There's lots of talk about the Full Moon. However, the New Moon is almost as strong an influence; it's just different. The Full Moon occurs when the Sun and the Moon are directly opposite each other. This sets up a lot of tension and disharmony with choices and relationships. By contrast, the New Moon is when the Sun and Moon are lined up together in the same sign. Instead of dissonance, the New Moon is an opportunity to make resolutions and improvements in different areas of our lives. We should use this! (Time flies when you're unconscious.) Why not be the best we can be? Making resolutions during a New Moon has nothing to do with religion. It works for atheists. (The trouble with atheism is there's no holidays.)
Be mindful about anything to do with children, sports, the creative arts, the entertainment world and the hospitality industry. Be equally mindful about romantic relationships and vacation plans. These areas are subject to confusion and disappointment, perhaps because of unrealistic expectations. ("Unrealistic? We confirmed these reservations three months ago!") Nevertheless, this is also where you can strive to achieve a better balance. You need to make sure that play, fun, leisure relaxation and sports are in your life just as much as work and vice versa. After all, all work and no play makes Jack's widow rich.
You're concerned with matters connected with home, family and your domestic life. You might be dealing with a parent or a family member more than usual. You might be making repairs, enjoying family reunions or busy with home-decorating projects. Possibly all of the above. If you feel let down by a family member, cut this person some slack. It looks like there's some confusion around you. You might not have the full picture. Instead, appreciate what you do have in terms of home and family connections. What can you do to improve your enjoyment of where you live? What can you do to improve your relations with family? (Friday is the perfect day to make these resolutions.)
You're the wordsmith of the zodiac. You're also an information junkie. You know a little bit about everything and you've got a finger in every pie. That's why your ability to communicate is so important. You want to be heard and understood; and you want to be able to understand others so you know what's going on. The so-called experts claim that in the best of communications between two people only about 40 per cent is getting back and forth. Yikes! No wonder relationships are challenging! People are constantly misreading each other. This Friday is the only New Moon in the year for you to seriously resolve and look for ways to improve your communications with everyone. Capiche?
You're never casual about money. You don't like waste, you admire resourcefulness, and you love a bargain. Right now four planets urge you to scrutinize your financial scene, your cash flow, and how you relate, care for and use your possessions. What's the score? Are you on top of your money scene? Are there too many loose details that are getting out of hand? What about your possessions? Do you own them or do they own you? Your beliefs about how you can accrue money in this lifetime dictates how much wealth you acquire. If you think money is dirty or evil, you won't have much. Think about it. Ka-ching.
This Friday the only New Moon in your sign this year occurs. However, midweek, you may suffer from disappointments with partners and close friends due to several reasons. One of them is unexpressed expectations easily lead to disappointment. You're hoping for something and others have to magically know it? ("If they loved me, they would know.") Not good. Alternatively, your expectations from someone might be unrealistic. There's also a chance that genuine confusion muddies the waters. Whatever the case, by Friday, think of ways to improve your closest relationships so that you're happier. It's that simple. Happy is the easiest way to be. If you're happy, you'll always enjoy the scenery on a detour.
You're extremely energetic and hard-working. Va-va-va-voom! However, midst all this activity, some of you have a little secret: Perhaps a money-making secret plan, or you're actually having a secret, romantic tryst with someone. Woo-woo! There's definitely something going on behind the scenes. Because Friday's New Moon is your best opportunity all year to scrutinize your spiritual self, your inner beliefs and your internal world, you might ask yourself, "Why the secrecy?" Not that all secrets are bad. There are two kinds of secrets: the ones that aren't worth keeping, and the ones that are too good to keep! Which one is yours?
You're a very social sign. You don't like doing things alone. You want to have somebody else on the other end of your teeter-totter. Since companionship is important to you, this particular New Moon on Friday is very useful for you. It's your chance to make some resolutions about how to relate to others better and how to enjoy your friendships. Do you like your friends? Do you hang out with quality people? Because birds of a feather flock to newly washed cars, you know that your friends (to a great extent) are like you. Like attracts like. If you want to have friendly, considerate, admirable friends, you have to be friendly, considerate and admirable. Simple.
On Friday this week, the only New Moon this year that occurs at the very top of your chart will take place. This is not a typical happening; therefore, you want to make the most of it. It's your chance to study the relationship you have with bosses, parents and authority figures. What's your knee-jerk reaction to those who have power over you? Do you rebel? Do you co-operate? This is the time to take a look at your career and where you're going. Are you happy with your life direction? What do you have to set in motion this year in order to reach your objective five years from now? You don't want to keep drilling those tiny little holes in toothbrushes forever.
You like to see those telephone poles going by. You're always curious about what's around the next bend in the road. This is an exciting time for you because all kinds of travel opportunities plus chances to explore further education and training exist for you. However, in addition to this, on Friday, the New Moon will take place, offering the chance to revise or improve your approach to travel and your approach to further educating yourself. What can you do to make these two areas of your life more satisfactory and meaningful? How can you get greater joy and a sense of accomplishment from your travels and your learning experiences?
This is quite a serious time for you right now. You feel everything very intensely and very passionately. Sex is passionate, even transcendent. (Sounds like something to do.) But beyond that, at a deep level, you're wondering how you can become a better person. I can't think of a better aspiration. Why not be the best that you can be? There's got to be more to life than knowing how to floss and wear deodorant. Friday's New Moon also urges you to appreciate the values of others that are different from your values. We are not all alike. Some prefer bread, some prefer rice, some prefer Fruit Loops. (Make sure the latter washes their hands before they get into your car.)
The Sun, Mercury and Venus, as well as the New Moon, are directly opposite your sign. This totally focuses you on partnerships and close friendships. In the middle of the week, fair Venus will oppose fuzzy Neptune, which is a sure sign that you'll be confused with partners or feel disappointed by them, or possibly disappoint them yourself. Whatever occurs will make you very ripe for Friday's New Moon because this is the best opportunity all year for you to think about what you can do to improve your partnerships and your closest relationships. Something that springs to mind is, in an excellent relationship, you are as good for your partner as he or she is for you. It's a mutually beneficial thang.
It is totally appropriate for you to be looking for ways to improve your job, or find a better job, or a change of attitude to your job so that you like it. Confucius said if you love what you do, you never have to work a day in your life. What can you do to make your relationship to your work and your job better? In the same way, this is the best time in the entire year for you to think about what you can do to improve your health. This could be a two-fold approach: It might involve lessening or stopping doing something that is harmful and, at the same time, encouraging or beginning something that is beneficial (exercise or diet).