All Signs

The Farmer's Almanac has existed for several hundred years. They give advice on the weather, the phases of the Moon and times to plant, can food, cut hair and even set mouse traps. When I discovered them as a kid, I was intrigued. How could the Moon affect us? Why were there better times to cut hair for fast growth versus slow growth? Sounded magical. And goofy. And ignorant and superstitious. This week the New Moon ushers in the Chinese and Tibetan New Year. Every New Moon is a monthly chance to improve our lives. Without the impulse to eradicate what is harmful, and encourage what is positive - how can we be happy? Happy New Year of the Earth Mouse! (or the Rat.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Lucky you! The New Moon this week is one of the best times all year for you to examine your goals and long-term dreams for the future. Without some goals or a sense of direction, we would all be adrift! Think about what you want for yourself in the future. And consider this: anything that affects your mind, which in turn affects your choices, obviously influences your life and your happiness. Probably nothing affects your mind more than the people around you. Do you have quality friends? Never underestimate the power that your associates and chums have on your life!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Without question, this week is the strongest time in the entire year to set new intentions about your life direction in general. The future is going to happen to you whether you do anything or not. Time marches on and all that. Since it's obvious you're going to spend the rest of your life in the future, why not make a few menu choices? Don't just sit there hoping the kitchen can guess what you want. "Not liver again!" The purpose of life is to be happy. What direction do you need to aim for so that you can be the happiest? Keep in mind that you'll have lots of educational and travel opportunities this year.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You're the most curious, clever sign in the zodiac. Your quick mind jumps from topic to topic like lightning. You know a little bit about practically everything. You need freedom of movement and freedom of thought. "Don't Fence Me In" is your theme song. This week, this most auspicious New Moon urges you to think about what further education or training you can get to improve your life. What new experiences through travel, meeting new people and new cultures, or learning new skills and information will benefit you most? You love to learn! New information is like candy to you. What can you do to broaden your experience of the world?

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You're never casual about money, home, family and your domestic security. Basically, you're a nester and a nurturer. You take care of the rest of us. But who is going to take care of you? The New Moon this week is the perfect time for you to tie lay the groundwork in matters related to wills, inheritances, estates, and anything to do with insurance, taxes and debt. Think about what you share with others in terms of property and debt. Are you happy with the arrangement? What can you do to improve your life with respect to any of these areas? Whatever you do will give you greater peace of mind.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Ex-partners, close friends and current partnerships are a major focus for you now. We generally attract the people to us who confirm our belief about people, especially partnerships. If you believe people will always take advantage of you, you'll attract takers. How would you finish the sentence, "Every time I'm in a relationship ___." Or "The kind of person I end up with is ___." Think about this to help you to scrutinize your beliefs about partnerships. In a happy partnership, you will be as good for your partner as he or she is for you. The same applies for close friendships. What can you do to make this a reality?

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You're the sign of service. You feel greater self-respect and a warm feeling in your tummy when you do an excellent job that others need and appreciate. "It's a joy to labour for those you love." This week, which is such a strong time for new beginnings, is your perfect chance to set new intentions about how to make your work or your daily tasks more joyful and fulfilling. You will always work. You strive for perfection at all levels in your life. Do you have the right kind of tools to get the results you want? Be good to yourself! Give yourself the best support and assistance so that you can better support and assist others.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You're a schmoozer, a people person. You have a fine eye that appreciates architecture, the arts, and beauty in your surroundings. (Librans can actually get sick if they live in squalor.) Not only do you need the balance of beauty in your surroundings, you also need the balance of pleasure and play in your life in order to work effectively at whatever you do. That's what your symbol of the scales is really all about. Do you have enough playtime to balance your work time? Do you ever tap into your creative skills, the way a child does who freely draws, sings and dances? The more you strive to achieve a better balance between work, play and creativity - the happier you'll be.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Every Scorpio is unusually focused on home, family, real estate and domestic issues at this time. It's just what's happening. Old problems are cropping up. Delays and confusion with family and home are frustrating. This is the week to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and make some serious resolutions about how to improve your relations with family members, and how to improve where you live so that you love it more. It just has to be done. Home and family are the very basis of your life. It's a foundation that is forever, at least for you. When it is strong, it allows you to sally forth into the world with confidence and a relatively unfettered mind. Whatchyagonnado?

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

As the philosopher of the zodiac, you appreciate the power of the mind. You know that your mind literally creates your world. You understand that we don't see things as they are -- we see things as we are. The New Moon this week is your chance to think about how to improve relations with siblings and relatives. But more than that, it's your chance to hone and refine a more positive attitude so that you're a happier person in the future. Consider: first comes the thought, and from the thought springs the word. From the word springs the deed, and the deed soon becomes habit. Habit eventually hardens into character. Oops! That's why we're all responsible for our own face by the time we're 50. Gotta watch those thoughts.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You're working hard, in part because you know this year is a time of serious preparation for something wonderful in the near future. The New Moon this week is the best time all year for you to think about money. How do you handle your money? Are you taking care of your possessions? You feel guilty when you waste things; therefore, it's important for you to make an effort to keep whatever you own clean and well maintained. (If not, you beat yourself up about it.) You're very aware of the impression you create on others through money and possessions. (You can spot a Louis Vuitton at 10 paces.) How can you handle your resources better?

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

My, my. This special New Moon, and this special New Year of the Earth Mouse takes place in your sign! Woo, woo!Don't miss this opportunity to make at least one resolution or set a few intentions to improve your appearance, your image, and your relationships with partners, close friends and the general public. It's make-over time! Take a good look in the mirror. ( You never get a second chance to create a first impression.) Do you like what you see? Do you need to spruce up your wardrobe? Do you need to shed a few pounds? Will new glasses be a positive change? Check it out, Sid.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

The New Moon this week occurs in the most hidden, subtle, mysterious part of your chart. Quite literally, it affects your subconscious. Your inner sense of well-being is the key to your external happiness. Sounds obvious. In fact, it sounds kinda highfalutin. But what can you do about it? For starters, you can remind yourself that you only have the present moment. Everything else is a hope or fear about the future, or a memory about the past. That means you really only have to take care of right now. Literally! All of the little "nows" add to be your life. Quit thinking about so far down the road, or regretting the past. What about now? Take a deep breath and smile. Just for now.