All Signs

Several readers have said they lost money at casinos because they counted on their good horoscope that day. (Scary!) A horoscope can only discuss what affects your Sun sign, and you're far more complicated than just one sign! Your "sign" ("I'm an Aries!") is the sign your Sun is in. But your Moon is also in a sign, as are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. And even that is a simplification! This week, a sudden stroke of good luck will occur. But this influence will vary with each person according to their own chart. Therefore, be mindful that a horoscope column is limited to talking about only one part of your chart -- your Sun. It was ever thus. What the large print giveth, the small print taketh away.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

I've mentioned before that this is the year you can put your name up in lights. You will boost your reputation. You can call attention to yourself in a favourable way. People will think they're just "discovering" your talents now. (That 'overnight' success of a 20 year career.) And in general, this will definitely take place in varying degrees for all of you this year. But in particular, many of you will get a boost as this week, especially around Friday. Work related travel, opportunities to promote your name, promotions, great press, a chance for increased learning or training and group endorsement are just some ways this will happen. And it will happen suddenly and quickly! Yeehaw!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Pack your bags. You're going places. Others will have a chance to go back to school, and enroll in a class or get advanced training in some way. These surprise goodies are not confined just to education and travel -- they also apply to any chance for a sudden adventure! Expect marvelous opportunities in publishing, the media, higher education, medicine, and the law. It's very exciting, especially near Friday. Whatever happens will have a brief window of time, so you'll have to act quickly. You like to give things a sober, second thought. I doubt you'll have that chance. Get ready to say "Yes, I'm all for it!"

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Since this is your year to benefit from the wealth of partners and others -- bounty will continue to come to you through inheritances, money from the government, insurance settlements, gifts, goodies, cash and favours. Or perhaps you'll have fun having the use of something someone else owns -- their car, boat, cabin, apartment or house. This week a startling example of this might occur because lucky Jupiter and fair Venus both make contact with unpredictable Uranus. You'll boost your assets in some way and enjoy riding on the coattails of someone else if only briefly. Consider this your good karma. You must have planted the seeds for this generosity to ripen a long time ago.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Partnerships and close relationships are beautifully blessed. Some of you are falling madly in love. Others feel an existing relationship is suddenly rekindled with joy and mutual appreciation. Some of you might have a sudden chance to travel somewhere or take a course or explore exciting adventures through schooling or exposure to different cultures. A sudden learning curve can definitely take place. Whatever happens will probably be dramatic enough that others notice as well. "It's a bird, it's a plane, it's super Cancer!" This is a great time to form partnerships or working units with others. You can also benefit from seeing experts. Put everyone on speed dial.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Good fortune can bless your health, your job, the way do your job, the way you psychologically approach your job , or the way you enjoy your job this year. This is a certainty. However, this week, delightful, unexpected opportunities to explore new aspects of work or even get a different job will exist, especially toward the end of the week. You might be inspired by a new sense of purpose. A new project could excite you. Work related travel or opportunities with publishing, the media and higher education may present themselves. Lucky you! What an unexpected, bonus! (Make the most of it: work is the curse of the drinking class.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You're surrounded by horseshoes! Some will get a sudden vacation offer. Party invitations might pour in. Opportunities for fun, play and social events are here. Anything connected to sports might suddenly look fabulous. Some will fall in love, especially with someone from a different background or culture because romance and love affairs and get a marvelous boost! Artists can be unusually creative and productive. People working with and taking care of children will feel gratified and rewarded. It's all fabulouso! You don't have to hide your light under a bushel. You feel free to express your talents to the world! ("Hi! How do you like me so far?")

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Unexpected opportunities to improve your home or make it more enjoyable (not only for yourself but for others) can suddenly fall in your lap this week. This will delight you because you love to live in beautiful surroundings. You might entertain people at home or open your home to others for meetings or educational purposes. It's certainly a great week for real estate opportunities, especially around Friday. Relations with family will become more joyful and generous. In fact, family is extremely supportive right now. Naturally, all this gives you a warm feeling in your tummy. (To give happiness is to deserve happiness.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Your entire outlook on life and your mindset are becoming more and more positive. Of course, it's an up-and-down thing because life is a yoyo. But both your highs and your lows are getting better. Expect to encounter new contacts or meet new people who can really help you or give you a boost in some way. Sudden opportunities to travel are likely. Relations with siblings definitely will improve, perhaps even financially! All of this increases your confidence in yourself and in your future. You'll start to make bigger plans and you won't be inclined to listen to that tiny voice inside you telling you something is impossible. Communications with everyone are upbeat and pumped! ("Is it time to put the slinkies on the escalators?")

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Many of you will be laughing all the way to the bank this week because most of you have an opportunity for a sudden, financial windfall. If you don't directly benefit from a surprise influx of cash, you might get a sudden opportunity to boost your earnings or find a better job. Join forces with others at this time. People are ready to help you. You can also redecorate or buy something beautiful for where you live or perhaps your financial blessing are related to real estate? Something can definitely improve your life now; and most likely it relates to money, finances, family businesses, real estate and your home. Just remember: whatever happens will have a brief window of opportunity -- so you have to act fast!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Things are certainly coming up roses for you right now. You haven't had it this good for a long time. You're so stoked about life, you're making positive changes in your immediate environment. They might occur spontaneously. You're attracted to new ideas because you have a fresh perspective on life. All kinds of sudden opportunities to earn money or get a job promotion or suddenly travel could occur. It's hard to say how your good luck will manifest but you should know it's knocking at the door. Do get out of that Barcalounger and answer it! (Temptation may bang on the door for years but opportunity knocks only once.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Albert Einstein said, "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." There's a strong chance that something could occur this week that opens your eyes to new possibilities in a number of areas of your life. This will have a consciousness expanding effect on you. You'll see things from a refreshing, new angle. Because of this, radical solutions you might normally shy away from now seem feasible. "I can do this!" Or perhaps you just have the confidence to try them. Whatever the case -- it's empowering to you. You're ready to grab something by the horns. A financial boost is also likely. In turn, many of you will buy something beautiful for yourself or loved ones. It's all good!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Friends and groups can really help you now in some way. Listen to the advice of others. Furthermore, elicit their advice by sharing your goals and dreams for the future with them. See what they have to say. Their feedback could be helpful and meaningful to you. You might make new friends who eventually prove to be extremely valuable. And of course, this kind of thing is mutual: you'll help others as well. Your idealism is aroused. It's important to know that whatever you put out this week will come back to you greatly magnified. (What goes around comes around is putting it mildly.) Therefore, make every thought, word and deed count. Be the best you can be.