All Signs

A fortuitous planetary event that's occurring this year is with Jupiter in Capricorn and Saturn in Virgo (both Earth Signs) working together in mutual support. This particular combination has never occurred in our lifetime (although there was a hint in 1949). Although this supportive influence is here throughout the year, it's a perfect 120 degree angle on Jan. 21, Sept. 7 and Nov. 21. Naturally, this helps the Earth signs -- Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn -- but it also helps all signs in different ways. Read on to learn how to work with this favourable influence. Sometimes good luck is not getting what you thought you wanted but getting what you have which, once you've got it, you're hopefully smart enough to see is what you would have wanted had you known.  

Aries (March 21-April 19)

  This year Jupiter and Saturn are supporting your work and employment scene by giving you lots of energy to work. You'll do the missionary work to get something off the ground. You're also willing to slog it out doing routine things or building something. Your willingness to work is vital to what you're accomplishing. But the other part of this wonderful relationship between Jupiter and Saturn means the results of your hard work bring attention to you! People suddenly notice you this year. It's as if you're being discovered, even though you've been doing this work all along. Go figure. (Hey -- your name is up in lights, so milk this for all it's worth!) 

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You're one of the lucky Earth signs getting benefit from this Jupiter/Saturn relationship through 2008 (Jan./Sept./Nov.). Essentially, you want to figure out what you want to be when you grow up. Many options are open but what is it you really want to do? What matters most? What gives you the most joy and fulfilment? You have a wonderful opportunity to travel and learn new things this year and, hopefully, this new knowledge sets you on a course of action where you can sink your teeth into something because it turns your crank. And this will happen because, peeking ahead, I see next year is full of opportunities and your reputation is fabulous! 

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This powerful triangulation of Jupiter and Saturn this year is wonderfully practical! You want to establish a home for yourself. You need to put down roots somewhere, roots you can rely on. You need a solid anchor so you know where your home is. This is the major overall plan. This year the relationship of Jupiter and Saturn beautifully boosts this plan because you can benefit wonderfully from the wealth and resources of others! For some, it will be an inheritance; others will have the advantages and use of the possessions of others. You're on the gravy train! Appreciate what you have and make the best use of this good fortune.  

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Because Earth and Water work well together, all this good stuff in Earth signs during 2008 is good news for you. Since this is a time of change and flux, you need all the help you can get. Residential changes as well as changes to your job are taking place. The benefits of the Jupiter/Saturn thang is partnerships (both professional and intimate) and even members of the general public will hugely help you this year. This is most auspicious because during times of change we need the help and support of others, generally because our own support scene is wobbly. Friends are important. (I misplaced my Christmas list. Now I haven't the slightest idea who my friends are.) 

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

The benefits you receive this year from Jupiter and Saturn are primarily practical. This is most fitting because one of the things you're trying to establish now is a method of earning money that pleases you. You want fulfilment and joy from what you do but, at the same time, you want something more from your job. (Fill out the blank.) This is a good year to figure this out. Jupiter will help you improve your job by bringing opportunities to change your existing job or find a new job or get a promotion in your job, or even change your attitude to your job. And the partnership of Jupiter and Saturn will bring you the money! Ka-ching! 

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Ever since 2007, you embarked on a major new cycle during which you reinvent yourself between now and 2015. You're in a whole new sandbox! That's why this smack of good luck from Jupiter and Saturn comes along at the perfect time. It brings you vacations, increased activity with children, love, romance, and fun socializing. But you're not sitting around twiddling your thumbs. Au contraire! You're busting your buns! Your best opportunities will come to you this year through the arts, show business, sports, the entertainment world and the hospitality industry, or working with children. It's all good! 

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Ever since last year, you've entered a two-to-three-year window of dismantling much of what you created since 1996. You're getting rid of what is no longer relevant in your life in terms of people, places and possessions. This is often painful. You don't let go easily. Fortunately, Mercury, Venus and Mars are in your sign right now boosting your confidence, and giving you extra charm and vivacious energy. You're keen to talk to everyone. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, your home scene can improve as never before this year. It's a wonderful year for real-estate deals. Your home is a source of joy and increased value for you.  (Great year for real estate.) 

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This particular combination of Jupiter and Saturn has never occurred in your lifetime before. What it does for your sign this year is make you extremely busy and very popular! In fact, you're so busy and involved with others (some are deep connections and some are casual acquaintances) that your major challenge is to learn how to remain involved with everyone by letting them in your life and yet, at the same time, maintain your privacy, your integrity and your personal independence. Not an easy thing to do! While you're juggling this situation, you're also refining and honing your long-term goals for the future. You sense that major changes are due around 2009-2011. And you're so right. 

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Both the Sun and Saturn are at high noon in your chart indicating this is an important time in your dealings with bosses, parents and VIPs. These people notice you now. Furthermore, this is a time in your life when what is working and what is not working is very obvious. Drop what doesn't work and move on. Don't dwell on the notion of failure -- everything in life is impermanent, even success. Work with what you've got. If you adopt this realistic attitude, you can boost your earnings this year because moneybags Jupiter is sitting in one of your Money Houses. This is both a time of success and failure; and it's one of the most powerful times in your life. Grab the reins and show the horse who's boss. 

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Of all the 12 signs, you probably get the most benefit from this particular Jupiter/Saturn combination occurring in 2008. It will never again occur exactly like this in your life; and it has never occurred like this before in your lifetime. This is something special! Don't take your good fortune for granted. Appreciate how things are unfolding for you this year and make the most of it. Use every opportunity to the best advantage that you can. This is a time of enormous preparation for you because you are entering a very successful year next year. Curious isn't it? That despite how good things are right now, they're going to get even better?! Mom always liked you best. 

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This is very much a mixed bag for you this year. On one hand, many of you are getting along with less because your partner is out of work or changing jobs or some kind of practical support from an outer source has diminished or ended. It definitely throws you back on your own resources. But hey, this is confidence-building and a big learning curve! Your pleasures this year are private, quiet and possibly even secretive. "Guilty!" The way life is spinning around you provokes a deeper spiritual awareness of everything in you. Mercury, Venus and Mars heighten your interest and opportunities in travel, publishing, higher education, the media, medicine and the law. Go, go, go.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This particular Jupiter/Saturn combination (which has never occurred before in your lifetime nor will again) is bringing you enormous blessings in the people department. Your popularity rating with everyone is heightened this year. Everyone wants to see your face. Groups, clubs and organizations demand your time. But more than that, you're involved in partnerships in a way you have never been before. Your focus on partnerships is intense right now because some are ending and some are beginning. There's nothing casual going on here. It all matters. Your sex drive is strong now, too. Intimacy is thrilling and dare we say transcending? We did.