An Aquarian shift is taking place now. All kinds of unexpected surprises and opportunities will suddenly present themselves in different ways to different signs. (It won't be boring!) Mostly it's good. For those of you who always plow a steady line, your velvet rut might be shaken up a bit. (Hey, it's the rigid trees who are the first to snap in a storm.) But if you're light on your feet, flexible and prepared to go with what's happening, it will be exciting and rejuvenating! Change is often scary but I think most of the changes taking place now have the potential for good and something better. Nevertheless, even if you're ready to stick your neck out, button your top collar. Steady as she goes!
You're looking at a popular week, in fact -- a popular month ahead! All kinds of acquaintances and friends will become a strong focus. Your ambition will suddenly reap surprising rewards! Hidden goodies, including secret love affairs, could be a private delight. To be sure, a lot of potential for positive change is at hand. But the most important shift for your sign right now is an emphasis on establishing meaningful, long-term goals for yourself. Be specific! Don't just ask for success in your job or more money or whatever. Be quantitative, descriptive and get down to the nitty-gritty details about what you want for your future this year, next year and five years from now. Write it down!
The Sun is now at high noon in your chart acting like a spotlight on you, throwing you in the limelight, so that bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs suddenly notice you. ("Are you warm enough in that pink spandex?") More than that, they see you in a favourable light even if you don't do anything special. Milk this for all it's worth! Ask for what you want. Advance your agenda. Demand the advantage. Sudden opportunities for increased training or travel or a chance to promote yourself in publishing, the media, medicine and the law exist. Friendships with people who are "different" will expand your world view. Your values about religion, politics and other things are changing.
The next six weeks are full of adventure, different experiences, new and unusual people, and opportunities in training, education and travel. New ideas in politics, religion and racial issues are also at hand. Some of you will also explore publishing, the media, medicine and the law. Depending on the seeds you've planted in the past, gifts, inheritances, goodies and advantages will be yours. Sudden, overnight romances and love affairs with people who are senior, or richer or wiser or more experienced, might also sweep you off your feet! It's the stuff of movies. Basically, you see now that you want more out of life and you can get it! Yeehaw!
It's an interesting time. (Not milquetoast or blah.) It's intense, passionate and invigorating! For starters, an unexpected opportunity to travel somewhere, or an equally unexpected opportunity to get training or further education might fall in your lap. Bonk! Similar opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine and the law could also materialize. Voilą! Partnerships and close friendships will open your eyes to something. Someone could throw you a curveball or get competitive or, alternatively, urge you to run away to join the circus. Close friendships and partnerships are unpredictable but exciting! (The dolphin's in the Jacuzzi.)
Amidst all the activity swirling around you, and the demands made on your time -- you need more sleep. In fact, you need more sleep for the next month. That's because the Sun is as far away from your sign as it gets all year, and the Sun is the source of energy for everyeone, and you're at the back of the line. Recognize this fact and pamper yourself. Get sleep; exercise; go lighter on the booze, drink water and eat better. I emphasize this because despite the fact that you're physically enervated, you're working hard to prove something at work! You're introducing innovative changes, revolutionary ideas and new ways of thinking. Fortunately, unexpected help is a blessing. (Whew!)
Right now you seem to be trying to be all things to all people, and the joke is, you'll probably succeed in doing this! (Hey, I thought this was impossible.) For starters, you're keen to work as efficiently and effectively and productively as possible in the next six weeks. You've got big expectations and goals for yourself. No question. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, partners and close friends might catch you off-guard in a loving (and possibly kinky or experimental) way this week. ("Rats. We're out of C batteries.") Even though you're working hard, you're partying hard as well! Romance is exciting. Some of you are trying to fit in a vacation, plus juggle the increased demands of children. It's mind-boggling fun!
You're a pleasure-loving schmoozer. And that's why you're going to love the next six weeks because it's all about good times, the arts, the theatre, movies, sports, romance, love affairs and sparkling social diversions. Tra-la, tra-la, it is to laugh! Make sure you have something to wear that makes you feel hot. (And I don't mean warm.) Despite this busy social calendar, surprising opportunities at work exist. A sudden job offer, or a sudden promotion, or a sudden flirtation. Woo-woo! As if this weren't enough, you're also introducing exciting new changes at home, or they're happening within your family dynamic.
For the next six weeks, your focus definitely turns to home, family and your domestic scene, including real-estate matters. (And real estate matters.) That's good because these are the areas where you're going to get a lovely boost of joy and good fortune this year. This week, however, exciting surprises connected with romance might occur. New love? For some it could be a surprise pregnancy. Others will have a spontaneous vacation. Sports and the arts are also areas that sizzle with possibilities. You feel restless, alive and energetic. Your communications are so full of energy, people watch you in breathless amazement, slack-jawed.
You're busy. But you like it busy. (You're running around with an outboard motor on your butt.) You're upbeat, positive and talking to everyone. Sudden, unexpected changes are occurring at home and within your family dynamic. New, high-tech goodies are exciting introductions, quite possibly because new angles for making money and boosting your cash flow have you laughing all the way to the bank. (You always feel better when you're wrapped in cash.) Surprising news within your family is pleasant but unexpected. This could also relate to a sudden real-estate sale or purchase. It's a fast ride, and you don't intend to brake. Not for a minute.
The unflinching notice this week is actually the influence for this month and even for the entire year -- namely -- money! Moolh, scratch, lettuce, coin. Ka-ching! Naturally, it will start now with your own motivation in your own moneymaking ideas. Many of you are thinking about getting a different job or promotion on your current job or a way to make some money on the side. You sense that you are going to be able to boost your income this year. Mars in your sign me too aggressive and confident. This week you're unusually bold and daring with respect your ability to entertain ideas of self-employment or something quite different. New people, and possibly new romance might begin for some of you. You might boost your income this week if you act, teach, right, market or use communications to make money.
It's all about you, dear Aquarius. The Sun has now joined Neptune and moneybags Jupiter in your sign. This means the next month is your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. This emphasis in your sign causes people to notice you more than usual. Suddenly your name is "out there." In turn, this attracts important people and opportunities to you. Surprise opportunities to earn money definitely exist along with impulse buying to spend it. Secret activities or plans might suddenly go sideways. Something behind the scenes has an unpredictable spin on it. It's all very exciting.
Two different influences are play now. One influence makes you want to hide behind the scenes at work alone and get more rest and sort of stay below the radar. While you do this, you can contemplate what you want your new personal year (birthday to birthday) to be all about. The other influence is quite the opposite. Surprise opportunities through groups, clubs and organizations or friends suddenly thrust you into situations which could promote future partnerships. In fact, new relationships can form now, especially in an unexpected way or with people who are not normally in your sandbox. Perhaps they're from a different culture or a different country. This is a good week to shop for wardrobe items. You feel daring and individualistic. You want to explore new trends and looks. You're getting ready to present a new image to the world.