It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark. Timing is everything. Mercury, the ruler of communications, ground transportation, trade and commerce, the mail, and daily exchanges, is retrograde from Sept. 24- Oct. 15. But it's not that simple. The errors and delays begin ahead of time because Mercury slows down at least a week before the 24th. Then, after Mercury retrograde is over on Oct. 15 ("Not so, Monsieur le Pussycat!") it is still "behind" and will not recover its lost ground until Oct.30. That's a long stretch ahead. So, if you're starting anything (especially a business or major project), do it now or wait until Halloween. By then the zombies will be wearing their new wardrobe from Decay NY. (I'm so bad.)
This is an excellent work week for you because a wonderful planetary combination is at play. On one hand, you're giving a lot of thought to long-range plans and, at the same time, you're willing to work hard in a very practical, routine, plodding, productive way. This makes you very results-oriented. However, another almost simultaneous influence encourages you to think big, expect the best, rally the troops, and plan work-related travel or international deals. What makes this so sweet is you're prepared to work hard as you want to get organized right now anyway. How cool is that? You'll be running into or hearing from ex-partners soon.
This is a wonderful time for you to be on a vacation. It's also wonderful time for sports, creative activities, anything related to with the arts, show business, the entertainment world, and the hospitality industry. Romance and love affairs can be fun, joyful and over-the-top. Casual romance will look so promising many of you will be making long-range plans for the future. Be careful. Sometimes marriage isn't a word, it's a sentence. However, serious plans related to the areas mentioned above (show business, sports and the hospitality industry) will be solid, optimistic and yet realistically sensible. You really know what you're doing right now.
As the month progresses, this Mercury retrograde will really bring old flames out of the woodwork. Yes, you could get burned or alternatively, cooked till you're juicy. You're certainly up for fun and romance and you're in the mood to play. Nevertheless, your primary focus continues to be on home, family and domestic situations and perhaps also real-estate deals. Things look very good here. You might pull off something very profitable and advantageous to you. Not only is there's some kind of profit or benefit to be made connected with your home and family, there's a long-term practical security as well. Plan a party. Home entertaining will be successful.
The activity of Mercury this month will definitely attract relatives and family to your doorstep. Or you might attend a reunion. More likely, people who eat and drink too much are sleeping on your sofa, and telling you how to live. (Ever noticed how easy it is to see what other people should do in their own homes?) You'll enjoy the company because you're keen to communicate to others and perhaps even enlighten them about something. People will listen to you this week because you're enthusiastic, optimistic and you have vision; and yet at the same time, people know you're being sensible and that whatever you suggest is doable. (Are there any nachos left?)
This Mercury retrograde might hit you a little harder than others. Pay your phone bill. Keep your cell phone charged. Be aware of car or truck maintenance. Allow extra time for everything. Be patient with cancelled appointments, misunderstandings, lost items, and a feeling you're losing it. You're not losing it. And if you do, you'll find it again in the last place you look. This is a good week to discuss future plans about earnings and major expenditures. You've got big ideas. Nevertheless, you're making an overall plan to order your affairs in a very thorough and meticulous way. Make sure you avoid waste. You can definitely boost your earnings. Ka-ching!
There's a lot happening right now. You're extremely focused on financial matters. This focus will only continue for the next few months because you're forced to deal with old issues and past business. Something you thought was done and gone will be back again. Some issues might require closure. Keep a close watch on your cash flow and bank accounts. ("What do you mean no funds? I've still got cheques left!") The most important thing you can do right now is to believe in yourself and believe in your future. Belief is not just an intellectual exercise. It has emotion in it, even longing. Make your plans and commit to them. In the big picture, you've been creating the new for at least 18 months. This process will be done in 2015. "Stick a fork in me Lord -- I'm done!"
Mercury, Venus and Mars are all in Libra right now. And this pending Mercury retrograde will be taking place in your sign as well. Fear not. Although you will have lots of little hangnail annoyances in the next two months -- lost keys, papers, missed calls, miscommunications and such, it won't be anything you can't handle. It's often the opposition of the Mercury retrograde that really gets you. You're sort of in the eye of the storm. This is a good time to make big plans and, in fact, solid, practical plans for your long-term future. But keep quiet about these plans. They are not yet ready for general consumption. (Don't let the Borg find out.)
"May you live in interesting times" was actually a Chinese curse. No need to explain this to you! Nevertheless, you feel absolutely exhilarated about your plans. "My future's so bright I need shades!" This is a great week to take stock of what you're doing. You're in an extremely positive frame of mind. You're eager for new experiences, and everyone wants to talk to you. Despite your optimism, you're not being flip or careless. Au contraire! You're lining up your ducks in a neat little row. You're taking meticulous care about small details. You're doing the missionary work necessary to make something unfold. But your plans are so secret!
It's been a long time since you've felt this powerful, this confident and this hopeful. With the Sun at high noon in your chart now, everyone notices you, especially bosses, parents, VIPs -- even the police. This is a wonderful week to really lay it out with respect to your future life path. You have just enough confidence and optimism to plan for success, and yet, you're on top of your game and overlooking nothing. Old friends will start to reappear out of nowhere as the month progresses. Group activities are busy; but conflict (a competitive threat?) with someone is possible. Be nice to your enemies -- it drives them crazy.
You're so ready for adventure! You want excitement, new experiences, the thrill of travel and discovery, plus you're keen to learn something. Publishing, the media, medicine and the law and matters connected with higher education are all coming together. You're pumped! Expect to be dealing with parents, bosses and authority figures much more in the next two months. Old business will be rehashed. (That again?) There's no question your ambition is aroused now. Important people can grant you favours. Some will start an affair with a boss. Prior career opportunities could resurface. ("Should I laugh or cry? After 27 years, I finally got accepted into ballet school!")
Your passionate intensity continues. You're pacing the floor. There is no gray in your life; everything is black and white. This week you're very involved with the wealth and resources of others plus shared property, inheritances, insurance matters and financial deals with partners. You feel optimistic but you're no fool. You've done your homework, and you know what to realistically expect. This month you'll hear from people from other countries or a far distance. Previous opportunities with publishing, the media, higher education, medicine and the law could materialize. However, delays in these areas are just as likely. Oops. Sorry.
Partnerships are definitely a major focus right now. In many ways, this week things feel better than they have in years! There's a mutual generosity and mutual understanding and even a sharing of mutual joy that is lovely and reassuring. It gives you the courage to stick your neck out and make serious commitments about the future. Your plans are far-reaching this week because you're taking a very long-range view of things. Personally, you're hot and passionate! Intimacy is magically affectionate. Be prepared for old business to resurface about inheritances, shared property, insurance matters, taxes and debt. Never invest in anything that eats or needs repairing. (And never lend your car to anyone to whom you have given birth.)