The Harvest Full Moon takes place on Monday, Sept. 15, at 5:13 a.m. EDT (2:13 a.m. PDT.) It will be in Pisces. Whenever a Full Moon takes place, the Sun and the Moon are in opposite signs. And because they're directly opposite each other, there's tension set up between them, which means this axis of tension is operative in our chart depending on where the Sun and Moon fall. (It's different for each of us.) If we just focus on the tension and let it grab us by the throat, then we suffer. But if we can learn how to handle the tension of two opposing areas in our lives, and somehow work out a compromise, then we'll have fewer cavities and never gain weight if we eat in the dark. In a nutshell, it's learning how to make the best of a challenging time. (But true happiness of course, is a positive cash flow.)
This is an interesting time for you because three planets -- Mercury, Venus and Mars -- are all completely opposite your sign, which totally focuses you on partnerships and close friends. This makes everything smooth and cozy; whereas usually Mars encourages competition, irritation and fighting. You have this going on right now in addition to the Full Moon, which could introduce problems with co-workers and your job and your self-confidence about how you do your work. Busy you! You're dealing with several fronts. (This defeated Napoleon, but fear not -- he was a Leo, you are an Aries warrior.) The truth is that when it gets hot in the kitchen, that's when you really start to cook! Oh, yeah.
A gaggle of planets now galvanizes you to work. You're running around giving orders and talking to everyone because you're full of ideas. You're also feeling aggressive, which means you're delegating a lot and telling everyone else what to do. This means you're getting a lot done! That's the good part. (You love yourself when you're productive.) However, this Harvest Full Moon on Monday the 15th disturbs the equilibrium you have with friends and groups and possibly even with children. Your only recourse is to be patient. You can't tell everyone what to do! Restrict your aggressive, gung-ho nature to work and be more easy-going with your pals and your kids.
Mercury, Mars and Venus want you to play, flirt and enjoy leisure activities like sports, movies, the theatre, dance and mini-vacations. Many are also active with children. (This is the fun part!) However, this Harvest Moon makes everyone notice you for some reason. Some aspect of your private life is now public. (Check your zipper.) Expect tension between your career and your external world versus your family and your domestic world. You can't keep both camps happy. Just accept this and do your best. It might be the eye-opener you need to get a better balance between home and career. Ya think?
You're active at home. Chaos and activity due to renovations, residential moves, or visitors promotes tension even though repairs and redecorating are exciting because you like to feather your nest. This is also a good time to entertain at home. However, the Harvest Moon on Monday the 15th creates tension this weekend until Wednesday. It could make you slightly accident-prone because you're distracted and a bit anxious. Take 11 deep breaths. This separates what went before from what you're going to do next. It helps to keep you in the moment. (Avoid arguments, especially with siblings.)
Your hair's on fire! You're super-busy with short trips, studies, reading, writing, buying and selling, negotiating and talking to everyone. And that's the basics. You're handling lots of other details, too, depending on who you are and what you do. This week the Full Moon forces you to focus on cash flow, earnings, debt, taxes, insurance situations and anything to do with shared property. Clean up your paperwork! Pay your bills. Organize stuff and tackle filing or whatever you wish you would do to keep track of things. If you do this you'll feel mentally clean, on top of your scene and more confident. And you'll love yourself! Believe me -- I know.
You feel tension this week because this Full Moon is 180 degrees opposite your sign. (Ouch.) Since every Full Moon is an opposition of the Sun and the Moon, this means Virgo is part of this formula. (You can run but you can't hide.) This provokes tension with others partly because you're not sure who to put first, your interests or the interests of others. It's a challenge. By nature, you like to serve because you're good at it. Think of this: If you don't take care of yourself and your own business, you'll be of no use to anyone. (Like putting on your oxygen mask first before you put it on your child. Same thing.)
You're running around with an outboard motor on your butt because Mercury, Venus and Mars are all in Libra. You're charming and diplomatic (Venus); you're talking to everyone (Mercury); and you're so energetic you're a bit pushy (Mars). But it's all good. The bummer part is this Full Moon aggravates your work scene and tests your self-confidence. You're second-guessing yourself because of old patterns of self-doubt and feeling like navel lint. Fortunately, the challenge of any Full Moon is only about five days. Five days?! Aaaggh! Not to worry. On Monday the 22nd, when the Sun enters your sign, you become an action hero! Ta-da!
Right now you're juggling a lot of things that are very much behind the scenes, secretive or certainly private. You're doing things and planning things that people don't know about. You like secrets so this isn't stressful for you. In fact, it's a fabulous time for you to research anything. However, the Full Moon this week (Monday the 15th) could cause problems with friends or groups. Whatever occurs might make you reassess some long-term goals. You're very future-oriented right now. You've got big plans. The problem is these plans are in a nascent stage and not yet ready to hatch. This is very frustrating because you're a person of action. You're in the movies: "Hurry up and wait."
You have lots of plans in the fire; and Mercury, Venus and Mars encourage discussions about these plans with others. Sports and physical activities with others are a great way of letting off steam. Get out and be active because you'll feel better. Never forget that physical activity (especially outdoors) boosts your optimism and confidence in yourself. In fact, optimism and physical activity are survival issues for you. Expect problems juggling your career versus your home scene because of the Full Moon this week. Consider this a reality check on how to balance these two areas of your life. We all need balance (especially a positive one at the bank).
Parents, bosses, teachers and VIPs play a strong role in your life right now because Mercury, Venus and Mars are at high noon in your chart. This means you're talking to important people; your ambition is aroused; and others are impressed with you. So far so good. However, tread carefully because this Harvest Full Moon is mildly accident-prone for you. It makes you distracted and a bit anxious and that's why you could break things or even hurt yourself. It doesn't have to happen if you are focused and patient. Don't get your belly in a rash over anything. When the annals of history are written, all of this is peanuts. (And you know this.)
This is a wonderful time for travel, taking courses or getting further education or training, as well as exploring ideas and experiences related to politics, religion and philosophical subjects. Some of you are also very focused on publishing, the media, and racial issues. (You have a universal spirit and you're always trying to make the world a better place.) Don't be too perturbed about disputes with shared property, inheritances, taxes or cash flow right now because this is a temporary hiccup due to the Full Moon this week. By Wednesday the 17th, much of this agitation will diminish or disappear. The good news is this Full Moon could amp your sex drive. (Now that's a thought.)
Oh boy! On Monday the 15th, the only Full Moon in your sign all year takes place. It's that Harvest Full Moon! This is why you feel more emotional, more anxious, more eager, more hopeful, more fearful, and you're eating a lot of Ben & Jerry's Americone Dream ice cream. (Steve is funny.) The downside is this makes you tough to live with. Tension with partners and close friends is unavoidable. The upside is this could provide a window for you to really see what's going on in your closest relationships. Generally we take things for granted. You're not doing that right now. In fact, you want to improve your closest relationships. You're beginning to see how much you say without talking.