All Signs

This week, the Sun enters Taurus the sign of the pleasures of the good life -- good wine, good food, beautiful homes and fantastic sex. Taurus is hedonistic but rarely referred to as such because Taurus is so sensible, hard-working and of course, the financial wizard of the zodiac! Let us take a lesson from Taurus. We can enjoy our comforts without squandering our wealth. We can save for a rainy day and a good wine cellar. And what beats a wonderful breakfast and a loving, squeezey hug? It's time to save your pennies, reduce your debt, and buy the best food you can afford. And turn out the lights! (You can have a lot of fun in the dark, even if you're just feeling around in bed for the controller.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Your attention is definitely turning to money now. As more and more people are impressed with you, your confidence is growing. And as your confidence grows, your ability to visualize yourself earning more money and doing wonderful things starts to become a reality. Not for nothing is lucky Jupiter at the top of your chart! Think of new, moneymaking ideas that you can implement. Sure it will take some testing, some missionary work and some effort. But hey -- Rome wasn't built in a day; in fact, they're still working on it. Think about what you really want. Think about what really matters to you. Everything else is cheap whiskey.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Looking good! This week the Sun enters your sign to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. It's your turn to replenish, restore and re-energize yourself. It's most appropriate for you to put yourself first now - no guilty feelings, just guilty pleasures. Since travel really appeals to you this year, think about every opportunity to travel for pleasure you can explore. Think also about ways to get further education or promote your chances in medicine and the law. Mercury also enters your sign now to encourage you to talk to everyone and enlighten people about your views. It's definitely an exciting year for you! I kid thee not.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Because your birthday is a month away, it's time to ponder what you want your new year to bring. Work alone or behind the scenes. Seek out some solitude to give yourself a chance to line your ducks up in a row. The big thing to remember is that the universe is willing to give you a lot this year. You can raise money, get a loan, a mortgage, gifts, inheritances, or have the use of lots of things others own. We're talking serious swag! This doesn't mean you're taking advantage of people. It means the seeds you planted in the past are now ripening. If you've been generous, baby you're on the gravy train! Just remember to pass it on.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Because Mars has been in your sign for almost 6 months (this rarely happens!) you're unusually charged, assertive, confident and aggressive about going after what you want. By now, many of you actually went out and got what you want! (Love that scooter, Bob!) As a result, people are drawn to you because they're attracted to your enthusiasm for life. This is very evident in the months ahead because your popularity will soar! Enjoy good times with friends and members of clubs, groups and organizations. Share your dreams and goals for the future with others because their feedback will help you. (Don't be discouraged if some lack your vision. For every action there is an equal and opposite criticism.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

In some respects, you've been holding back. You've been hiding your wonderful light under a bushel. (Yeah, yeah when's the last time you saw a bushel?) But you're not going to do that anymore. (Anyhow, it's not your style.) You're coming out in full bling. It's time to dazzle everyone again. People will definitely notice you more than usual during the next six weeks. (Look hot!) If you're asked to take on something special (might even scare you) shake your mane and say yes. Because, despite your fears, you will handle it beautifully! Travel will please you. Romance with someone from another country or another culture is possible. (Can you think of a more fun way to learn a new language?)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You're really primed. You're so turned on by so many things, you're enthusiastic and raring to go! Foreign travel, distant places, new courses, schooling and education and people from different backgrounds bring a new element of excitement into your world. Others will make great strides with publishing, the media, medicine and law. Romance and intimacy are tender and sweet. (Sweet nothings in your ear and all that.) Interspersed with this are vigorous exchanges -- physical, enthusiastic meetings with groups, sporting occasions and clubs. "Fore!" This is a wonderful time for you because your new groove is starting to jell. You're not pretending anymore. ("Dammit Jim, I'm an actor not a doctor!")

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

By nature, regardless of what you're actually feeling, you know how to appear detached, polite, observant and calm. (It's your thang.) However, you'll have more difficulty doing this in the next six weeks because the way the stars are going to make you feel as passionate as a gypsy with dark, curly hair, big hoop earrings and serious cleavage. "Oy mama-la oy!" Everything will matter! Life will be intense and passionate! Intimacy will be memorable, maybe even noisy. Secrets will be revealed. In your discussions with others you'll want the bottom line -- the juicy facts. And you'll to be extremely investigative and penetrating in all your discussions. "Whiskey and fresh horses for my men!"

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This week the Sun moves directly opposite your sign where it will stay for about four weeks. This is the only time all year this happens. When it occurs, it draws your attention to close friendships and partnerships: they become your primary focus. However, as a sideline bonus, while you're focused on these very important relationships, you also have the opportunity to observe your style and your role in the partnerships. It's your chance to take notes and improve your approach, which in turn, will lead to more successful relationships in the future. Get it? if you're entirely focused on changing the other person -- you're in trouble. A relationship is a two-way street, sometimes a four-lane highway!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

It's been fun; so long, and thanks for all the fish. That pretty much sums it up for right now because you're swinging into work mode. Oh yeah. Suddenly, you have so much to do! You're making plans (Sagittarians only make big plans.) You're gung ho to attack something very efficiently and very effectively. You also want to clean up things by reorganizing, reducing clutter, painting, renovating, filing, storing, departmentalizing and perhaps even alphabetizing your CDs. We're talking keen! All this enthusiasm will spill over into your personal world and you'll also want to improve your health. (Older Sagittarians take ginkgo biloba to remember where they put the Viagra.) Clean up! Sweep the room with a glance.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Tra la, tra la, it is to laugh. What a delightful six weeks ahead! Let's hope you're somewhere on a cruise, looking nifty, being witty, eating yummy delectables while sipping champagne. Actually, no matter where you are, and no matter what you're doing, the next six weeks will be more fun loving, more lighthearted and more enjoyable. Factoid. Romance can definitely blossom. New love might enter your life; existing relationships will deepen in a lovely way. Vacations, social diversions, sports, the arts and playful times with children will all be fun choices. Entertain at home if you can. (But continue to be patient with partners until Mars moves forward in May.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Now your attention swings to home, family and real estate issues. No question. The next six weeks are the perfect time to tackle repairs and pull things together at home. Make needed improvements and fix what is broken. Mucho family discussions will also be taking place. You're particularly concerned with shared property and the wealth of partners or important clients. Fortunately, Mars makes it very easy for you to work hard in a diligent manner. (Don't you like that? "In a diligent manner?" Think of what you can accomplish!) In the next month, your ability to write, communicate, sell, act, teach and negotiate is wonderful. Yowsers!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Busy, busy you! The tempo off your days will definitely accelerate during the next six weeks. (Scary, huh? You thought you were already too busy.) But on the whole, this will be happy busy. Relations with siblings and relatives are good. You're taking short trips and running errands and talking to lots of people. Not only are you busy at work, you're busy at play as well! Romance, the theatre, sports and fun times fill your dance card. You can earn money now; which is a good thing because you're also spending on beautiful goodies for yourself and loved ones. Your popularity continues to grow. Don't sit at home. Acknowledge this fast-paced and go with the flow. (Gasp.)