This is a time of culmination where many are reaping rewards. ("Just pile the stuff over there.") But even success doesn't stand still -- it moves forward. ("What's the plan, Stan?") For others, it feels suspiciously like failure. (Aaaghh!) If so, this is also a time of moving forward. ("What's the plan, Stan?") This time of beginning for everyone requires an early spring cleaning of thoughts and attitudes. Get rid of prejudices and self-defeating beliefs! Plato said, "The beginning is the most important part of the work." Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "What we call results are beginnings." And Woody Allen said, "Eighty per cent of success is showing up." Hey, this is doable.
Something to do with your work, or possibly your health, has come to a head of some kind. It's either a turning point, or a moment where you have to make a choice, or it might be a confirmation of something good or bad. But at least you know! Something is clear now. This means you'll either make a conscious decision to continue what you're doing, to see what kind of results or breakthrough you'll achieve in the next two years (entirely possible); or you'll make a conscious choice to end what you're doing and go down a different path. Churchill once said, "This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." (He talked like that.)
This might be an important time with your children, or their development in education or their job, or with the arrangement you have in your relationship to them. Something is significant. Alternatively, you might have a clearer idea about what you want to do in the future and where you want to go; and now, it's simply a matter of setting it all into motion. Whether this is the result of a recent success or a big decision, your relations with friends and groups are shifting. You're setting wheels in motion. This is good. Do as much as you can because the recognition for your efforts might be surprisingly swift, and bigger than you thought possible. (Whee!)
You're busy and life is full of variables; nevertheless, you've been trying to create a stable home for yourself at this stage in your life. Very recently, you have sort of got over the hump in these efforts. You have either decided you like where you are and you're going to stay there, or you've decided it's time to move on, or you have recently moved and it seems right. This same kind of transition might apply to a family relationship or your dealings with a parent. Something has come to a head and is now passing. This makes it easier for you to see what you can realistically expect in the future. Tip: generally the future is like the present only longer.
You're a nester. You give an enormous amount of thought to a job change or a residential move. You're not a rolling stone, even if you like Mick's style. A big shift has recently occurred in your consciousness about something or your acceptance of it. It might have to do with a decision about your job or where you live or where you're going to live. It might relate to partnerships and major deals. Whatever it is, you're through the biggest part of it. You survived! Now you just have to pull it all together. This involves co-ordination, organization and a commitment to a new direction. Hey, a big part of commitment is stick-to-itiveness and you've got this in spades!
I make jokes about you being the last of the big-time spenders. Actually, this reputation is fostered by others, not you. You're generous, theatrical and dramatic, and you do things in big gestures. (You don't buy one bouquet of tulips, you buy four because you want that flower arrangement to be spectacular.) But you're no financial fool. You can save amazingly fast if you fiercely want something. And you can live stylishly on very little. Right now, you've made a decision or accepted a fact about your earnings, or your attitude to your earnings, or how you're handling debt. You're not casual about money right now. You just appear that way. Yup. Better to be nouveau than never to have been riche at all.
Since the end of 2007, Saturn is in your sign until November this year (with a brief return for three months in the spring of 2010.) The last time it was in Virgo was 1978-80. This is a significant time for relationships and new ventures. It's important to keep your focus narrow and on the ball. Don't spread yourself too thin. Saturn is the epitome of disciplined concentration. It is also associated with responsibilities. Because you're taking on a lot, make sure you do things in a steady, cautious, sensible manner. Of course, you can have fun but you can't be irresponsible. Not this year. Too much depends on you. Fortunately, you have finally rounded the corner. Your job and your health give you greater satisfaction; you're relieved, you're happy, and you're optimistic!
Many of you have undergone a crisis about your work and possibly your health as well. Whatever the cause, you had to make choices that resulted in letting go of things and saying goodbye to people, places and some possessions. You don't find this particularly easy. You prefer to bring things together, not divide them. However, you have survived this struggle and are now dealing with the aftermath. These are choices you have made. The hardest part was arriving here. (You hate the painful struggle of indecision.) Now that you know what you're committing yourself to in the future, you can relax, party, enjoy yourself, explore romance and kick up your heels. Remember Mae? "When I'm good, I'm very good; when I'm bad, I'm better."
This time in your life represents a turning point. It could relate to children or the arts, the entertainment world, how you choose to relate to groups, or even an issue with one particular friend. Something has been brewing and bubbling, and now it's ready to go into the oven. You've made the major decisions about ingredients, and timing, and who or what is involved. Now you just want to make it happen the way you want it to happen. Well, this is something you can definitely do. For starters, you're the most wilful sign in the zodiac. If you decide to do something, you will! Matters at home, and within your family, and possibly even related to real estate, are rewarding and meaningful to you now. With this strong base, you're invincible!
Many of you feel grateful for some recent successes. These successes might be external in a traditional way, which means others view you as experiencing success in your job, your career, your reputation, whatever. These successes might also be quietly internal and more private. You know how you feel, even if others are less aware. And some of you now see clearly what has to be changed or left behind. Whatever is happening, you are empowered now by this knowledge. You know what matters, and that is huge! Most of us fumble along for years not really knowing what truly matters. (Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.) This is a major turning point in your life, and you know it. You have much to look forward to in 2010.
Our beliefs are powerful. They can restrict us in a self-limiting or self-defeating way; or they can foolishly and naïvely encourage us to do the impossible. This stage in your life is very much a time of preparation. You're getting ready for something important. In the next few years, you might achieve something quite substantial in terms of recognition, success or whatever it is you seek. But you are still preparing for this. Recently, you've made some kind of a decision, either consciously or unconsciously. It's almost as if you're given yourself permission (or not) to do something to your satisfaction. Because this decision has been made, you feel relieved and lighter. Issues are clearer and certainly simpler. Thank heavens.
You have a tremendous amount of energy now with four planets in your sign, including Mars and Jupiter. It's va-va-va-voom! You've also got your charm factor cranked to the max. Because of this, everyone loves you and wants to be in your company. Privately, you've been running financial scenarios over and over again in your head about your job, your earnings, your debt, and how you can juggle all of this to your satisfaction. You've been weighing your options, and working and re-working big decisions that affect your cash flow. Finally, the obvious is at hand. You know what you're going to do because it's what you have to do. It's that simple. If your bread is stale, you make toast!
Partnerships and close friendships have been a huge focus for you for some time now. (It's amazing how long something like this can go on, isn't it?) Right now a lot of what you are doing and thinking about and contemplating is primarily private. It's in its nascent stage. Even though trying to bring your ideas together has been like herding cats, you are finally successful. Oh yes! You have a plan! For starters, the fog is lifting vis-à-vis the confusion you had about major relationships. You feel a kind of growing certainty within you. Down deep, you know what you're going to do, you know what has to be done. And it's a relief. Whew!