Most people think they are just their astrological "sign". But your "sign" is just where the Sun was when you were born. There's much more! For example, all babies born on Sunday, November 25, will have their Sun in Sagittarius, their Moon in Virgo (or Libra, depending on how late in the day) and they'll have Mercury in Scorpio, Venus in Libra, Mars in Cancer, Jupiter in Sagittarius, Saturn in Virgo, Uranus in Pisces, Neptune in Aquarius and Pluto in Sagittarius. Quite a mouthful! Your chart looks like a pizza cut into 12 pieces. The planets are like pieces of sausage on the pizza; and according to time of day of the birth, the pizza wheel turns changing the pattern of sausages. Every pizza (or chart) looks different. Cogito ergi quattro formaggi. Therefore, I think this pizza has four cheeses.
Could it be that you're on your best behavior this week? Something is flowing quite beautifully to make all your exchanges with partners and close friends gracefully charming and warmhearted. You want to help others by doing whatever is necessary. You feel unusually selfless and giving. You're quick to be sympathetic and supportive. You're not concerned about your own needs; you simply want to benefit others. With this attitude, people are putty in your hands. They love you and want to be in your presence. This is pretty heavy stuff. But it's simply illustrates that your style of relating either attracts people to you or makes them run away.
This can be an extremely pleasant week at work. It starts out very nicely, and it ends just as nicely. Coworkers are helpful and mutually beneficial to each other. There seems to be more humanity present in important decisions. By the end of the week, the support you want from others is forthcoming. This could be in the form of direct help or favours of money, increased budgets, more equipment, and whatever support you need to do your job. People, including bosses and VIPs, are sympathetic to your needs. You're actually happy to go to work -- it's almost more fun than fun!
This is a wonderful week for romance, love affairs, playful activities with children, the arts, the entertainment world, and the hospitality industry. And let us not forget sports! You're enjoying all kinds of fun stuff. Indeed, you're happy to be alive. Accept invitations to party. Feel free to flirt. New love will blossom for some. Existing relationships will become sweeter and more fun loving and romantic. Buy flowers or gifts for loved ones. If you're invited somewhere, arrive bearing gifts of food and drink or candles and flowers. Do whatever you can to promote good times in every situation you encounter. When things are good, go with the flow because there's no time like the pleasant.
You will truly enjoy time spent at home or with family members this week. All things domestic will give you a warm feeling in your tummy. This is also a great week to do some redecorating, renovating or tweaking to make your home look more beautiful. By all means, entertain at home. Invite the gang over. Relations with parents and family members are pleasantly sympathetic now. People feel good about each other; and in particular, others are amazed at your energy and drive to get things done. This is also a great week for real estate matters or exploring real estate speculation. You can't go wrong!
You're oh so charming this week. You'll enjoy schmoozing, socializing and talking to others, especially relatives and siblings. All your dealings will be pleasant and delightful. You find it easy to express your affection for people, and they love this because everyone loves to be loved. It's a good week to form working units or any kind of partnerships, or to sign contracts. You're friendly, playful and enthusiastic. Part of your enthusiasm is because you see how much love there is in your daily world. Kind of mind blowing, isn't it? Enjoy beauty in your everyday surroundings. Be a tourist in your own city. Make an effort to enjoy the great outdoors. (Outdoors is where the car is.)
Wundebar! Things are looking very good financially speaking. That's great because money is so handy when you want to buy something. Trust your moneymaking ideas. Business and commerce are favoured now. You're also spending money. You're buying elegant, luxurious goodies; and -- good for you -- you're also buying things for people who have less than you. (True generosity is giving what is needed.) Because what goes around comes around, your moneymaking ideas and investments will certainly pay off, especially in terms of real estate and increasing the value of your home through renovations and improvements.
This is a marvelous week! Fair Venus is in your sign, and on Monday, it makes a lovely aspect to Neptune which heightens your interest in the arts, and your appreciation of your own creative talents. It will also make your relations with children very sweet and caring. And it enhances your romantic relationships in a sweet, affectionate way. ("She was love in shoes.") Others will view you as especially kind and sympathetic. Then by the end of the week on Sunday, Venus meets another lovely aspect to lucky Jupiter (shee!) making you feel benevolent, content and at peace with the world. New friendships are heartwarming. Legal affairs are blessed. You're secretly amazed at how good your life is.
This week you continue to be focused on money and financial issues. You're thinking a lot about earning money as well as spending it. You're also putting more energy into publishing, the media, higher education, medicine and the law. Mercury in your sign makes you effective in all your communications, and eager to communicate to others. However, while all this is going on, privately, in your deeper, inner being, something is happening that makes you feel a renewed faith in your life. You feel happy inside, and perhaps even serene and content. As strange as this sounds, I think your feelings of well-being and benevolence to others will ultimately boost your income. Crazy, but true.
By nature, you're upbeat, breezy and friendly. You're very good with the pitter-patter. You keep things light; you make others smile. This week you're definitely in your element. Relations with friends, groups, classmates and working colleagues are super friendly and mutually supportive. No doubt, you will go out of your way to help others if they need it. Like the domino effect, this sets in motion a train of events where others are not only delighted to receive your help, they in turn, send good things your way! This whole thing could turn into love-fest or mutual admiration society. (When others offer to help you or benefit you in return -- accept their generosity! How else can they have a chance to be generous?)
This is a marvelous week for your sign because you care about public opinion. You care about your reputation. You care what other people think about you. And this week, people view you in the highest esteem! Your public persona is one of generosity, sympathy and kindness toward others. Bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs will admire you. For some, this could lead to a romantic entanglement with your boss. Hmmm. Others will get praise and possibly a raise. You will certainly have an opportunity to spend money on luxury, and at the same time spend money in a charitable way as well. Mars continues to be opposite your sign stirring up tension with partners and close friends. Oh well.
Your appreciation of beauty is definitely heightened this week. You will truly enjoy seeing art in galleries and museums, or appreciating the arts and crafts that others create. Similarly, you will appreciate literature, architecture, photography and any other creative effort you find. Travel for pleasure is likely. Some of you will join forces with others to make something better or to alleviate pain and suffering in distant places. Publishing and education plus medical and legal matters are favoured now. Romance with someone from another culture or different background is likely. You're intrigued by new people who are different from you. ("Greetings Earthing. Take me to your leader.")
This is your turn to really clean up. Generosity in many forms is coming to you now. Family members, friends, and organizations, as well as professional associations and coworkers are all sources of gifts, goodies, raises, praise and assistance. It's as if the universe owes you a favour! In turn, you're willing to help those who are more needy than you. (Just as others are willing to help you if you are in need.) In your private life, romance is sweet, affectionate and very caring. New love that begins now will be particularly intense and gratifying. (Have you heard that Woody Allen sold his memoirs of his love life to Parker Brothers? They're going to make a game out of it.)