The biggies this week are the New Moon on the Monday the 29th and the dance between Mars and Pluto on Wednesday, Oct.1. As I've said before, New Year's is not our only chance to make resolutions. The New Moon is another chance to set intentions to improve our lives. This month is fortuitous because on the heels of the New Moon we have a Mars/Pluto thang to boost our determination. Perfect! An aspiration always generates effort, which is then supported by perseverance. This is how we get results. But first we need the faith that we can achieve our goals. (And remember: friends don't let friends drive naked.)
This is the only New Moon opposite your sign all year. That means this New Moon (Monday, Sept. 29) is a wonderful chance to think about how to improve your partnerships and closest friendships. After all, if these relationships are not perfect (which I doubt) there's room for improvement, right? There's no question that you have tension and conflict with partners right now. Maybe you need to learn how to make the peace? Maybe you need to learn how to express yourself in a way that isn't off-putting or aggressive. If you have to tell somebody else off maybe you can tap dance while you're doing it. (It's original.)
This week is a marvellous opportunity to make improvements in your job or to your attitude to your job or to get a new job. Think clear and hard about this on Monday the 29th. Once you decide what you want to do, then set the ball rolling on Wednesday. Make a phone call. Send an e-mail. Get better organized. Delegate work to others. Do whatever is necessary so you feel more pulled-together at work and at home. (Because the two are always related.) You'll love yourself for making this effort to improve things. Reduce clutter. Recycle, sell or turf what you don't need. This is your ultimato. (That's where you have to go to bed without dessert if you don't eat your vegetables.)
There's an enormous amount of activity in your chart urging you to be exactly who you are. No more games. No more masks. It's time to stand up and do your Popeye routine: "I am what I am!" Love and romance are strong. (Physical intimacy in particular, woo-woo!) You feel playful, prankish and flirtatious. You want to be on vacation because you're not keen to work. However, if you're in sports, the entertainment world, the hospitality industry or with children, then you do have the energy to do things. Now is the time to balance your life in terms of work and play. And also to really get to know who you are. How can you be who you are if you don't know who it is?
With the cluster of planets at the bottom of your chart, your focus is entirely on your private life and your home and family scene. This might include increased interactions with a parent. It looks like you're already putting a lot of effort into making improvements at home, and possibly these improvements are generating conflict. (Activity, chaos and turmoil.) What can you do to improve things? These improvements can apply to your family relationships as well as your home. Relatives you haven't seen for a while might be back on your doorstep. What can you do to make life better for yourself and others?
This is a busy time for you but, more than that, it's a time when you're more focused than usual on your ability to communicate. Communications include everything from insults, harsh words, gossip and idle chatter to information, encouragement, instruction and inspiration. Words can hurt and words can heal! Words can plant seeds of doubt or instill confidence. On Monday's New Moon, make a resolution about what you want your words to convey, because later this week your ability to influence, persuade and convince others is uncanny! (Words are so handy when there's something you want to say.)
Money, money, money. The Sun, Moon, retrograde Mercury and Mars are all in your House of Earnings and Possessions. This is why you're so focused on expanding your earnings, exploring new sources of earnings and watching your cash flow because of expenditures. You're dealing with a lot of old business now. But beneath all this money talk, what's really going on is you're revising your value system. What really matters? What does money represent? Money is energy. (It can't do any good if it's buried in your backyard.) And what's your attitude to money? If you think money is the root of all evil, you won't have much.
Holy sideburns! The Sun, the Moon, retrograde Mercury and Mars are all in Libra. It's all about you. Monday's New Moon is the best day of the year to do a serious reality check and look in the mirror. What kind of image do you project? Do you like how you look? (You never get a second chance to make a first impression.) Think about what you can do to look your best so you feel good and so do others when they encounter you. How you look is actually a little gift you give to others. (You know how powerful appearances can be.) Think of two vastly different rooms and how they make you feel. Ditto for people's effect on each other.
This is a spiritual week for you, even if you don't think about your spiritual life. (Nothing so focuses your mind like knowing you're going to be hanged in the morning.) Since nobody's getting out of this life alive, and every second we are closer to our death, thinking about life beyond television is not a wasted effort. Monday's New Moon is your perfect opportunity to do this. Basically, what it boils down to is asking yourself what you can do to be the best you can be. How can you make the most of this life? What do you want to do with the time that is left to you? Morbid perhaps, but hey -- death is hereditary.
This week is the time to think about friendship and the role that friends play in your life. Who counts you as a friend? What kind of friend are you? Would you like to have you as a friend? On Monday, be aware of how to be more friendly, more considerate, more thoughtful and more genuinely interested in others. By Wednesday, when you're ready to direct the activities of others (and you will be), they'll be putty in your hands if they think you care. (You can't fake it.) This week you'll accomplish an enormous amount by co-ordinating the efforts of others. (Which is the definition of management: getting things done through others.) It's like herding cats.
A lot of planetary activity is taking place at the top of your chart, indicating that interactions with parents and bosses are significant. Monday's New Moon is a good time to ponder and honestly analyze how you react to authority. Are you compliant? Are you rebellious? In turn, what kind of boss are you? This is also a good time to think about your life direction in general, and your status in life: single, married, divorced, not sure, the jury is still out. Because your ambition is keenly aroused now, you can get a lot done, especially through the efforts of others. Get the necessary approval that you need. Use a higher authority in your life to validate, endorse or promote your own power. (And what's with this bit about making people salute you? Enuff awreddy.)
You are so eager to expand your experience and knowledge of the world. ("Lemme outta here!") Monday the 29th is the perfect day to assess how you can best do this at this point in your life. Should you develop your own personal daily study regime? (Could be fun.) Should you go back to school or sign up for a course? What about travel? (That's a fascinating way to learn more about the world if you carry your own toilet paper.) You might be concerned with politics or religion right now as well. Basically, you want to wrap your head around new ideas and new concepts and perhaps even a bold new approach to life. It's exciting. You're getting ready to get ready. Capiche?
This week you face both a challenge and an opportunity. (I think this combo is in Chinese calligraphy. Does it ring a bell, Pavlov?) Your challenge is coming to terms with the values of others (especially partners and close friends) when you don't agree with these values. You can't say the other person is wrong; and you can't insist that you're right. Very tricky. Your other challenge relates to impending agreements about shared property, inheritances, taxes and debt. This is tough to arrive at but, at the same time, it would be wonderful to finish this business and be done with it. What can you do to improve these areas? Hmmm?