All Signs

The Full Moon on Sunday the 23rd is spectacular. It's the only Full Moon in Cancer (the sign the Moon rules) which makes it more emotional than usual. But this time it's lined up with fiery Mars, and not only that - this little duo (the Full Moon and Mars) is opposing another twosome -- the Sun and Jupiter! It was a dark and stormy night, and somewhere in the distance two couples doing the tango dramatically confront each other on the dance floor. "Diego!" "Carmen!" "Alfonse!" "Evita!" Oh, oh. A bad case of pre-Christmas jitters. Last-minute shoppers are losing it. People are tense, emotionally dramatic and over-the-top! Don't be indulgent. Don't upset others. Remember: at the end of the game, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

There is definitely going to be some kind of tension, almost a showdown if you will (and hopefully you won't) between you and parents, bosses or family members. This is a given. Knowing this - how do you want to handle it? Do you want World War III on your hands? Of course not. There's enough tension during the holiday season as it is. But this planetary combo (see All Signs above) really adds to the seasonal tension. Remember this: you have a short fuse. You react without thinking. However, forewarned is forearmed. Use every emotional resource you have to be tolerant, understanding and patient. This will quell any storm. (But don't forget your umbrella.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This is a super accident prone time for you. Drive slowly. Be extra careful walking, jogging or cycling. Don't be hasty in your movements at home or at work. Slow down! This way you can avoid breakages (which includes your own bones as well as dishes and lamps.) Take your time and do things with care and extra thought. The same applies to your verbal exchanges with others. Think before you speak. "Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence." In fact, why not read Max Ehrmann's Desiderata on my web site? It's a totally cool thing to read right now. It has every bit of advice you need.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

For some reason, (who are we kidding? We know the reason.) your finances are in the toilet. Ka-woosh! Hear that money flushing away? It's almost impossible to avoid disputes about shared property, loans, who is responsible for what, who owes whom and for what and how much, and all that kind of thing. When the dust settles, (and it has to eventually) you might feel quite broke. This is sort of a joke because this year you're going to benefit from the wealth of others! But this week is another matter. It's a tough Full Moon. If you have any cash you should stash it under your mattress.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Oh my, oh my! On Sunday, the 23rd, the only Full Moon in your sign all year will occur. Furthermore, this Full Moon in Cancer is lined up with Mars (ruler of war and aggression) opposing the Sun which is aligned with Jupiter, a planet that is quite excessive about things. Relations with partners and close friends are going to be unusual and extremely memorable to say the least. Of course, it could be extremely positive or the stuff of B-movies. Know this: you are probably coming on too strong. So what if they don't appreciate your cooking? Lighten up. And don't run off and sulk somewhere. (Classic Cancer move) Sit up and be a person. This too, shall pass.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You might alienate others, especially those with whom you work (actually, the people you work with, damn that preposition!) Try not to overreact to this. Don't take allegations seriously. You can't keep all of the people happy all of the time. Quite likely, some self-defeating behavior patterns from your past are sabotaging your efforts to relate to others. (Don't suck your thumb in public. Not only is it frowned upon, you lose face - especially the chin part.) Cut some slack with others, especially those you work with. (Actually, those with whom you work.) As Churchill said, "This is the sort of thing up with which I shall not put."

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Yikes! Relations with children, dealings with the arts, any kind of association with sports, and most definitely all romantic relationships are hexed this week by a coven of witches living in a tiny island southeast of Haiti. You can run but you can't hide. Be patient with friends. Be patient with children. Be patient with lovers. Be patient with teammates. Be patient with people in show business. Be patient with people in the hospitality industry. And be patient with yourself. This whole scene is super stressed. Be kind to everyone. Be kind to you. They need it -- you need it.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Family disputes and differences with bosses, parents and authority figures (including the police) are a likely now. This will only distress you. More than any other sign, you like to have peace and harmony in your surroundings. (Even though you, yourself, can be quite argumentative. You're a beautiful debater! That's why so many of you end up in the legal profession.) Nevertheless, essentially, you want everyone to be nice to each other. Especially over a lovely dinner with good wine. Don't provoke anything. Whatever comes down the tube now will be as much as you can handle. Believe me! This is a challenging Full Moon. Don't mess with Mother Nature.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Now hear this. Now hear this. This is a highly accident prone time for you. Drive carefully. Jog carefully. Walk carefully. Speak carefully. Eat carefully. Shower and bathe carefully. Chew your food carefully. Ski carefully. Party carefully. Make love carefully. (A friend of mine broke her arm falling out of bed while she was having fun.) Don't tell people off. Don't blurt out the cruel truth. Don't reply with snide sarcasm. Don't lash back. Think twice before you sign anything, agree to anything, or teach, influence or coerce anyone about anything. Later in the week however, it's a good time to make plans. Someone older could help you.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Guard against impulsive actions with money and your finances. You might regret some impulse buying. Don't quit your day job. Don't insult others who could be beneficial to you in a financial or practical way. Avoid financial disputes. Don't give away the farm. Avoid discussions about shared property, inheritances, and how to use or disburse other people's wealth. This is a poor time to reach any kind of consensus or agreement about these things. Confusion about financial matters might tempt you to throw your cash around and pick up a big tab. Don't do it! Give everything a sober, second thought. Do you have a money tree in your backyard? I thought not.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

These are testy times with partners and friends. This can be a highly explosive week vis-à-vis your relations with others. You feel optimistic and exuberant and eager to talk to people. You have a lot you want to say. You're enthusiastic about life. But someone is definitely uncooperative, obstreperous and downright difficult to deal with! Don't get tangled up in fights with someone. This only makes things worse. It might feel like a temporary gratification, but you will only end up with egg on your face. You might have to eat crow pie later. (If so lots of whipped cream helps. I like to add a bit of crushed pineapple as well.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This is a tough Full Moon for your sign. For whatever reason, it seems to unearth a lot of old fears and feelings of inadequacy. It might even loosen some of your fillings. Because you're second-guessing yourself or you feel you're navel lint, you might be grumpy, uncooperative and Scrooge like. But hey -- this isn't you! You're a friendly schmoozer! You love to be in the pack and rubbing shoulders with everyone. All you can do is summon up your excellent abilities of diplomacy and detente. Keep the wolves at bay. Take the high road. Don't take offense at the comments of others. Be patient with lovers and children. And so it goes.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Difficulties with friends, or group you're dealing with, and possibly even with bosses and parents might arise now. Something's going to happen! You will definitely need to be more patient with children. The thing about kids is they have so much energy. They can wear you out. (I've got two wonderful children. And two out of five isn't bad.) Expectations can dictate our response to things. If you lower your expectations (for example: I hope I get out of this alive) then you won't be so disappointed when things go sideways or disturbances occur. You can expect difficulties with others to happen right now. People are impatient, frustrated and anxious about things. Many people feel lonely at this time of year. Just be kind. The more generous you are to others, the happier you'll feel.