There is a growing influence in Capricorn and by Sunday the 21st there's a gaggle of planets in this sign: the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto. Pluto will be there until 2024; whereas Mercury, Jupiter and the Sun will have an influence of about six weeks. This means we're all more focused on traditional, family-oriented events and values that give us a sense of security and respectability. We like to be reassured that the wheels are well-oiled and everything is running as it should. The return of Pluto to Capricorn (for the first time in 250 years) heralds a new spin on governments all over the world. Suggestions are welcome. One planet is all we have.
This gaggle of planets mentioned in All Signs above is actually at high noon in your chart, which is very high viz! In the next several months, people will notice you more than usual, especially bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs and the police. Mostly this is good. (However, if you drive with a heavy foot, slow down.) The reason it's good is that the positioning of these planets casts you in a favourable light. Even if you don't do anything different than what you're doing now, people in authority will think you're fabulous, competent, capable and attractive. Expect to be approached to take on special projects or assume more responsibility for something. Say yes! You can do it.
There's an increasingly strong influence making you want to travel in the next six weeks, especially to new places you've never been to before. You're eager to explore and discover anything new and fresh. You want adventure! You also want to learn more about everything. Therefore, go anyplace different if you can because you'll love the stimulation of a change of scenery. This same influence also boosts everything related to publishing, the media, higher education, medicine and the law. Sign up for a course. Begin to learn a new language. Explore other cultures and talk to people from different backgrounds. You'll find it's gratifying, rewarding and exciting. (And maybe romantic.)
You're increasingly absorbed with the wealth and resources of others. This could be about inheritances, insurance matters, taxes, debt or shared property. You're sorting stuff out about all this. But this also means you're on the receiving end of the generosity of others. The stars are stimulating "shared" property for you so this is the time to settle details and decide the terms of accepting the generosity of others. Ironically, this same area relates to sex. (Funny how other people's money and sex are tied up.) Therefore, your sex drive is amped! Hopefully, you'll have opportunities to prove this. (Never resist temptation because it might not come your way again.)
This growing concentration of planets in Capricorn is interesting because they're all directly 180 degrees opposite you. What does this mean? It means your focus on partnerships (both intimate and professional) as well as important customers and clients and even the general public will become increasingly important to you. Because astrology is all about mathematics, the opposition of anything is significant. Therefore, this also means some major aspects of your life are coming to a culmination. For example, it's been about six months since your birthday. Success in many areas is likely. However, opposition from others is also likely. Oops. Don't provoke this. Just accept what isn't working, and rejoice about what is.
Your focus on your job and your work and even on your health is growing now. It's time to hustle thy buns! Fortunately, it will be easy to do this because the events of your life are conspiring to make you focus on your work (probably because you have no choice). Since motivation is the basis of all effort, you'll achieve a lot in the next few months. You'll find it easy to work. You'll want to do your best. You'll want to be productive, efficient and effective in everything you do. These same high standards will apply to your notion of your health. Many of you will be exercising more and eating with more awareness. ("Hmmm, I never really noticed how delicious these jelly donuts were before!") It's all good.
Lucky you! You're the only sign that is getting a huge boost to all the fun stuff in life. Romance, love affairs, vacations, sports, creative activities, playful times with children plus opportunities to express your talents -- these are the areas that are getting increasing attention and focus right now. Get out and party! Enjoy flirtations. Accept invitations. Make plans to entertain friends. Get away on a vacation if you can (especially if you look like your passport photo). Enjoy precious moments with children. Sports will be highly charged. But underlying these activities is a sense that it's perfectly OK to just be yourself. It's Popeye time: "I yam what I yam!"
Because home and family are important you, and because the holiday season is approaching, it's no surprise this gaggle of planets focuses you on home, family and your real-estate scene. Suddenly, you're hands-on making repairs and talking to family members about home improvements. You're also making plans for entertaining at home, seeing family members, and enriching your life with events taking place at home. You love decorating your home. You have excellent taste and a marvellous sense of colour, composition and texture. Some of the most beautiful homes in the world have a Libran touch. (That's because you know that home is where the art is.)
The daily tempo of your life is accelerating. The reasons for this faster pace will vary according to the details of your life, but your pace will quicken! Short trips, increased errands, more time spent with siblings, more frequent discussions with neighbours and relatives, plus buying and selling, wheeling and dealing and more writing or reading and studying (for some) are just some of the reasons you're flat-out busy. Just accept this. Get more rest, and don't abuse yourself. Life will make demands on you. You're also eager to communicate to others. You want to enlighten people about something. This can be a happy time for you. (Two is company, three is an orgy.)
Suddenly, your focus is shifting to money, cash flow, earnings, major expenditures and details dealing with your possessions -- their maintenance, storage and purpose. This doesn't mean you're suddenly becoming acquisitive and greedy. Not at all. Money and possessions are a fact of our daily lives. We need money for basics like iPhones. Your financial focus goes beyond just holiday spending. You're swinging some big deals or at least hoping to. It looks good. You're in a 12-year cycle where your earnings should increase along with your assets. So whatever you're hoping to pull off will likely happen in your favour. Ka-ching!
Well, you're certainly the belle of the ball, the leading man in a movie, and the winner of all the nominations. It's all about you! Not only are you getting a lot of attention and interest from other people, this is also your time to regenerate and restore yourself for the coming year. It's totally appropriate to put yourself first now. Think about what you want your new year to hold for you. You have a strong urge to communicate to others, so make time for this. You'll have the upper hand in most negotiations because, with so many planets in Capricorn, you're holding three Aces. This is not a guarantee but it's a nice start! Yeehaw!
You've got a secret! This gaggle of planets is hiding in a very private part of your chart, which is a sure indicator of private plans and secret activities. (You devil.) It also means you're working behind the scenes or working alone more than usual. Actually, not only are you working behind the scenes with private plans, you're surprisingly selfless now. You find it easy to be generous to others through your efforts. You'll put the needs of others before your own. You have a lot of stoicism and diligence right now to do the right thing. It's all terribly admirable. And you're not even smug about this! (I never realized how close to perfection you are.)
What a popular time for you! In fact, it's almost too much. Clubs, groups and organizations in addition to friends all want to see your face. Everyone wants a piece of you. Activities with younger people make demands on your time now; in addition to important discussions with some people about your long-term goals and dreams for the future. Do share your ideas. The reason for this is that the feedback from others can help you now. It's all very circular. Even articulating your goals out loud will help you. It's important for you to define what dreams might be a reality because ever since 2007, your focus on your external world and what you're capable of achieving has been growing. Remember: The day after tomorrow is the third day of the rest of your life.