We are in the second Pluto in Capricorn transit since the mid- 1700s. This means the entire history of the U.S. (Declaration of Independence) and Canada (Battle of the Plains of Abraham) was encapsulated in one Pluto cycle. It's a whole new ballgame, not just for North America but for the world! In addition, we're experiencing a revolutionary aspect that occurs every 45 years -- the opposition of stern Saturn versus volatile Uranus. This opposition occurs in five "swings:" Nov. 8, 2008 (the date of the U.S., presidential election) Feb. 5 (this week), September 15, and April 26 and July 26 in 2010. Incidentally, Uranus also rules aviation. which makes the "Miracle on the Hudson" in New York most timely. (Ah yes. Skiers and pilots have to keep their tips up. And ditto for servers.)
Expect some changes at work this week. These changes could come from an external source -- an edict from on high, the arrival of a new boss, a change of company policy, or anything out of the blue; or the change could come from within you. You might view something as the last straw. You could be ready to walk or give someone a piece of your mind. (I advise against this. Keep every piece of your mind for yourself.) Nevertheless, something is up! Be on your guard. It might actually occur on Wed./Thurs. this week. Or it might just be a general indicator of something fomenting. "Enuff awreddy!"
This upsetting, revolutionary, break-from-tradition influence this week could blow a romantic situation out of the water. One party or the other suddenly "needs more space." Or worse: The discovery of something ("How could you!" Sob!) radically changes the relationship. This same unexpected, unpredictable influence applies to children in your care (and obviously your own children), as well as anything to do with sports, the arts, the entertainment world, show business and the hospitality industry. Parents should be extra-vigilant. This week is an accident-prone week for your children. Keep your eyes open and be very patient. (Children more easily have accidents when parents are stressed.)
The opposition of Saturn to Uranus this week can definitely stir things up on the home front or within your family dynamic. Something might suddenly occur that forces you to change residence, or make a big change at home. Or it might be a fight with a family member or somebody you live with. This could also indicate a change of life direction or career or some kind of difficulty in resolving the demands of your career and the demands of your home life. In other words, something has to give. Your best bet is to stay flexible. Avoid rash behaviour. Keep your head down and your powder dry!
This is an accident-prone time for you. There's no question about this. Consider this warning a blessing. You can avoid an accident by being more aware of everything you say and do. Slow down. Allow extra time for everything. If you get a sixth sense about anything or you wonder about something, give credence to this hunch. Arguments about politics, religion and racial issues could ensue. Unexpected interruptions to higher education, travel plans, medicine and the law are also likely. You no longer want to be confined by the status quo. You want greater freedom of choice. The trick is to undergo change as smoothly as possible without wrecking what is good. (Hey, you can flip an omelette.)
The opposition referred to in All Signs above is a kind of tension or a reaction to a restriction. In your case, it crosses both your Money Houses. This could manifest in a number of ways. Naturally, you could feel concerned about your income or a money issue. Or you might be concerned about taxes, inheritances and debt. Possibly you feel unfairly treated or overwhelmed in terms of what you're giving or sharing, or vice versa. You're trying to seek a balance between what you earn and what you own and what you share with others. Right now something challenges this. Perhaps you feel taken for granted? (How foolish of someone. You can never take a Leo for granted!)
You'll feel this excitable opposition more than most signs because the opposition (see All Signs above) is between Uranus in Pisces and Saturn in Virgo. (Ring a bell, Pavlov?) Quite likely, you will feel restricted by a partnership or a relationship. You won't want to be told what to do! You might feel hemmed in, nagged, unappreciated, insecure, or really irritated with someone. You might feel you don't know what you can count on. ("What's going on?") Or your partner might suddenly do or say unpredictable things. Dicey relationships that have outlived their usefulness can break apart now. But this is extreme. More likely this is an opportunity for you to demonstrate grace under pressure. (Oh that.)
Something radically different or confining or liberating (yes, I know these are opposites) could take place this week in areas that affect your job, your work and even your health. A likely scenario will be you'll get huffy if anyone tries to dictate to you or tell you what to do. Or the conditions of your job might suddenly change. Or something you expected to continue might suddenly stop. Or something unexpected could begin! This could also include the introduction of new technology -- or horrors! -- computer crashes, power outages and interruptions to your world of technology. You feel very independent. If you can spin off and work for yourself now, you will.
Your long-term goals might undergo a major overhaul now. You might sweep dreams and objectives off the table and decide to start fresh in an entirely new direction. Something about your future goals is definitely subject to change. Along with this, an underlying tension between you and a friend or you and a member of a group (or an entire group) might also exist. You'll definitely react if others try to coerce you into anything. Take note: This unpredictable influence this week could also indicate accidents with children in your care. Be extra- vigilant and, at the same time, be supportive, patient and mellow. A healthy, positive, happy atmosphere does not encourage accidents. (Well, maybe a pregnancy.)
Some of you will now be able to make a unique statement of success. "Look Ma! No hands!" You might be making radical changes with respect to your life direction or your career or your relationships with bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. Certainly, you will want more freedom from any kind of restriction. People who try to block your path or stop you from doing something will be most unwelcome! You're entertaining some very basic changes in your world. Just make sure you don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Changing something doesn't mean wrecking everything. Ideally, it's liberation from what you no longer need.
This is an explosive, unpredictable, atypical week. It might just mean your daily agenda has a slight shift, and you're forced to change the time of your pedicure or getting your Mercedes detailed. (Yawn. How tedious.) Alternatively, you could have an accident or break something. It could be minor; it could be major. You're feeling unusually independent and rebellious. If these feelings provoke rash actions or hasty words, then you're in accident-prone mode. Yet again, this week could be a marvellous breakthrough, giving you more freedom in some situation than you ever thought was possible. It's a tough call. Be mindful and aware of what you say and what you do.
Financial matters and anything concerning your own possessions might be a source of surprise for you this week. Some of you will think of quitting your job because you want more freedom and independence and perhaps the opportunity to work for yourself. Others will finally speak up about a situation that is repressive or intolerable. Something to do with your relationship to your earnings as well as the resources of others is subject to change. This could be a successful change or it might be something that catches you off guard. The entire world is experiencing this opposition. It can manifest in many different ways. Hopefully, it will make you feel freer.
Partnerships and relationships are in for some surprises this week. It's very easy to feel irritated with others. You feel territorial about your space, your time, your activities and your possessions. You don't want anyone else to be cloying, demanding or restrictive. "Beat it!" On the other hand (you have different rings), you might finally assert yourself about something that's been bugging you. You're ready to mean what you say and say what you mean. Conversely, someone else might play this role with you. It can go both ways. Give your closest relationships a lot of breathing space, tolerance and sympathetic understanding. Be aware that your need for excitement and an escape from your velvet rut could provoke some naughty provocation. You might do something just to see what the reaction is. Oops. (You devil.)