (For sure, partnerships will benefit you this year.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Growth is like a learning curve. It goes in spurts and then it plateaus. This year is a time of growth for you. (To be more specific, the last two-to-three years!) Your world has changed. Some of you have changed your name, your image, your appearance and your daily wardrobe since 2006. It's exciting. You're setting off on a new journey. In fact, you're reinventing yourself. Because this is such a big job, keep things at a manageable level. (You feel more confident when you're on top of your scene and in control.) What helps you this year is improvements in your job and your health. You can get a better job, or learn to enjoy your existing job. Factoid.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Last year and this year continue to be a time of letting go of people, places and possessions. Not easy. You like to bring things together, not divide them. (It's your nature.) For some, this is the dark night of the soul. It's a trying time and a testing time. ("You mean there's going to be a midterm?") One challenge is that your way of doing things or handling your life no longer get the desired response. (Whaaat?) You have to change your approach. This is not a time of failure. It's a time of change. You're clearing the decks for a whole new approach to life. Fortunately, children, vacations, romance, sports, playful times and creative ventures are a source of great joy this year. This balances things. (Whew!)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You're serious about your long-term goals and dreams for the future. You're very determined. You know what you want and you're prepared to go after it. Of course, in large measure, these qualities make up your modus operandi, but now you have them in spades! Partly why you're so focused is because you have greater clarity about what you want to achieve. Your home scene is particularly cozy and supportive. And this is a great year for real estate. (Good time to buy/sell.) Family life is enriched and family members are supportive. (Now you know why the best thing parents can do for their kids is to remain solvent.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This is a watershed year. It's a time of harvest and also a time of great responsibilities, which makes you focus on your job, your reputation, your social prestige, and your status in the community. This is a rewarding time. "Yay! Go me!" Your confidence in yourself is strong. But I think one of the most important things occurring is that you have a positive frame of mind. This is critical. Optimism is a survival issue for Sagittarius. You've got to believe in your future. Relations with siblings and daily contacts will improve. Opportunities to travel and learn new things abound! (You know that he who hesitates is miles from the next exit. And he who laughs, lasts.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This is an exciting year. You're on the brink of something. A strong feeling of expectation is quietly thrilling. This is very much a time of preparation. And how timely -- when one has to prepare -- that a little extra coin comes your way. Ka-ching! Be confident about your ability to boost your earnings this year, because most of you can do so. You might also increase your assets through beautiful purchases or receiving gifts and lovely things from others. Life is so promising this year! Be patient with others this week. If you meet with resistance, don't push it. In fact, pull back and give everything some breathing space.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This is an empowering year. Whatever transpires will boost your confidence and increase your poise. Your health will feel good; your optimism will be strong; and many things will auspiciously come together or fall in your lap. Your freedom will increase. You'll meet fascinating people from different walks of life. It's a great time to go back to school or learn something new. You're getting closer to the truth of what your potential truly is. Ironically, in part, this is happening because the support from partners and other sources is drying up. You're discovering you can rely completely on yourself. "Fresh horses and whiskey for my men!"

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Your challenge continues to be with partners, both intimate and professional. And it's tough! (Sometimes marriage isn't a word, it's a sentence.) Those relationships that are more trouble than they're worth will end. Those that will endure and prevail will undergo major readjustments. No question. As all this unfolds, in turn, you will undergo a huge learning curve that involves tolerance, forgiveness, courage, resolution, and the cultivation of a need for a healthy self-interest. A confused Pisces is easily a victim. Duh? But to be of benefit to anyone, you need strength, confidence and the ability to be proactive. Right? (Of course, the whole point of being grown up is to be able to be childish sometimes.)