All Signs

There's a Full Moon in Aquarius on Saturday, at 5:16 p.m. EDT. When this happens in Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) it tends to rock the world a bit more. As you get close to the Full Moon, the more your problems seem to intensify. On Friday before this Full Moon -- which is in a Fixed Sign (as if the day before the Full Moon was not enough to deal with!) -- two other astrological influences occur: One causes confusion, deception and self-belittlement, and the other encourages negative thinking, worrying, criticism and carping. Dontcha love it? Forewarned is forearmed. Expect increased tension with yourself and others. Be patient. No matter what happens, you'll have an irresistible urge to go on living.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Attention and confusion that will slowly build this week could create extra pressures for parents and those of you who work with or take care of children. It would be very easy to lose your cool with the little rugrats. (There's nothing wrong with teenagers that reasoning with them won't aggravate.) You might feel discouraged, confused and disappointed. These same emotional reactions could also occur in romantic relationships or even friendships. Don't let this get you down. What's important to remember is that once the Full Moon has peaked, for some inexplicable reason, your problems seem to diminish or even vanish! Remember the advice of Goethe: "Correction does much but encouragement does more."

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Because you are a Fixed sign (don't worry, you can still have children) you'll notice the tension increasing this week before Saturday's Full Moon. You will feel increasingly challenged trying to meet the demands of home and family and the demands of your career or your professional life. You can't please everyone. And right now you can't ignore family. But someone is so difficult to deal with! Criticism, nagging, and a gloomy point of view could edit the joy out of your family album. Just be aware of this. Curb your tongue. Try not to utter one criticism to anyone because it will only backfire. (Make your life easier.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This is definitely an accident-prone time for your sign, especially as the week progresses. Negative thinking or worries might distract you now. In addition, your mind is not as bright and clear as it usually is. Your windshield is foggy for some reason. Your reception is poor like a radio station that has too much static. This affects your decision-making process. Avoid important decisions and work that requires intense concentration. Don't jump to conclusions with others. You're not seeing things clearly or you are actually the victim of deception. Wait until the smoke clears (i.e. Full Moon peaks on Saturday) because after that everything will fall neatly into place. "Ah, home at last."

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The confusion and tension that increases this week will be about possessions, financial issues and your earnings. It's a money thing. Your challenge might be threefold: the first is that you're not sure whose interest to put first, someone else's or your own. The second is that you might be disappointed with a purchase, with your cash flow, your earnings or a particular possession. You might even lose or break something. And thirdly, you might do something foolish with your money or something you own, or someone else might deceive you or steal from you. Be aware of this. Kalu Rinpoche said, "Trust everyone and always lock your door."

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Batten down the hatches because the only Full Moon all year that opposes your sign is starting to build. This will increase stress and tension with partners and close friends. You might feel discouraged and critical of others. You might feel disappointed and let down by someone. Worse yet, you might feel deceived by someone or backed into a corner and tempted to lie to avoid something nasty. (Poor choice.) But hey, you don't have to be at the mercy of the Sun and the Moon. You have the power of choice. Your greatest challenge will be your knee-jerk reaction to others. If you respond with grace, humour, patience and tolerance, then others as well as yourself will ride out this Full Moon with a smile. (You've got some broccoli in your teeth.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is a tricky Full Moon because it affects not only your work, your health, and your daily activities; it also affects your subconscious. It will be very easy for you to beat yourself up this week. You might feel self-critical, inadequate, lacking in confidence and incapable of discerning a pure Merlot from a Cabernet Sauvignon. (Embarrassing, yes.) And, of course, you tend to be self-critical anyhow because you're such a perfectionist. Don't jump the gun and accuse others if you think they have deceived you or confused you. Similarly, don't jump the gun and accuse yourself of any failures. It's all wasted energy. Be kind and loving to yourself. Stay in touch with your soft heart. Nobody is perfect!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

In one way, you are the most social sign in the zodiac. You need the company of others. This week will be challenging because your relations with groups of people (conferences, conventions and meetings, as well as friends), is subject to confusion, betrayal, deception or just fuzzy thinking and disappointment. Someone might be critical of you or vice versa. It's unfortunate that our society equates criticism with intelligence. It has created paralysis of the negative. It implies that contentment and happiness and easy-going spirit are naïve. What hogwash! Be forgiving with yourself and others. Wait until next week to conclude what really is going down. We all love you.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

That Full Moon this week introduces the classic dilemma of how to successfully juggle family versus career in your public life. The demands of your career and your external world are strong now, especially because others are being very picky and critical or they're telling you why you can't do something. Do not be discouraged! And don't fall into the negative way of thinking yourself if you are dispensing advice to others. Don't resort to deception and lies to avoid a confrontation. This robs you of your integrity, your self-respect and will likely make things worse anyhow. You can handle whatever happens. You're the doctor; you fix what is wrong. Just do it.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

So much is riding high right now. Travel plans and anything to do with returning to school, higher education, publishing, the media, medicine and the law hold a particular interest and fascination for you now. You've got big plans! Be patient with yourself and others when glitches and disappointments occur later this week. For starters, it's an accident-prone week for you in psychological terms as well as physical. You could make a stupid goof. You might be disillusioned about something or someone. Discouragement is lethal for you because optimism is one of your survival techniques. Just remember: after the game is over, the pawn and the king go back in the same box.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Increasing tension and confusion related to your responsibilities for others or shared property or something to do with taxes, debt, inheritances or your partner's wealth really get your belly in a rash. You like things to be clear and orderly and certainly done correctly. You don't like waste and stupid mistakes. (Even though we all make them, including you.) You might be disappointed how someone treats you or shares something with you or - more likely - doesn't share something! Someone might even pull a fast one on you. Not good! Be patient with others. You have dignity and class; now is the time to show it. By next week all of this is history.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

The only Full Moon in your sign will occur this week, causing increased tension between you and partners and close friends. Others might criticize you or you feel critical of them. Bummer, both ways. Dishonesty, deception or confusion might also cloud important issues. Basically, you feel like you're in a tug-of-war with someone but it's not fun. It might even be demoralizing. Take a deep breath and step back to give this situation some perspective. It's just a Full Moon in your sign, which is a once-a-year thing. You survived all the other ones or you wouldn't be reading this column. You'll survive this one, too. Your choice of how happy or miserable to be is yours. As it always is.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This is the only Full Moon all year that occurs in a rather hidden part of your chart. It's going to stir up memories, fears, insecurities and self-defeating behaviour patterns that you thought were long gone. Ha! (They're always lurking.) Therefore, if you catch yourself feeling like navel lint, don't take this seriously. This is just Full Moon stuff. Do not give in to self-criticism, or feelings of inadequacy. Don't let others put you down and don't put yourself down. Your attitude and your actions are closely connected. Once your attitude goes sideways, so do you. But your attitude changes every day! This Full Moon is a temporary cloud on the horizon. (Things are always darkest before it gets pitch black.)