All Signs

This week fiery Mars (ruler of war and aggression) opposes big daddy Pluto. Mars is all about ego. ("Me, me, me!") Pluto is Darth Vader. This opposition can be violent and ruthless,; but for most of us, it indicates power struggles. Stay away from dangerous places. Patient with others. Don't try to throw your weight around. Don't try to win. Rise above this impulse. Don't strike out at others. However, this week's column will touch upon what's good about 2008 for your sign, rather than focus on this week's power struggles. After all, there's bad news and good news. Let's just hear the good news. You can only live happily ever after on a day-to-day basis.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This year you can practically put your name up in lights. You definitely impress bosses and peers. And because important people are so impressed with you, in turn, you can expect a promotion or public recognition for what you do. Wonderful career opportunities will come your way this year. Work-related travel is likely. You are so confident! This is one of the times in your life when you're really in touch with what you can do. All these wonderful things are coming to fruition because moneybags Jupiter (ruler of luck and good fortune) is going to be at the top of your chart for the whole year. Yeehaw!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This is an unusually fortunate year for you because two major planets are in your fellow Earth signs. Jupiter is in Capricorn, and Saturn is in Virgo. This means you're all rowing in perfect synchronization! Both Jupiter and Saturn are supportive to your Sun in Taurus. This gives you an excellent chance to build up your physical strength. Meanwhile back at the airport, Jupiter brings you opportunities to travel and explore new experiences. Some will go back to school. Others will make great strides in publishing, the media, medicine, higher education and the law. If you're a writer or ever thought about writing -- now is your time.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You couldn't find a better year to go for a mortgage or ask a loan or benefit from the wealth of others. The universe owes you a favour and this is the year to collect. If you partner with others, you will benefit from their resources and their wealth. Therefore, enter relationships and partnerships. (The best labour saving device is a rich partner!) Pool your resources. Whatever changes occur are for the best. 2008 will definitely enrich your life and makes it more rewarding in the long run. You have survived a time of long psychological stress -- and this year is your healing process.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This year you're on the same wavelength with lucky, moneybags Jupiter. You might try to go after everything you want! However, you can't have everything (if you did, where would you put it?) This is the year to work with others to achieve what you want. Form working units. Elicit the cooperation of others. Needless to say, relationships are cozy, warm and joyful! All kinds of partnerships (both professional and intimate) are favoured. Singles can hook up with somebody who's slightly older or more established. Your respect for this person is one of the things that attracts you. Basically, you benefit from close friendships (as well as from having someone to nudge in the night.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Without question, your greatest good fortune comes to you this year in terms of your work and your health. Your job will improve fabulously! If you're in a mediocre, ho hum job, your job description will change to something far more interesting, or you'll get a better job. If you have a boss from hell, the clock is ticking. This person will be history in a matter of months. If you're unemployed, you couldn't pick a better time for at least 11 years to look for a job. If you're retired or just stinking rich you'll be pleased to know that you feel better! Your health is stronger, and you're happier about a lot of things. Small pets might become a source of joy. Woof!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is an extremely fortunate year for you because both lucky Jupiter and stern Saturn are in signs that strengthen you. And they both offer you different advantages. Jupiter makes this year fun-loving, full of romance and the time of parties, pleasure and enjoyment. You will definitely take a vacation. Many of you will fall in love or discover the love of your life. Relations with children will be rewarding and gratifying. These wonderful, fun things are prompted by a planetary aspect that occurs once every 12 years. Lucky you!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

In the coming year, you'll enjoy your home and your family scene more than you have for years! The details of what will transpire will be different for each of you; however, the bottom line will be the same. You'll love where you live. You'll have richer, warmer, more affectionate relations with family members. You'll feel happier in your private life. Your wealth will increase in terms of whatever you old at home, especially your real estate. This is the best year in 12 years for you to buy real estate or invest in real estate. Similarly, it's a wonderful year for you to invest in your home and do anything to improve it or enhance it. Whatever you do will be profitable in the future.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Lots of new people, friends, casual acquaintance and random contacts are going to come into your life this year. It's a bit of a whirlwind situation, but it's exciting. These contacts will expand your experience of the world as well as your ideas, attitudes, daily habits. So many new things are coming at you from so many directions, many of you will travel more than usual or take up some kind of study or return to school. Relationships with contacts, siblings and relatives are so warm and convivial that you might actually benefit financially -- even through a stranger! Your communications with everyone improve immensely. (I thought talk was cheap until I saw my phone bill.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This is your year of power, success, attainment and achievement! Bonus! And you're keeping score with money, assets and new possessions. However, since you're the philosopher of the zodiac -- consider this: In truth, what you attract to you now is what you actually value. With many people, it's money. If your highest values are more spiritual or emotional, then these are the areas that you will meaningfully expand in your life. You will also learn how to more skillfully manage your own possessions and holdings. You've got all the marbles -- so what you going to do now?

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

It's no exaggeration to say that you're the luckiest sign this year. If you've got it baby -- flaunt it. The last time Jupiter was in your sign was 1996. However, it's placement that year was not at all as strong as it is this year. Why? Because at that time, although Jupiter was in your sign bringing you wonderful good fortune, Saturn was in Aries making a harsh aspect to Jupiter. The two planets were not only not working together, they were actually "fighting" each other. In 2008, while Jupiter is back in your sign once again, this time Saturn is in Virgo, your fellow Earth sign. The two signs make a lovely trine which is a good thing. They will work beautifully together in tandem. This fortunate situation might not happen again this century. Therefore, get the lead out. Recognize that this is fortunate set of circumstances for you right now, today, this week, this month, this year. Don't dillydally or procrastinate.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

The area where you'll grow in the most positive, meaningful way is so subtle quite likely, you will be the only one who is aware of it. You're a shrewd observer of the human condition. More than most, you're aware of the social dynamics of society and the swinging pendulum of power. You care about planet Earth. You care about those who are disenfranchised, struggling for water and basic human rights. You understand the power of collective action, and what can be achieved by the joining hands of like-minded individuals. This year these things (for various reasons) really strike a chord within you. The result will be a growing compassion and respect for others - everywhere. You will make a difference somewhere.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

With the exception of some squabbles about shared property and debt, life will flow very easily for you this year. With little effort, you'll be able to do what you want to do and achieve your dreams. It's a wonderful year for growth in any area. In particular, relations with VIPs and people in power are excellent. It's a good year to make plans because you're optimistic, confident and thinking big! You're easy-going, generous and tolerant with others this year because that's just how you feel. You won't be easily irritated by people. A surprise raise, inheritance or major gift of some kind could occur. (This could be one of the reasons you're in such a great mood!)