Hanukkah is the 22nd, Christmas is the 25th, and Kwanzaa begins on the 26th. What a week! Happy Hanukkah! (especially Adam Sandler), Merry Christmas! And best wishes for Kwanzaa! Seasons greetings to everyone! Remember Miss Piggy's advice: Never eat more than you can lift. Incidentally, the best time to make your New Year's resolutions is not January 1, but rather Saturday the 27th, the day of the New Moon. I think this week makes the drawbacks of atheism obvious: not enough holidays! My best wishes to everyone to be well, be safe and be happy.
The best day to make resolutions for the New Year is Saturday the 27th. This is the time to take a serious look at your life direction in general. Are you happy with where you're headed? If you don't like the direction you're going, what can you do to make changes? How are your relationships with parents, teachers, bosses and authority figures? And what about the reputation that you're creating for yourself within your group (large or small)? You're definitely making a name for yourself, in varying degrees, depending on who you are. But what do you want that name to be? How do you want to be known?
This is a strong time for you because four planets are in your fellow Earth Sign of Capricorn. This has the effect of shoring you up or giving you extra support in whatever you attempt. The New Moon on Saturday the 27th will also occur there, making this a better time than January 1 to make New Year's resolutions. Ask yourself what you can do to expand your experience of life in 2009. This could involve going back to school, taking courses, exploring training in any area of your interest, or expanding your world through travel. Life is always vibrant and fascinating while you're learning and exploring your world. When you quit doing this, you're youthless.
You're lucky to be receiving generosity from others. People are (and will continue) giving you things, supporting you, offering you help, lending you money, and gifting you and enriching your life. This can only happen because you established the previous causes for this. In other words, you deserve this! You earned it by establishing the causes for it to ripen. (Nothing is random.) Since what goes around comes around, to me it's obvious that to keep this formula working, you have to look for ways to practice generosity. It's true you never see a hearse pulling a U-Haul; but actually the only things you take with you after you're gone are the things you gave away.
My, my. The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto are all opposite you. Furthermore, the New Moon on Saturday the 27th also directly opposes you. (Incidentally, this is a better day than January 1 to make resolutions for the New Year.) Whatever resolutions you make (and it's always good to do this) you cannot ignore focusing on partnerships and close friendships. What can you do to improve the most important relationships in your life? All relationships are based on expectations. (Think about it.) Now here's the kicker: The more expectations you have, the more problems you'll have! The less you expect from someone, the more you'll appreciate them. (But it's so tough to live like that, isn't it?)
The New Moon on Saturday the 27th (which is a perfect time to make resolutions for 2009), urges you to continue to focus on improving your job and your health. So what can you do to improve your job? You can get a different one; or you can change the duties and descriptions you currently have; or you can change your attitude to what you do; or you can work for someone else. Money is not the question here because if you hate your job but you get more money, after about six weeks, the thrill wears off and you're back to hating your job. (Not to say you can't be bought! With your tastes money talks.)
Do set aside just a few minutes to write down some resolutions for 2009. The perfect day to do this is on the New Moon on Saturday the 27th. The areas to focus on are as follows: children -- how you relate to them and the role they play in your life; the benefits of vacations (are you treating yourself to one? We all need balance between work and play); anything to do with sports (professional or amateur); love affairs and romance (romance is a state of mind); and that whole wide area of the arts -- the entertainment world, arts and crafts, and how much you give yourself permission to express your creativity. After all, you're not a noun, you're a verb!
Despite your growing focus on home, family and your domestic scene in 2008, the celestial heavens want you to focus on these same areas during the New Moon, Saturday the 27th, which means this is what to focus on for the beginning of 2009. This is most fitting because you adore your home, in large measure because you're so affected by your surroundings. When your home is clean and tidy and beautiful -- you're happier! When it's messy, dirty and cluttered, you ain't fun to be around! No sign is as affected by their ambience as you are. Similarly, you need happy relationships at home because you're striving for balance and harmony in your life. (It's time to buy new towels.)
Your best chance to make resolutions for the New Year is Saturday, the 27th, when the New Moon occurs. Focus on your communications with the people you communicate to on a daily basis, especially siblings and relatives. Are you clear in your communications? Do others understand you? Do you really listen to others or are you just waiting for them to finish so you can speak? And what about your daily surroundings -- do you really notice things? The main reason people enjoy vacations is they notice things! (Because they're in a different environment.) But hey, every day, every hour is different!
Take advantage of the opportunity of the New Moon on Saturday the 27th, by making some resolutions about money: how you earn it, how you save it, how you spend it. But even more than that. Your attitude to anything affects how it manifests in your life. If you think money is dirty, or impossible to get, you won't have much of it. I know it's hard to grasp this but I totally believe this. The way we see the world is the world we see. Our expectations allow us (or deny us) to see or ignore different opportunities. So what are your expectations with your cash flow in the coming year? Are we talking drip-drip, dribble-dribble, or a full-on gush?
It continues to be all about you. (Power corrupts and absolute power is absolutely necessary because we all need electricity!) Four planets are now in your sign; and the New Moon is also in your sign, very auspiciously right at the beginning of New Year (although it occurs on Saturday the 27th). Hmmmmm. Think about the image that you create on your public. Think about how you dress and how you wear your hair and how you act when you meet others. How do they see you? Think also about how you relate to those who are closest to you, especially partners and close friends. If the situation were reversed -- would you want you for a friend?
2009 will be a remarkable, fortunate year for you -- the best in more than a decade! Therefore, it makes sense to me that the positioning of the current planets plus the position of the New Moon on Saturday the 27th all send you one message: inner preparation. The importance of preparation is not to waste the fortunate opportunities that are going to come your way. If you're not prepared and ready, you might miss lots of them! Where the head leads, the body follows. Make a resolution to give yourself some quiet time, even just five minutes a day -- I kid you not, even three minutes a day -- of private solitude where you're not distracted or entertained by anything except your own mind.
Ever since 2007, you have stepped out into the world to begin to make a name for yourself. On Saturday the 27th, the New Moon is a great opportunity for you to set your intentions, if not for the whole year, at least for the next several months. Your focus is on groups, clubs, organizations and friends. How can you get the most out of relating to others, especially in group situations? How can you be at your best in these groups? In addition, the heavens are urging you to focus on your long-term goals and dreams for the future. Why not cut to the chase and go after what you really want? What do you want in the next six months?