All Signs

This is a pretty steady week; however by mid-week, there's a subtle shift. (Actually, maybe not so subtle.) Initially, things become very very good! People will be amazingly sympathetic and sweetly supportive with each other. Cozy types will be smoochie boochies! However, as fast as things are great, they suddenly turn nasty with power struggles and ego confrontations late Thursday night and Friday. Whaat? Was it too much of a good thing? Or a case of the other shoe finally dropping? Oh well, extremes are our nature. We make deserts bloom and lakes die. (Makes you wonder if things weren't better when the only thing with horsepower was horses.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You've got plans for changes at home. Many of you are contemplating renovations, redecorating projects and making improvements to where you live. Your home scene might be unsettled because of visiting guests now or in the immediate future. You'll definitely enjoy warm exchanges with friends and even casual acquaintances this week. You might work with others for a charitable cause. However, all this involvement with others or possibly the increased activity and chaos at home will force a showdown with a parent or boss or authority figure. Ouch! Try to avoid this. (It will be around Friday.) Stay in the background where you can sip your drink in peace and quiet.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Romance with a boss or someone older or more established is likely for many of you now. You're enjoying yourself this week. People look up to you with admiration. Something about your situation creates envy in some, and a sympathetic inspiration for others. You can be a role model right now! It's a popular time for you. Since people see you in such a favourable light, at the end of the week, do be careful you don't fall off your pedestal by getting involved in arguments about politics, religion or racial issues. Take the high road. (If for no other reason than the fact you're an influence on others now.) Clashes about publishing, the media, higher education and travel might also ensue. Boring!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This week, especially around Wednesday/Thursday, you'll truly appreciate beauty in literature, music, architecture, the theatre, dance or philosophical ideas and concepts. New worlds, religions and metaphysical theories will really grab you. That's because not only do you want to appreciate beauty - but your idealism is aroused as well. Travel for pleasure will delight. You'll thrill to the artifacts and architecture of other cultures, and details of foreign places. Wonderful opportunities to travel or get further training are here. However, don't go overboard buying beautiful things because late in the week, power struggles about money and possessions will definitely arise. (What's that all about?)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This is a tricky week for your sign. You're enthusiastic about a lot of things. You're eager to explore and learn new things, and you're hungry for adventure. This part is just great. You can also benefit from the wealth of others. People will give you goodies, money, advantages or do favours for you. This part is also good. Physical intimacy will be so cozy and tender it could be positively transcendental! ("I never knew it could be like this.") This part is especially good. So what's the problem? Toward the end of the week, serious power struggles with others might take place. Your efforts to make improvements or transform conditions around you will meet with opposition! (When it comes to giving advice to others -- start slow and taper off.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Because of the placement of the Sun right now, you feel everything very intensely! Nothing is casual. Of course, passions and delights -- anything from sex to dark chocolate -- are fun in an intense way. A lovely aspect with Venus directly opposite your sign ensures cozy, sweet, exchanges with your main squeeze, partners and close friends. Mucho simpatico! Make the most of this. Express your affection for others. Bask in the adoration of loved ones. (Kiss, kiss, hug, hug.) Be patient with yourself and others at the end of the week because something triggers old insecurities, doubts and fears. Your greatest enemy will be your own self-defeating behavior. If you feel angst, take eleven deep breaths, then reach for whatever helps you get through the night.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Your focus continues to be on partners and close friends. It will remain this way as long as the Sun is in Pisces, because Pisces is 180° opposite your sign. (You are two ends of the same plank.) You take great pleasure in being useful to yourself and others. You know it's a joy to labour for those you love. (You give great hotel!) Your penchant for providing excellent service really shines at work this week. You'll help a coworker or someone connected to your daily activities in a meaningful way. And perhaps vice versa as well! It's all good; and you feel good. Some of you are tempted by booze and sweets, especially on Thursday. Don't overdo it because almost immediately, the bottom falls out of everything. Disputes with children, lovers, friends and groups are a royal pain. Keep your cool.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You're extremely industrious right now! Mars high in your chart arouses your ambition, and the placement of the Sun spurs you to be a better organized. You want to run your life as efficiently and effectively as possible. (Ticketyboo is your motto.) This is all to the good because your surroundings actually affect your health and your state of mind. Librans will become physically sick if they live in squalor. Lighting, smells, appearances, even colour schemes actually affect you physically. (Naturally, this applies to everyone, but to you far more so.) Romance is sweet. Relations with children are tender. The arts will flourish. But somehow late in the week, you'll have to deal with conflict with authority figures. (At least your place looks great, which is always soothing.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This continues to be a playful, romantic time. Even if you're at work, to some degree you're on vacation. Does that make sense? You want to have fun, and as one of the most playful signs in the zodiac - you'll figure out how! A tender understanding is easily reached with family members right now. This warm, cozy feeling about where you live extends to making it look more beautiful as well. ("Do you think that candelabra is too Gothic?") Continue to enjoy your good fortune. But be careful about arguments at the end of the week. Avoid these if you can because everything else is going so swimmingly.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Most of you are enjoying hunkering down at home more. You need time by yourself; in addition, the demands of home, family and parents cannot be ignored. That's okay because relations with siblings and relatives, and even neighbours are unusually warm, caring and reassuring this week. (Gosh.) It's just one big feel-good, mutual admiration society. "But lo! What thunder bursts on yonder horizon? Could that be coming from the mouths of my specially chosen loved ones? Gads! It is! (I hate it when this happens.)" Disputes about shared property, shared responsibilities, and who owes what to whom are very likely. (Groan.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You're busy!There's a lot on your plate. Short trips, errands and mucho conversations have you on the run. However, you're not too busy to shop for gorgeous, elegant, beautiful things. Oh no. (You love labels.) I think you're buying yourself a real treat this week. Some of you see ways to earn money through the arts. All of you feel generous and responsible with your money. You want to use it in a way that helps someone who needs it. Your choice in this matter (but more likely the fact that you spent too much money on something yumyum) might get you in hot water with someone. (Well, that's one way to stay clean.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You're definitely focused on your cash flow right now. "Show me the money!" You're also thinking about how you want to earn money; and you're also contemplating some major expenditures. Everybody's being really sweet to you now because both Venus and Neptune are in your sign making you unusually diplomatic, charming, and irresistibly appealing. Coochy-coo! This promotes all your relationships with everyone. It makes you more altruistic and sensitive to the needs of others; and it also makes people more aware of your needs as well. Late in the week, conflict at work is just a lot of hot air. Don't get sucked in.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

The Sun is the source of all energy, and while it's in your sign, you have the best chance all year to replenish, restore and re-energize yourself. You also feel amazingly selfless this week. You're prepared to dedicate time to help others or work on behalf of an important cause. You want to help those who need your help. Some of you are also swooning with a secret love affair. Everything is so supportive now! Remember this when you need your patience at the end of the week dealing with children, romantic partners, and power struggles related to sports, show business and the hospitality industry. Gasp! Keep it all in perspective.