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The New Moon in Aries on Thursday the 26th is an opportunity to make resolutions. Do we care? Yes! Our goals define us. And when we're aware of our goals, we more easily achieve them. (Do you get in your car without knowing where you're going?) Goals help us steer our lives instead of letting life just happen to us. The New Moon each month is a gift! It just takes a bit of thought to make a few resolutions. (The point is to focus on where you have your best chance to make improvements in that particular month.) This month I'm going to get rich and famous; lose 10 pounds, turn 15 years younger, buy a yacht, a villa in France and a rope of nine mm pearls. (Do you think the nine mm is going too far?)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Around Thursday the 26th, you have a 48-hour window to set new intentions or make resolutions. This is particularly important for Aries because this New moon is in your sign! (Hello?) All you have to do is take a realistic look in the mirror. What do you see? More to the point: What do others see? People make their mind up about you in 10 seconds. What can you do to improve the image you present to the world? (You never get a second chance to make a first impression.) In the same vein (different arm), how does your personality come across? Warm, friendly and interested in others? Self-absorbed? How do you want others to see you?

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The New Moon on Thursday is in a hidden, sensitive part of your chart. This is a tricky placement when it comes to thinking about how to make resolutions to improve your life. (It actually occurs on Thursday, but you always have a roughly 48-hour period to use its energy.) Essentially, the placement of this New Moon urges you to focus on how compassionate and caring you are. How willing are you to put the needs of others before your own? If you do it for your kids, or family members, will you extend this compassion even farther? Even to strangers? The irony is you're not really giving anything away, you're actually getting something! (Life's cosmic joke.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Now hear this! This week's New Moon on Thursday takes place in the area of your chart that governs goal-setting. How's them apples? If you can wrap your head around this, think about what you want your life to be 15 years now. Where do you want to live? What kind of home? What do you want to do to earn money? What's happening with family? Is there a partner? The degree to which you can visualize -- in detail - how you want your life to be will hugely enhance your chances of making it a reality! What's to lose by trying this? You don't have to tell anyone else what you wish for. This is a private game between you and you. (Remember there's always two of you.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

How auspicious! Once a year the New Moon occurs at the top of your chart. This is happening this week! The top of your chart is all about your career, reputation and life direction. What do you want your reputation to be in the future? How do you want others to see you? How do you define success? The next 18 months are an excellent time for you to ask for a loan or mortgage or benefit from the wealth of others. How timely! Think about what you want to achieve with the knowledge that you'll probably get help in making this possible. Hot tip: You need a solid home base. "Mine! All mine!"

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This month's New Moon is in an exciting place for you. It's your opportunity to define what you want for yourself in terms of enriching your mind through learning, and also expanding your life through travel. What do you want to study? Where do you want to go this year? In addition, this is also your chance to make goals about publishing, the media, medicine and the law. Make friends with your sense of adventure! Be willing to reach out and grab life by the throat. Either you do it -- or you don't. Tick, tick, tick. (That's your life ticking by.) How rich and exciting to you want it to be? Partnerships will help you now. You can count on this.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Since 2007, you've been thrust into a whole new world. Before you go any further, you need to streamline, economize, and clean up certain areas. The New Moon on Thursday (you actually have about a 48-hour period to do this) is your best time all year to set some serious goals and intentions about how to reduce your debt, how to better handle or define shared property, plus how to deal with insurance matters, inheritances and wills. A lot of this is boring red-tape stuff but it's necessary. You're good with details when you want to be. As this is your year to improve your job, why not get the stuff out of the way? Free yourself!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

The New Moon this week is directly opposite your sign. This is the best time all year to think how you can improve partnerships, close friendships and relationships with primary clients. You need people in your life. Librans want somebody on the other end of their teeter-totter. As this is an important part of your existence, what can you do to make these relationships better? For starters, in a successful relationship, you have to be as good for your partner as he or she is for you. Are you happy with the balance of give-and-take? This is your year to party, explore romance, take a vacation and enrich your life through children.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Appropriately, this New Moon wants you to set new intentions about your job. In a perfect world, what would your job be? Think about the physical surroundings of your perfect job, your duties and responsibilities, your title, your reputation, and what you actually do from nine until noon. Be specific in this dream. What would give you joy and fulfilment? (Money alone will not do it, but it sure helps.) This is a good year for real estate for you. Your home and family will be a supportive situation. Therefore, you are relatively free to focus on what you do to pay the bills. "Out of debt, out of danger."

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You work hard and play hard. You go after life! This week, the New Moon urges you to consider the balance in your life between work and play. It's offering you a chance to set some resolutions about vacations, travel for pleasure, romance, love affairs, your involvement in sports, and your enjoyment of playful activities with children (teaching and nurturing them). This New Moon also urges you to acknowledge your creative impulses through arts and crafts or any of your creative talents. There's more to life than work, television, eating and sleeping -- there's hockey! What can you do to have more fun?

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You're both kooky and conservative. (Think Diane Keaton.) A home with a white picket fence and 2.5 kids gives you a warm feeling in your tummy. You need security so you can sleep at night and enjoy a decent reputation in the eyes of others. (Capricorns don't become bag ladies.) A 48-hour period around Thursday's New Moon is your best time all year to think about how to improve your home and your family scene. You can do this through renovations or redecorating; but you might also improve things through enhancing family relationships. Or all of the above. Increased earnings this year will help you do this. Plus money always keeps the kids in touch.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

When talking to others, it's just not enough to speak. The point is -- do they hear you? Conversely, do you really hear others? I read somewhere that in the best of communications only about 40 per cent is actually getting back and forth. Sheesh! You are the networker extraordinaire! You don't just work a room, you work an arena! The New Moon on Thursday urges you to make goals to enrich your life through better communications and better connections with your daily world through reading, writing and studying. Sidebar: communications with siblings are particularly highlighted. How are you doing in these areas? What can you do to better communicate with the world?

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

With Mars in your sign, you're turned on by life and ready to make some resolutions! Perfect. You couldn't pick a better time than Thursday/Friday of this week to make resolutions about financial matters. How much money do you think you can make this year? Are you secretly downplaying it because you don't feel you're worth it? Happiness is wanting what you have; nevertheless, you want to have a cash-flow scene that works for you. You're going to reach a career peak around seven years from now. Be confident. Despite difficulties with partnerships, in the bigger picture, you're on your way "up." What can you do to boost your earnings?