All Signs

In some Eastern traditions, the New Moon on Tuesday is especially fortuitous. (An opportunity not to be missed!) This is a chance for each of us to make meaningful improvements in our lives -- improvements in different areas according to our sign, our chart, and this particular New Moon. Read below to find out where you can see how to clean up your act or at least push things in the direction of better. Hey -- better is better; but the confounding thing about better is that there's no end to better! Oh well, better to wear out than to rust out. (That's the best I can do with better.) Perhaps you can best it.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is a special week. It's your chance to observe how you communicate on a daily basis. How can you improve your communicating style? By nature, Aries is swift, direct and sometimes curt compared to the style of others. At times it could be off-putting. (I have Aries in my chart so I love the direct, to-the-point style of Aries communications; but not so everyone else!) In particular, observe your style relating to siblings, neighbours and relatives. What's your take on listening patiently and understanding where others are coming from? Hmm? You want the first and last word on things. But is this always in your best interests?

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You're a financial wizard. If you have a chunk of change, you can parlay it into something quite substantial down the road. The New Moon on Tuesday is your best chance all year to think about how to improve your financial scene in terms earning money, saving money and spending it. You love beautiful things, antiques and collectibles. Are you taking care of them? Or are you saving stuff that's waiting to rust? Everything you own is something extra to store, maintain, clean and be responsible for. Clutter around you clutters your mind as well. (And some antiques aren't as old as they're cracked up to be.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Suspicious events are taking place in your sign! The Sun and Venus are in Gemini. Retrograde Mercury is in Gemini. And this very special New Moon on Tuesday is in Gemini. It's all about both of you! The two main areas you can improve are your appearance and image, and your closest partnerships and friendships. Take a look in the mirror. (You never get a second chance to make a first impression.) Do you like what you see? What can you do to feel better about how you look? What can you do to improve your closest relationships? Come up with at least one thing between the two of you.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

A lot is taking place in a hidden part of your chart that controls your subconscious or unconscious impulses. This particular New Moon offers you a chance for some self-scrutiny. How much are your daily responses to life in general and the people and situations around you based on old tapes, habits and patterns from your past? The reason most people go to work on Wednesday is because they were at work on Tuesday. We're creatures of habit. But habit limits spontaneity and a fresh appreciation of the newness of things around you. Take stock of your world. What do you want to change?

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You are a giver of life because your ruler is the Sun, and the Sun is the source of all energy. How do you use this outgoing, giving energy with respect to friends, groups, and even casual acquaintances? Do you initiate contact with others or do you wait for them to contact you? What kind of friend are you? Would you like to have you as a friend? This New Moon also highlights your long-term goals for the future. Where do you want to be 10 years from now? Five years from now? What can you do this week to begin to move in that direction?

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

There's a gaggle of planets at the top of your chart: the Sun, Venus, Mercury and the New Moon. People definitely notice you now, especially parents, bosses, teachers and VIPs. (Also the police -- don't speed!) Not only do people notice you, they're impressed with you even if you don't do anything special. Therefore, make the most of this! Demand the advantage. Set forth proposals or requests. See how much you can achieve while the wind is at your back and you're rowing with the tide. Think about your life direction, and observe your style of relating to authority. (When a person is in authority, their true colours come out.) Omigawd - puce!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You're dreaming up grandiose plans about travel to exotic places, future adventures, plus exciting opportunities to further education or training for yourself. Some of you are also exploring opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine and the law. It's an exciting week! On Tuesday, when the New Moon occurs, think about what you can do now to enrich your life in the future. How can you expand your experience of the world? How can you get to know more? Relations with people from other cultures and different countries might be significant right now. (A foreign lover is a great way to learn a new language.) Learn how to say, "Please don't sit on the cat."

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

One of the biggest issues you face now is relating to the values of others. We all think that other people share our values. After all, our values are so right and so obvious! It's very hard to appreciate where someone else is coming from unless you've walked a mile in their wedgies. Similarly, you're faced with the responsibilities of dealing with shared property or deciding how to divide something or share it. (Inheritances, insurance matters and debt.) First define your own values. You have to know what these are before you begin to respect the values of others. Sometimes you're not as different from someone else as you thought. ("Hey, we're both human and we both speak English. Is this serendipity or what?!")

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

So much is going on with partnerships and close friendships in your life right now. For starters, this Mercury retrograde is going to dredge up all kinds of interaction with ex-partners. ("You again!) However, it's a wonderful opportunity for closure and finally ending something the way you want it to end. Venus will greatly ameliorate any tension between you and others. But this New Moon also offers you a chance to observe your style of relating to partners. What are your beliefs about partnerships? Finish the sentence, "Every time I'm in a relationship----" or "Every partner I end up with invariably---." Try to discover what you believe about partnerships because you attract people who confirm your beliefs!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Most of you have a strong work ethic. You see challenges as character-building. You believe "no pain, no gain." And of course, you're right. This month in general, and certainly this week in particular, you're galvanized into action. You're determined to work hard to get better organized because you want to run your life more effectively and efficiently. You're painting, cleaning, reorganizing and getting rid of stuff. Wonderful! This means improvements to where you live and where you work. It will also promote a happier state of mind for you. (And less work in the future because you'll have a well-oiled system to deal with.) The New Moon on Tuesday is your chance to see how you can improve your attitude to your job and your daily activities as well as how to improve the actual job itself. The attitude is by far the bigger thing -- right?

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Vacations, romance, love affairs, the arts, social diversions, sports plus playful activities with children take up your time and your thoughts right now. It's a fun time for you! But even fun stuff can be work. (Parties, kids, sports and romance have their attendant duties and worries.) In the bigger picture, this is your chance to examine the balance (or not) that you have in your life between work and play. Do you work too much? No one ever said on their deathbed, "I wish I spent more time at the office." What do you think about your priorities? Do you see enough of the children in your life? Do you treat yourself with vacations? Do you take time to express your creative talents through drawing, singing, dancing, weaving, writing or whatever? Time flies when you're unconscious.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You're completely absorbed with home, domestic and possibly real-estate issues at this time. This part of your chart is super-highlighted this month. Relations with family members, especially parents, will be more significant. Past problems within your family dynamic, as well as old repair problems to where you live, are back in your face. Relatives could be visiting. Oy! No rest for the wicked! Take some quiet time to ponder all of this. What can you do to improve your home? What can you do to improve your relations with family members? What can you do so that you love where you live?