Pluto is all about transformation: death, rebirth and regeneration. Pluto digs deep and reveals the darkest secrets about things. When Pluto leaves a sign, it dramatically reveals all nuances of that sign. In 1995, Pluto left Scorpio, which rules, crime, sex, jealousy, police detection, spying, locks, and secrets plus plumbing, jewelry, medicine, psychology, and death. That's when the OJ Simpson trial rocked the world. Pluto is now leaving Sagittarius, and this week on Dec. 11, it lines up with Jupiter the ruler of Sagittarius. (Not to occur again until 2224.) Essentially, this is a time of healing for the world. Most of 2008 will reflect this. So -- is the glass half empty, half-full, or just twice as large as it needs to be?
At this time, something (or many things) will occur to shift your belief system, your attitudes about religion, politics and the world in general. This is your chance to shed some prejudices and faulty viewpoints. Something might help you truly appreciate somebody else's situation. You genuinely grasp what it is to walk a mile in their wedgies. This could apply to an individual, a group or even a country. Your own personal zeitgeist as it were, is shifting. (This is unusual and very important.) Because we are what we believe, if your beliefs change, it means you are changing too. (My sobering belief is that I'm now a size 14.)
You're dealing with the values of others, and how you incorporate those values with your values, which are not the same. How much can you trust other people? Because you share possessions, debt, property and the ownership of things with others -- trust is important. You need their trust; and you need to trust them. Similarly, what is the role that sexual intimacy now plays in your life? A hot anticipation or a fond, distant memory? It's time to scrutinize how things manifest in your life. How do your good moments come to you? Is it random, or are you part of the equation? If it is cause and effect -- do you know the cause? "Elementary, my dear Watson."
Partnerships and close friendships might create some internal anxiety within you now. Are you truly loved? Do you feel supported by those you care about? Your biggest questions now are not so much external as internal. More than any other sign, you seek your soul mate. You're a twin, and you're always looking for someone to complete yourself. This Jupiter/Pluto conjunction triggers doubts you have in this area. But because this is an internal rather than external thing, the doubts are your doubts. They are based less on external things and more on your own sense of self love. The more you love yourself, the more you'll realize that others love you, too. How could they resist?
You're a nurturing, practical sign. Many would be surprised to know how mechanical you are as well. You can do so many things! This is why your help or service to others is in practical, useful ways. You do things. You cook, clean, garden, repair or build things to show others you care. Something might occur now that makes you wonder if you're being a sucker about all this. Are you being used? Are you being taken advantage of? I say -- let this go. If your good intentions and kind caring are taken for granted, this doesn't reflect on you. It just shows where others are at. Your positive actions are not less: your motivation to help is sincere. Good on ya!
Lots of changes taking place! Parents are undergoing changes with children. And not only children, but you're also undergoing with romantic interests as well. You're becoming more honest. You're more in touch with your strength, your creative potential, and your ability to delight in life. Whee! The degree to which you feel confident about these things determines how they will manifest in your life now and through 2008. Be the best you can be! You deserve romantic love, creative opportunities, joy with children and entertaining fun! Of course, you're not perfect. Who is? (I've only met three perfect people in my life and I didn't like any of them.)
Yes, happiness is a loving, caring, supportive family living in another city. You're working extremely hard now to make improvements at home and within your family. And this is where your payoff is. But don't work to the point of exhaustion. You count, too! And if you don't take care of yourself, you'll be of no use to anyone. Virgo is the sign of service. You know it's a joy to labour for those you love. But the sense of belonging, and the sense of domestic security you want now depends less on your physical surroundings, and more on your emotional intimacy with your home and family. What you do now (and in 2008) will ensure that you'll never feel alone or alienated again.
You're a diplomatic, socially skilled individual who is sensitive to your environment. (Lighting, colours, smells, furniture arrangements .) Because you're eager to keep everyone happy, and loath to say anything that upsets others, your contractual agreements with people can become a mess! You'll procrastinate endlessly rather than confront someone (even a store or a company) with something unpleasant. Later, you beat yourself up for losing money, making bad deals, putting things off because you stalled forever. Stop this punishment! Everybody's hiding something in their closet. Just move on. You're the most charming sign in the zodiac.
Your ruler Pluto is now lined up with Jupiter the planet of wealth. This triggers changes in your relationship to money, your possessions, and how you earn your money and acquire your possessions. You might decide to give up a lot in order to feel "richer". Let all that deadweight go! New ways of earning money as well as new ideas of just how much money you need are bubbling in your mind. Money is energy. It makes things happen. What's the point of having a lot of money if you don't spend it? You're developing a new respect for money, and at the same time, losing a fear about not having enough. ("Am I going to end up being a bag lady?") Happiness is having what you want. (Not everything you never needed.)
This Pluto transit has been huge. It began in 1995 and ends in 2008-09. Enormous changes to partnerships and friendships have transpired. These changes created further changes in your image, your appearance, your personality, and your style of relating to the world. ("Like my Mohawk?") Although Pluto will put you through the ringer, ultimately, it is trying to create a superior result. The journey of the hero is never easy. You accept the challenge, you leave your comfort zone, you fight your battles, you find your 'reward' and you bring it home. How frustrating when people refuse or cannot see what's good for them! (Being smart isn't easy.)
You have experienced loss after loss since 1995. Painful loss after loss. And what was it all for? Who better than you understands the notion of 'no pain, no gain'? Having survived your journey through the dark night of the soul, you're stronger than ever before in your life. You know you've got what it takes. This is huge. It's like having survived a rite of passage. You've gone to the depths and tested your scariest fears. And you're still here. ("What doesn't kill me only makes me stronger.") Actually, isn't this the basis of a vaccine? Consider yourself inoculated! You can handle anything that's ahead of you. (Unless they discontinue your favourite perfume.) Why? Why?
Traditionally, your sign is associated with friendship. You work well with others, getting things done through the collective energy of everyone. Individual friendships are important to you. You're also a very goal oriented sign. If you don't know where you're headed, you get uneasy. Pluto's 13 year transit has totally affected how you relate to friends and groups. It's also affected your goals. You don't want to bother with "energy takers" or superficial relationships anymore. Life is too short for that. You know now that real friends are very few indeed. The groups that appeal to you now will have meaningful goals -- goals to make the world a better place. (Good idea since this is all we've got.)
Ever since 1995, you've been searching for a meaningful direction in life. As time passed, your ambition increased even if you weren't sure of its focus. One of the things you've been grappling with is your relationship to authority. How much will you kowtow to it? How much should you rebel? Quite likely, you were brutalized by authority figures at some point during this time. You suffered at the hands of ignorant people with power. (Shudder.) Hopefully, this made you more compassionate as well as stronger. You did not fall by the wayside. (At least, you bounced back.) Now you're on track. (Platform nine and three quarters.) Bon voyage!