All Signs

Pluto takes 250 years to go through all 12 signs. Its movement is so slow we often don't notice it in our lives. (The U.S. presidential election was an exception.) This week Pluto enters Capricorn where it stays until 2025. Its last sojourn in Capricorn was from 1762-1779. Considering that Pluto rules nations and Capricorn rules governments, do you see any connection here? Europe, Canada and the U.S. all underwent huge shifts of power at that time. (Canada: 1759 Battle of the Plains of Abraham; France: 1789 Bastille Day; and the U.S.: 1776, the Declaration of Independence. Pluto has now returned to Capricorn for the first time since 1779. "Hi Honey, I'm home! Holy Mercator! Look what you did with the place!"

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Big daddy Pluto is at high noon in your chart where it will stay for the next 16 years. This will make you totally revise your life direction. It's a sure signal that this is likely the most important time in your life; and it is also the time where you can most easily make your mark in the world. Big stuff happening! It arouses your ambition like never before. Pluto will introduce major readjustments in your relationship to parents and authority figures in your life. It might also encourage some of you to enter the police and criminal detection, or medicine or jewelry. Maybe your city really needs a good 24-hour taxidermist?

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

We're all undergoing a new transition of transformative growth because one of the big things that Pluto is all about it is transformation. Pluto always wants to make something the best that it can be called, especially as it unfolds and grows. In the next decade or more, you'll undergo a big shift in your thinking in terms of religion, politics and your beliefs. Ultimately, the result will be that you are a better person (and the candidate you vote for will never lose). Seriously, you're going to become more interested in the "big picture" of the world. You might even be attracted to mystical, occult subjects like how to cook prawns for the English. Many of you will encounter a powerful teacher.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The next 16 years will be interesting because Pluto is returning to its "home" in your chart. You will give more thought to death than you usually do. This doesn't mean something horrible is going to happen to you or anyone around you, it simply means you're going to be tuned in more to the inevitable reality of your own mortality. (Nobody's getting out of here alive!) We hate to talk about death even though it's unavoidable. (Bummer!) But in truth, a realistic appraisal of this inevitability can only spur you to appreciate your life and what you have to do with the time you have left. No? It's kind of like enjoying the party while it's still happening. Who wants to have a nap and miss all the fun? ("What happened? Sharon Stone was doing lapdances? And I missed it?")

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

As Pluto quietly slips into position opposite your sign for the next 16 years, you are one sign who will notice it. Pluto will force you to undergo major transformations in partnerships and close relationships. Partnerships that have outlived their usefulness in your life will be toast. Other partnerships will undergo changes for the better. (But like taking off a Band-Aid, it sometimes stings temporarily.) Always remember: Pluto wants a superior result. Therefore, if you're in a bad situation, Pluto will get you out of it. If you're in a potentially good situation, Pluto will teach you how to make the most of it. Avoid power struggles! You might not win. Pluto is Lord of dirty politics. Ruthless.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Because Pluto is more intense than you can imagine, it can make you go overboard. In the next decade, you might approach your work with a frenzy that actually damages your health. Don't over-strain yourself physically. It's very tempting to do this in the next decade. The good news is Pluto is also all about regeneration and transformation. Yay! In the next 16-plus years, you can resurrect your body and your health (if you don't destroy it first) -- tricky business! This means you have to be aware and make wise choices. When you're having wine and cheese, don't butter your French bread. Are you crazy? (If you do, dessert is out.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

In many ways, during the next 16 years, children will redefine your world. This could be because children will be born to you; or the children in your life will be the catalyst for you to make big changes in your life. Certainly your relationship with children during this time will plant seeds that are powerful for them later in their lives. Something might make you more in touch with the truth of how creative you are (something you might dismiss at the moment). Love affairs will be hot and steamy with a fated, star-crossed quality and be obsessive and prone to jealousy. Juicy!! Try to avoid a fascination with someone you know isn't good for you. Switch to dark chocolate instead.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

The transformation that you'll undergo during the next 16-plus years will focus on home, family and domestic issues for your sign. It could revolve around your relationship to a parent. Your focus might be your relationship with your parent when you were a child. Your parent might no longer be here but the relationship is in your psyche influencing your response to things. (Still taking Teddy to the office?) It's an excellent time for therapy. Your home life might also change tremendously during this time. Pluto loves renovations and huge fixer-upper projects. It's as if you're going to rebuild everything anew from the bottom up.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

In your far-reaching future, everyday conversations and casual contacts will take on a much more profound tone than usual. Big changes might take place in your everyday world or in your daily environment. You might find it necessary to re-examine your everyday beliefs. It's as if you can't take anything for granted! No longer will you be satisfied with superficial explanations for things; you want to get right down to the nitty-gritty! Relations with siblings and relatives might also greatly transform in the next decade. But throughout this, you'll definitely come in touch with how powerful you are through what you say to others. Oh yeah.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

As Pluto moves forward out of your sign, it could ultimately take you into a new world of how you earn your money. Some of you might choose Plutonian jobs: anything related to garbage, sewers, septic systems and plumbing; anything related to medicine, psychology and psychiatry; anything related to death; anything related to jewelry and gems; archaeology and anthropology; and finally, anything related to the police or any kind of criminal protection agency. I'd be naïve not to mention that crime is also an option. But why choose it for a job? I've always heard it doesn't pay.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Big daddy Pluto is entering your sign. You have no say in the matter, nor were you consulted. "Didn't you get the memo?" Actually, although this will really stir up things in your closest partnerships (in the next dozen years, you won't suffer fools; people who are not good for you will no longer be in the equation). But in the bigger picture, you're going to do everything possible to become a better person not only inwardly, but also a "better person" in the image that you project to others on an everyday basis. Yup! It's time to buy that full-length, three-way mirror. Find out what everyone else is seeing. It's face-the-music time. (Twilight Zone riff here.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

The next 16-plus years will be a curious sojourn for you because you're a very modern sign. All Aquarians are born 50 years ahead of their time. Nevertheless, you're going to start to grapple with the most basic truths that humankind has dealt with for thousands of years, like, "Who always finishes the ice cream? Worse yet, they put the empty carton back in the freezer! (How cruel is that?)" Basically you'll undergo a myriad of different situations and meet different people, all of which trigger some self-scrutiny in you. And the deeper you look, you'll find you're staring at parts of yourself that you normally deny even exist. (I don't have flabby thighs. I really don't.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

In the next dozen years or longer, you will learn the power of how your friends and acquaintances actually affect your life. We like to think we're in control of our lives. But the truth is our friends have an enormous influence on us because they affect our minds, our conversation, our vocabulary, our ideas, the places we hang out at and, therefore, they affect our choices. Hey! Your choices virtually create your life. Therefore, who's living your life? You or your friends? (Even if there's a special offer where your companion can fly for free.) I say, be choosy. Definitely. Your friends create your future!