All Signs

Remember Sinatra: "Wanna cry, wanna croon, wanna laugh like a loon. It's that old devil moon in your eyes?" The Moon affects bodies of water; and we're 90% water (except for the regulars at the pub.) Studies show Moon phases change our brain waves! Since the 1800s, lunar almanacs advised farmers when to plant, prune, fertilize or harvest, or breed livestock. Mosquitoes are more active in the New Moon and more dormant in the Full Moon. Each New Moon is a chance to make new resolutions. Monday's New Moon is in Taurus, a sign strongly linked with money. (I think lots of money is only useful if you spend it. Not sure what economists think. They're people who work with numbers but who don't have the personality to be accountants.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is the New Moon (on Monday) for you to make resolutions about money, cash flow, your possessions, and how these things work for you. Your attitude about something affects how it manifests in your life. Therefore, if you think money is dirty or evil - you won't hold onto it or accrue much. If you think simply in terms of saving your pennies -- that's perhaps all you'll get. (If you save a little every day, at the end of a year, you'll be surprised how little you have!) Ask yourself what you can do to improve your earnings? And what can you do to improve your ability to be solvent? Debt is such a drag.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

On Monday, the only New Moon all year in your sign takes place. It's time to look in the mirror and do a reality check. What's the first impression you create? Do you look confident or fearful? Is your appearance neat and pulled together or careless and scruffy? Hey -- you never get a second chance to make a first impression; so why not make the best impression you can? Your daily appearance is what you offer as a gift to others. (They have to look at you!) Get rid of clothes that have had their day. Buy something new. Impress others with your appearance. How others see you affects how you see yourself.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This is a subtle New Moon. It affects your subconscious, which of course, is tied into your overall health because it's linked with your ability to handle stress. Think about the patterns of behavior you have that make your life more difficult because they cause stress which in turn, not only drains your energy but increases the buildup of unhealthy situations in your body. Healthy habits create a more stress-free lifestyle. Therefore, think about how you undermine yourself through disorganization or overbooking activities or lack of sleep. What can you do to improve?

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

On Sunday/Monday (May 4-5) you have an excellent opportunity to assess your style of relating to others. What's the scene? Do you reach out to others or do you wait for them to come to you? Do you hang out with people you really enjoy being with? Do you want to have more friends? (If you want to have more friends, the simplest approach is to be friendly.) Remember: you're responsible for the people you attract. That's because your way of being is what dictates the kind of people who want to be with you. We all know that birds of a feather flocked to newly washed cars. It was ever thus.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

On Monday, you'll experience the only New Moon all year at high noon in your chart. This is a wonderful time to look at the direction of your life path or career. Are you headed where you want to go? Do you even know where you want to go? Do you know what you want to achieve in the next five years? What steps will you have to take to make these goals a reality? And what do you have to start to do right now to go in the direction you want your life to go? It's all very linear. You're born - you're on the moving belt of time -- then you die. What takes place in between is called your life.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Monday's New Moon in Taurus is the time to take stock of your education, training and your ability to do what you want in the world. Do you need more training or education in a particular area? Perhaps you need to travel more to broaden your experience? This New Moon is also an opportunity to think about your belief systems, philosophies and attitudes. Your thoughts and ideas are important. [From the thought springs the word; from the word springs the deed; the deed soon becomes habit, which eventually hardens into character.] The reason your thoughts create your world is your thoughts create you!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Monday's New Moon is your best chance to appreciate your approach to the differing values between you and your partner or close friends. Different people have different values. But when people live together, they have to compromise with each other's values. It won't be as extreme as having to use milk in your coffee instead of cream. (Horrors! No good friend would expect this of another, at least, not decent, caring friend.) This is also the time to look at your relationship to debt. Do you spend more than you earn? Einstein said the biggest force in the universe is 'compounding'. When you're in debt, this force is working against you.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

The New Moon on Monday is the only New Moon all year that's directly opposite your sign. It's time to think about what your expectations about partnerships and committed relationships are. You subconsciously seek out the people who confirm your expectations. For example, if you think others only want you for what you can do for them -- you'll attract takers. How would you finish the sentence, "What others want from me is __." Or, "Every time I'm in a relationship ___." Or, "My friends always expect __." These answers might help you see what you're projecting onto others. If you want your relationships to change, you have to change your expectations. (Or inherit a lot of money.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Matters about your health, and your job, and your sense of job satisfaction are your ideal focus now because of Monday's New Moon. This is the perfect time to make resolutions or set intentions in these areas. What can you do to improve your health? (Especially something regular on a daily basis.) Similarly, how can you improve your job, or the way you relate to coworkers, or the way you relate to the work itself? After all, you want a sense of accomplishment and joy from your efforts. What can you do to make your job more rewarding? Under what conditions do you work best? Remember -- no matter what you do, you're always working for your own self-respect.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Monday's New Moon is a tricky New Moon because it affects so many things that offer you so many opportunities to improve yourself in so many ways! These areas include love affairs, children, leisure activities, the arts and your creative output, as well as sports and financial speculation. Quite a menu! Think about these areas. What's up with your love life? How do you relate to children and young people? Are you taking enough time for play and leisure and socializing? Do you value your creative talents, or do you even use them? Being able to play and express your creativity is just as important as being able to work well. It's the flip side of the coin. That's why life is a tossup.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Monday is the best day all year for you to make some resolutions about how to improve your domestic world, your home life, and your relationships with family members. What can you do to improve these relationships? For starters, do you tell your loved ones how much you care for them? If not, why not? Don't assume you have forever to do this because life is as fragile as a bubble in the wind. And what can you do to create a home that gives you a nice, warm feeling in your tummy? Your home is your refuge, your sanctuary, your respite from the world. Scrutinize your relationship with your parents because your past can definitely affect your present and hence your future. Lots to think about....

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Since each New Moon is an opportunity to set intentions or make resolutions to improve something in your life, it's important to know what each New Moon offers to you. On Monday, the New Moon focuses on your style of communication and your relationships with siblings and relatives. What is the style of your communication? When you talk, do you attract others or bore them? Are you always waiting for your turn to speak and thinking about what you will say; or do you actually, genuinely listen to others? If you don't communicate well with others, you're cut off from humanity! Furthermore, you lose the potential to be an enriched by what others can offer you. Words matter. (I prefer the small ones.)