Once a year Jupiter changes signs. Jupiter represents growth, increase, wealth, wisdom and success. Jupiter also has a social dimension; it rules the jurisprudent aspect of law. It's so gigantic all the planets in the solar system could fit inside it, and there would still be room for one flea and the heart of a Hollywood producer. It spends a year in each sign which means every 12 years we experience a shift of good luck, depending on where Jupiter touches our charts. Jupiter brings wisdom, riches, happiness or popularity. But it can also bring fat and weight gain. (Aaggh! Time to let out another pleat in my shower curtain.)
Your career looks fabulous! For the first time since 1996, Jupiter's back cruising along the top of your chart during 2008. But this time, its benefit is even stronger because of how it lines up with Saturn. You're going to find it easy to work with fierce determination in the coming year. And this is why you're going to receive accolades, praise, a raise, a promotion or public recognition for what you do, especially in your career. You'll be unusually confident! (Yeah, yeah, some will be overbearing.) Many of you will have increased work-related travel or change your work to medicine, healing, the law, higher education or travel and dealing with foreign countries. Take a bow!
You're looking at a fabulous year ahead because this week Jupiter moves into Capricorn, the Sun moves into Capricorn, and Saturn continues its way in Virgo. Do you care? Yes, you do! All this activity is taking place in your fellow Earth Signs. You guys hang together! What's good for the swarm is good for the bee. Everything will be unusually supportive and copasetic for you. Your life will unfold much more smoothly and easily. Expect opportunities to travel or go back to school. Philosophy, metaphysics and religion will intrigue you. ("I've been celibate for a year, am I a born-again virgin?") Lookin' good!
My dear, I'm sure you're wondering what this shift of Jupiter means for Gemini. Let's just say you'll be laughing all the way to the bank. This is the year where you will benefit from the wealth of others. Join in the chorus -- "Ooooh how the money poured in." Inheritances, gifts, practical assistance, the use of other people's property, money back from the government, and all other kinds of goodies will come your way. This is the best year in 12 years to go for a loan or a mortgage. Metaphorically, the coffers of the world are open to you! Do get out of bed. Make sure people know how to find you. Your partners will earn more as well.
In the next year, you're going to be very happy working professionally with someone, or hanging out with someone, or having someone to nudge in the night. It's all wonderful, warm and cozy. Basically, your relationship with a partner or close friend is going to make you happier! In fact, people from all walks of life can help you in 2008, especially experts, personal counselors, doctors, astrologers, even lawyers. (I've got a lawyer named Sue.) You might strike up a new relationship with someone from another country or different background. A close relationship will have a consciousness expanding effect on you. If you marry, your partner will be older and richer. (Sounds good to me.)
All this activity in Capricorn makes you focus on your job right now; but Jupiter's influence will continue for the 12 to 18 months. What this means for your sign is simply this: your job is going to fabulously improve in 2008. If it doesn't fabulously improve, then you're going to get a different job which is fabulous. And if you have a boss from hell right now, that boss is going to be history very soon, in order to make way for your new, fabulous boss to arrive. Let's go for better pay as well - hey - why not fabulous pay! You're going to be so happy in your work! Naturally, this spills over to your general well-being, and your health improves as well. Fabulous!
Now that things are starting to improve at home and with your real estate situation (and believe me, you paid your dues) - it's time for your good fortune to really blossom in terms of pleasure and fun. In the coming year, it's your turn to party! Romance, love affairs, entertaining diversions, social occasions, the theatre, the arts, sports and all that fun stuff is going to totally flourish. You'll definitely take a vacation. You're going to enjoy playful activities with children. Working with children will be rewarding. Show business and creative projects are blessed. It's all fun, fun, fun stuff! (Aren't you glad you read this column?) You have to hustle to get your wardrobe in order! Think sequins!
As Jupiter changes signs now, it will bring increasing good fortune (during the next 18 months) to everything related to your home, your family relationships and your real estate in general. You're going to really appreciate where you live. You'll be buying tasteful tschoskies, art, furniture, lamps, linens and constantly rearranging the furniture. Next summer, you'll really do it up big with flowers. You'll love entertaining, especially family members. Speaking of family, suddenly everyone is cozy. You actually appreciate each other. And while you all gather at the fire eating homemade fudge, the value of your real estate is increasing! (2008 is the best year to buy or speculate in real estate for over a decade.)
Prepare yourself for an increasingly busy 12 to18 months ahead. The pace of your life is going to quicken because you have more things to do, more people to please, more responsibilities to handle, and more choices about who to talk to. Yes it's busy, but it's fun busy! Basically, Jupiter (whom the Romans called Jove, hence the term jovial) will have the effect of making you happier, more optimistic, and more hopeful about your future. Therefore, even though you're running around with an outboard on your ass, you're stoked! In particular, relations with siblings and relatives will improve. It's all good.
One of the best things that can help any get-rich-quick scheme is to have Jupiter on your side. (Hey! Jupiter rules your sign.) Jupiter rules wealth; and to be more specific, the increase or magnification of wealth. And this is just what you can expect in the next 18 months. For the first time since 1996-97, Jupiter is slowly moving through your House of Earnings. Ka-ching! Your cash flow will increase with more money coming in as well is more money going out. But at a subtler level, what you're really doing is actualizing or manifesting in your life whatever it is that you value. In other words, what you want the most just might arrive. Poof! Therefore, be careful what you ask for.
Well, you are definitely the big winner this year. The last time Jupiter entered your sign was in January 1996. It stayed there for a year, and then moved on. But it's back again! Jupiter will increase your opportunities in every area of your life, and at the same time, magnetize people and resources that are helpful and important to you. The year ahead will be especially fortunate for you in personal terms. Your relationships with others will improve. Your confidence will increase. Your kids won't get cavities and your deodorant will never fail. This is the beginning of a major cycle of growth in your life. You're about to discover who you really are. (Why not save time and check your ID.)
You need a little down time right now. You've got a lot to think about and an opportunity to work alone or behind the scenes will give you a chance to do this. For each sign, I have discussed Jupiter's influence for the year 2008. Its influence on you is the most subtle, but perhaps the most important in the long run. You will undergo experiences that touch your heart and help you to develop greater compassion for others. You're going to become a kinder, more caring, more selfless individual. The demands of your ego will be less exacting. You will genuinely want to help others. ("I cried because I had no shoes, then I met a man with no laptop!")
For the next year, your dance card is full. People will be begging you to return their calls. Your popularity will soar because everyone wants to see your face. Your name is on everyone's lips. (Be careful here.) Friends and groups can really help you now. Your interaction with others will be a direct benefit you. Your idealism is aroused. This is the best year for you to share your ideas, dreams and goals with others. Their feedback will help. There's just one caveat: if the improvements in your life don't help others as well as yourself, your changes will be short-lived and less dramatic. Capice? (Spread the joy.)