All Signs

This week Mars and Pluto cross paths. Mars is relates to aggression and ego. Pluto is complex and mysterious; however, its ultimate intent is to achieve a superior result. Therefore, Pluto is associated with reform and improving things by removing decay, or having surgery, or doing renovations. Now here's the tricky part: Plutonian energy refuses to be subordinated to the demands of the ego. (Natch.) Pluto addresses issues bigger than just one person! Therefore, if you improve something, your benefits will be greater and longer lasting if these improvements benefit others (especially society) as well as yourself. (Gotta run! I'm going to take out the garbage and sweep the sidewalks on my street. Ciao for niao!)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Artists and creative people are productive now. Similarly, people working with children will also achieve excellent results. In fact, anything to do with the entertainment world, show business, sports and the hospitality industry will move forward in a practical, lovely way. You know that anything associated with pleasure (whether for business or your personal satisfaction) requires work to set things up or purchase what is necessary for a party, prep for a vacation, sports events, whatever. This week you'll be successful establishing the groundwork and behind-the-scenes efforts for these occasions. If you're in love and want to impress someone, do something practical for them! Help them out in some way, especially if it involves your own sweat and effort. (You'll get a sweet payoff!)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

It's time to roll up your sleeves and improve things at home. Tackle renovation jobs. Do repairs. Clean up messy, dirty, dark areas, especially related to laundry rooms, basements, garages, attics and anything to do with bathrooms and plumbing areas. You couldn't pick a better time for a bathroom renovation. Go through your home and get rid of anything that's no longer needed or useful. Recycle it, sell it, give it away or throw it out. Get rid of clutter! Clutter is not only an eyesore and poor use of space, it psychologically weighs down your mind and spirit. Aaagghh! It makes you feel messy and out of control. By contrast, when you have only what you need, you feel efficient and on top of your scene. Right?

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You're the wordsmith! This week anything connected with reading, writing, studying, editing, sales, marketing and communicating to others will be successful simply because you're focused, determined and persevering. Nothing is too much trouble. You're willing to do the research. You're willing to go out of your way to talk to the right person and provide the right information. Your thinking is logical and, in particular, you're full of bright ideas about how to improve things for yourself, your immediate environment and hopefully, others with whom you come in contact. You're strong and assertive and yet you don't threaten anyone. Omigawd! You're almost perfect!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

For a variety of reasons, and I can guess at a few, you're giving a lot of thought to how you earn your money and how you spend it. For starters, many of you are undergoing job changes, residential moves and in some cases, both! If you're changing your job, naturally you're wondering about how much money you can make or demand or expect. Residential moves always cost money and require additional expenditures and often new items. Perhaps you finally want to get that refrigerator with a bottom freezer or a front-loader washing machine. (You like quality items and you're always aware of practicality.) Fortunately, it's easy to be practical, sensible and hardworking this week! However, remember to consider the benefit to others as well as yourself.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You're flat-out busy, and your ambition is growing. Now you want to rule the world! Not only are you accomplishing a lot, you've decided to improve your body, your wardrobe, and you might even take up the violin. Shee! Basically, you want to make reforms in every aspect of your life. You want to improve your home, your appearance, your relationships and even your family members. (Oops, careful here.) Go ahead with your ideas. Tackle as much as you can handle and maybe even more. You can juggle all these balls in the air this week because you're motivated to make positive changes and accomplish a lot. Read All Signs to get the most out of Pluto's influence. (It can't be just about me, me, me.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is a marvellous week to do any kind of research. Your ability to dig deep and search for answers or come up with solutions to old problems is wonderful! You're inspired, plus you have the energy, determination, focus and follow-through to get results. You'll get a better understanding of your own motivations about what you want to achieve in your work, your connection with family members, and your closest partnerships or relationships. Hey -- that's saying a lot. If "know thyself" is the lofty dictum for all of us to aspire to, you can really make some nifty progress. Good on ya!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You like to please people and not rock the boat. You want to enjoy harmony with everyone, but you also want them to approve and be happy with you. When someone criticizes you or challenges you in a jarring way, you lie awake at night thinking about it for hours! This week is different. You feel unusually confident and determined about your future. It's a good time to solidify some of your long-term goals and decide what you want to do. You'll also be unusually effective relating to groups. And if you have to deal with some critical jerks, you'll do so with skillful means. (You have grace and aplomb.) Never take the bait!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Your ambition is aroused. You're dressed and ready to go to town. But the sweet thing about this week is that even though you're ambitious, determined and making serious plans about your life direction in general, you're not in the least overbearing. You appear confident and very much in control; yet others are not threatened when you declare what it is you're going to do. They simply see it as an expression of your strength. Because of this, you'll likely be given an opportunity to wield even more power and assume more authority over others. If so, use this wisely. Remember Spiderman: "With great power comes great responsibility."

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You're unusually effective this week. You shine! (Do get out of bed.) Your involvement in religion, politics and racial issues will be convincing and will encourage respect from others. (They see you know what you're talking about.) Similarly, your involvement with higher education, publishing, the media and medicine will also be extremely effective. You'll get results! People see you as confident, strong but not overbearing. Meanwhile, you're just trying to introduce improvements, reforms and save the day. If you're involved in legal disputes, there's a good chance things will go your way. However, it's imperative to see all sides of the question and to benefit others as well as yourself with any influence you now have. (That way you really clean up!)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You have tremendous energy to clean up a lot of messy areas right now, especially related to shared property, anything that's jointly held with someone else, plus red-tape details about inheritances, insurance matters, taxes and debt. Lots of things that you've been procrastinating about ("I hate working with forms.") will actually unfold quickly and easily if you just do them! Settle disputes about who owns what. Clearly define your responsibilities for the possessions of others. Make sure you do not work only for your own benefit or your rewards will be minimal. Make improvements for everyone concerned because a win/win is what you want.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Negotiations with partners and close friends will go extremely well this week because you know what you're doing. No sign more than you appreciates Margaret Mead's observation: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." You understand the power of people of like minds working together. And if you reduce this to just a partnership, the same principle applies. Look for common goals and shared benefits with others. Strive to be part of the solution, not the problem. Try to discover what someone else needs and wants, and how you might fill those needs and wants. ("You wanna see Sex and the City?")

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Oh boy! You're so busy working, it's gangbusters! But it's not just slog work. You see progress. This is a wonderful week because you have a chance to introduce reforms and better ways of doing things where you work. Furthermore, when you suggest these improvements and try to introduce them to co-workers and bosses, people are co-operative! (Surprise.) Not only that, they're impressed with what you have to say. Be genuine about trying to improve things for others as well as yourself. If you work to benefit others, you will get a lot of credit for what you do. (Can you see your name in lights?)