(Note: the opposition of Saturn to Uranus is causing a lot of broken bones and skeletal problems. It's a bummer fact of life.) Fiery Mars is in Sagittarius; and on 21st, the Sun joins Mars. This double combo of fiery planets in Fire signs portends a push of dynamic energy in the world. Stuff is happening! People are doing things. We all get a feeling we're on a roll -- making things happen. The current excitement of elections is just one of example. Abraham Lincoln said, "The ballot is stronger than the bullet." (Of course, that was before PowerPoint.) Then there was another guy from Illinois, Al Capone, who said, "Vote early and vote often."
This surge of fiery energy really stokes you! Your excitement about life is increasing perhaps because travel plans appeal? Go anywhere if you can. You're hungry for adventure plus you want to blow this pop stand for a change of scenery. Sign up for a course. Learn anything new. Explore ideas, philosophies, political stances and religious thought. Your involvement in publishing, the media, medicine and the law, as well as higher education will intensify and become more eventful. You feel excited about life because so many new things are swirling around you. (Actually, don't look now but one of them is stuck on your shoulder. Oooouuuu!)
In the next 4-6 weeks, you're more involved with financial issues and the wealth and resources of others, especially the wealth and resources you share with others. Examples of this would be inheritances, estates, taxes, debt and of course, jointly owned property. Try to sort out as much of this as you can. It's a lot of boring, red tape, but it ain't going to go away on its own. (You wish.) The good news is your gonads are in overdrive. Sex will be hot and memorable! In fact, this intensified passion will embrace many areas of your life simply because you're so full of Vim, Vigor and Vitality. (Veni vidi Velcro - we came, we saw, we stuck around.)
This increased emphasis on Sagittarius is 180° opposite your sign. This means you're 'looking at' your partner or a very close friend. Mars encourages conflict. (Gulp.) When Mars opposes your sign, you'll fight at the drop of a hat. Be patient with loved ones because these quarrels serve no purpose other than to make everyone miserable. The upside is it could mean something you're engaged in is now at a triumphal climax. Not only have you survived, you're victorious! But don't be smug because nothing is forever. Just savour the good times because nothing fails like success. Despite the agitation of Mars, this is a good time to form working units with others.
You're galvanized into action! You're ready to work. You want efficiency, effectiveness and productivity. Because you hold on to so much ("I might use this one day") you have lots of stuff! Now is the time to get organized at home and at work so this stuff is easily accessible, you know where it is, you know what you own, you know what you need, and -- it's nicely stored away which makes you look on top of your scene. Don't be stingy with yourself. Give yourself the best equipment, tools and support (shelves, cupboards, file folders, paint, cleaning supplies, whatever) to do a good job. This makes all the difference. (Every day I use a little bamboo whisk to make matcha tea and I feel like a Queen.)
Like Aries, you're revved up by this increased fiery energy. It's adding Fire to Fire! Expect romance and love affairs to burn more brightly. You'll also enjoy social diversions, the arts, the theatre, musical performances, schmoozing for fun and all kinds of sports events and activities. It also energizes your relationships with children. Actually, this is all fun stuff! You're looking at a fabulous six weeks ahead! Make sure you set aside time to enjoy yourself and to enjoy the children in your life. Buy something sexy so that you can rekindle the passion of romance. Start with a great Merlot.
It's all about home and family now. Family discussions will be lively but possibly argumentative. That's the Mars influence getting in the way. Because Mars rules the muscles, expect increased activity at home through renovations, redecorating, changing furniture around, dealing with company or squabbling with family members. The latter is your poorest choice. Despite all this chaotic activity, you'll also want some downtime at home to cocoon and think about your future. Find an electric blanket, turn it up to nine, roll in a fetal position and hide somewhere. (Send out for dark chocolate.)
Fasten your seatbelts! Short trips, daily errands, buying and selling, negotiations, increased time with siblings and relatives, plus reading, writing and studying have you running around like you've got an outboard motor on your ass. Vrrrrooom! You'll be thinking fast, talking fast and moving fast. Fortunately, fair Venus boosts fun, pleasure, social diversions and romance. Thank goodness! If you have to be this busy, it's good to know some perks are on the way. Fiery Mars makes you very aggressive in your communications. You might be coming on too strong for some, especially siblings and daily contacts. Remember: you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
"Show me the money!" This shift of focus to Sagittarius totally draws your attention to financial issues, cash flow, major purchases, and most definitely - earnings. Ka-ching! (Why is there always so much month left at the end of the money?) Fortunately, the Sun will help you dream up new ways of earning money and give you the motivation and confidence to follow through on your ideas. And fiery Mars gives you the energy to make the money; unfortunately, it also gives you the energy to spend it. Fair Venus promotes good times at home with family and friends. You want to entertain at home. You're redecorating or tweaking your digs to make them more beautiful --- casual elegance with a touch of Gothic.
It's all about you for the next six weeks. Mars is already in your sign and on Friday the 21st, the Sun enters Sagittarius. This is your chance to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year! This strong combo will put you out there centre stage. Important people will be attracted to you along with auspicious opportunities. Things easily come your way now. Because Mars will build up your energy in an intense way, try to get more physical exercise to blow off some of this pent-up steam. If you don't blow it off physically, you might make verbal attacks on those around you. But you won't do this because fair Venus is paving the way for diplomatic, gracious communications. Everyone loves you!
This is the time of year when you need to lie in the weeds. Work alone or work behind the scenes. Keep a low profile. Why? Because you're in a stage of preparation for your birth-day which is when the Sun returns to your sign after being gone for 11 months. That means your new personal year (birthday to birthday) will soon begin. This is big stuff. How can you prepare for this? If you keep a low profile and set aside time to ponder how your last year went, and how you would like your new year to be -- you won't regret it. Think of how much time you spend if you're going to rent a movie! Why not spend some time thinking about what you want the movie of your life to be next year?
Get ready for a popular, social month! (Probably about six weeks.) It's a great time because you're excited to see others; you're enjoying the company of others; but more than that, you're having heated, fiery, intense exchanges with friends (and enemies?) You're a very idealistic person. You want to see the world 'work'. You think globally and you have a genuine concern for many people. Quite likely, you're fighting vociferously for a specific cause dear to your heart. Friends and groups will be a big factor in this next six weeks. Some of these relationships will be contentious. But all of them will be lively! Talk to others about your goals. Get their input.
Wow! Your ambition is super aroused! You want to set the world on fire. Fortunately, you couldn't have picked a better time because the Sun is at high noon in your chart acting like a spotlight on you putting you in the limelight. Everyone notices you, especially bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. And get this. Not only does the Sun call attention to you -- it makes you look great in the eyes of others. You don't even have to do anything special, and they'll think you walk on water! (Which, considering your shoe collection might be possible.) Go after what you want in the next six weeks. You are blessed. Ah, yes -- there's no time like the pleasant.