Currently, there are five planets in Capricorn, the planet associated with authority and the government which is why North Americans are giving so much attention to political news. With Mars and Pluto as part of the bundle, there's an intense striving for reform. This trickles down into the charts of each of us which means we're all thinking about how we can improve our lives in some way. I've decided to stop working out (which I do regularly every four months, rain or shine.) Three times a year is excessive! I'm cutting back. By jogging once in the winter and once in the summer, I'll save my knees. What are you doing to help yourself? Happy New Year to everyone!
You're very ambitious not only this week, but for the month ahead in general simply because a gaggle of planets at the top of your chart heightens your focus on your life direction in general, and your ambition to make a name for yourself. You want to achieve something! You're striving very hard now to make something a reality. Keep trying because the gods are with you. Nevertheless, take note. Your ambition could threaten your boss or others. It could trigger conflict with coworkers. Try to avoid this because it will only drain your energy and sidetrack your efforts. Worry less about winning the battle and more about winning the war.
This collection of planets in Capricorn is great for you! Capricorn is an Earth Sign and you're an Earth Sign. This means you're both dancing to the same song. Its influence on you makes you want to travel and explore new systems of thought, ideas and philosophies. You're eager to learn or go back to school or take a course or learn a new language. Some of you are exploring opportunities in publishing, media, medicine and the law. Interaction with people from different cultures and other countries will be meaningful and more likely to occur. It's an exciting time because you want to expand your horizons! (At least trying a new supermarket.)
Suddenly, you're wrapped up in red tape dealing with insurance matters, inheritances, taxes, debt and anything to do with shared property. Some of this will weigh heavily on your mind now. It's the kind of stuff you would like to avoid but -- you can't! (Or else people with heavy-duty authority will be knocking at your door.) Do what you can to clear up loose ends. You'll love yourself when the stuff is gone and taken care of. Boring details and mind boggling forms to fill out are not your thing, so just bear with it. The good news is this same celestial influence amps your sex drive! Now this is not boring! These mind boggling forms are ones you like to handle!
Five planets in Capricorn directly oppose your sign now because Capricorn and Cancer are 180° opposite each other i.e two ends of the same plank. This means you're focused on the person sitting across the table from you. While the Sun and Mercury make you eager to talk to them and vice versa; and Jupiter promotes relations that are mutually beneficial, and also makes you happy to work with the other person -- Mars is quite another thing! (Let's not even talk about Pluto -- oh well, we will.) Mars promotes conflict, tension and competition. Pluto moves so slowly only the very early Cancers will feel this opposition. And for those who do -- Pluto demands reform! Shape up or ship out.
This cluster of Capricorn planets totally revs up your job and even your efforts to promote your health. You're gung ho to work efficiently and effectively to get as much done as possible. Fortunately, you're working smart. You're seeing better ways of doing things, and you're even enjoying what you're doing more. Mars and Pluto will make you work hard. These planets give you the endurance and stick-to-itiveness to finish the job. Obviously, all this hard effort and your state of health go hand-in-hand. That's why some of you are blending health drinks and getting more exercise and doing what you can to pump your energy.
Your sign gets a totally different boost of energy from this cluster of planets in Capricorn. These planets make you want to play! They provide the ideal time for you to slip away on a vacation. They promote creative ideas and an appreciation of the arts, especially the theatre, movies, music and live performances. They also increase your interest in sports and playful activities with children. And they totally boost your interest and interaction with love affairs and romance. Woo woo! This is all the fun stuff. You want to be a kid again. You want to be free to do your own thing -- but now you're old enough to legally drink. Oh my!
Some kind of increased activity and chaos is going on at home. This is due to renovations, redecorating, residential moves or visiting guests. Naturally, whatever it is disturbs the wah and demands more patience from you. (You need harmony in your surroundings.) This is Mars is stirring things up in your digs. Fortunately, the Sun and Jupiter promote warmer relations with family members, especially parents. They also usher in a profitable time for real estate dealings. If you're not involved in real estate per se at the moment, it's an indication that you can purchase something or do something that will improve the value and enjoyment of your home. (Sounds like an ad for new flooring.)
This heavy concentration of planets totally accelerates your daily tempo. Suddenly, you've got places to go, people to see, things to do! You're doing your White Rabbit routine "I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date." Short trips, shopping, reading, writing and studying, lots of errands, and conversations with everyone, especially siblings and relatives all combine to make you much busier than usual. Gasp! This is not a time to stay at home - we're talking the next six weeks. Get out and hustle thy buns! It's a great time for sales, acting, teaching, marketing, studying and any kind of job related to communications. You're extremely persuasive right now. You could even convince some you're just a pussycat.
Money, money, money. That seems to be what you're thinking about right now. You're wondering about how to earn it; you're thinking about your job; you're thinking about different ways of raising money, or if you're going to get the money that you're expecting (read: praying for.) Some of you are also pondering major purchases. No question: this Capricorn influence hits you in your cash flow scene. It also highlights your possessions so you might be repairing, restoring, acquiring or giving away something you own. At a subtle level, you're dealing with your value system; and how much money and possessions you own, or how much they own you. (Wat do you sink, Mr. Freud?)
This is certainly a powerful time for you. All hail Capricorn! The Sun, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Pluto are all in your sign. (A little piggy, perhaps?) This hugely boosts your energy, your confidence, your good fortune, your communication skills and your desire to get out there and be all things to all people. You've got energy to burn. You want to enlighten others. And you're excited about something. When you're holding four aces, you definitely don't fold. Act on your desires. Trust your urges. Go after what you want because right now your energy is like a hot knife cutting through butter. You can probably get what you want.
All this wild, crazy energy that other signs are feeling in different parts of their charts is actually hidden for you. It doesn't mean you don't feel it; more likely, it means that others aren't aware of what's going on in your life. You're doing a lot of private thinking and private dreaming. You have hopes and secrets of which no one else is aware. (At least very few.) You're also acting secretly or doing something or meeting people and keeping this very much to yourself. (You sly devil.) But in the bigger picture -- there's always a bigger picture (we just got a 50" inch flat screen!) you're undergoing changes that affect your spiritual values and your sense of what is really important in your life. Now this is big stuff. Way bigger than 50 inches.
Everyone wants to see your pretty face. You're popular. You are loved. Friends are clamoring for your attention. Not only are you schmoozing and enjoying yourself with others, some conversations are very meaningful right now because you're giving a lot of thought to your long-term goals for the future. Talk to friends and acquaintances. Use them as a bouncing board for your ideas. Sometimes it's easier to sort things out when you articulate them out loud. Furthermore, their feedback will be helpful! (Certain planetary aspects indicate this.) Many of you have had stress with partnerships. It always helps to talk this over with a sympathetic listener. For sure.